She's Alive!! She's Alive!!


Jun 13, 2007
1970...1150...wiring gone yesterday...lots of patients...alot of wire...a little inganuity...and ALOT of luck. She fired up about 15 minutes ago...didn't run her...just tried to see if she would fire and she did hit a lick. Now have to hook up the tilt and trim motor to the new quicksilver pre-rig, get the gas tank back in and hooked up...put muffs on...and see is she'll run. Thats tommorrow...going to try to get the trim done tonight...THANKS!! to everyone that has helped the last day or so on it. Thanks ALOT to oldmerc, for talking me into trying it out this morning...I was just about to go take pics of it and put her for parts on ebay...gald I didn't now! Thanks again!!