set back plate or jack plate


Jun 13, 2005
I have a G3 185FS with a Yamaha 150 4 stroke. I would really like to have more bow lift at cruising speeds and move the wake back past the driver's position. I have tried lots of combinations with various SS and aluminum props, transom wedges at various motor height positions. I have fine tuned it some but still not where I would like it.

I posted a few times during these experiments and at some point it was recommended to try setting the motor back using a plate. Over the winter I have done some research on plates.

Would someone give me a starting point as far as setback distance and is there any advantage to a jack plate? Up here we don't run shallow water. If we do end up there it's usually by mistake and it leaves a mark!

Thanks again.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: set back plate or jack plate

I would be more apt to use trim tabs. That is a heavy motor and I think trim tabs would best serve your needs.

If I understand you right your main concern is at "cruising" speed which is probably around 30 mph for you.


Jun 13, 2005
Re: set back plate or jack plate

Your right, cruising speed is 30 - 34 mph. In previous posts when looking for ideas a number of replies indicated that trim tabs would do nothing for bow lift. In fact they advised that trim tabs main purpose was to lower the bow and raise the stern???????


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: set back plate or jack plate

What you are looking for is a different ride. If the stern is lifted the power will keep the bow out.

Just keep this in mind too..... the utopia you are seeking...... may not be possible.

You could save your money and just shift weight around.


Jun 13, 2005
Re: set back plate or jack plate

Yes it is a different ride I am looking for. Shifting the weight is much easier said than done. I don't have a lot of options without some major renovations as the space is pretty well used at this point.

Anybody else with advice or experience on the plates?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 5, 2009
Re: set back plate or jack plate

I usually just tell the Admiral to go forward....


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 21, 2007
Re: set back plate or jack plate

You want a 6-8 inch set back.

Adjustable plates are great because you can adjust them.

They come where you use a wrench to adjust them manually or either electric or hydraulic so you can adjust them on the fly.

Since your not running shallow your most likely going to set it and forget it so a manual one should be fine.

Look at Bob's machine and TH marine.

Of course a fixed bracket or set back plate will work just fine too, your just limited in adjustment.

Remember to raise your motor to probably anti vent plate is two inches above the bottom of the hull to start and don't trim out the motor as much.

You don't need as much trim to fly the bow with the setback allowing more of the power to push the boat forward.

I'm not familiar with your boat does it have a pad or a notched transom?

If it doesn't have a pad you may find you want some tabs anyway to combat chine walking.


Jun 13, 2005
Re: set back plate or jack plate

Thanks very much NSBCraig. I think I will check and see how much room I have with the control cables and see if I can go 8 inches back. I will have to decide if the manual adjusting plate is worth the extra money. the ability to move the motor up and down in small increments is appealing. The G3 is a deep V aluminum boat. Thanks again.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 27, 2009
Re: set back plate or jack plate

I have an 1860 Crestliner with a 90 Merc on the back and a hydraulic jack plate. It has 5 1/2" set back with 5" up and down travel. I have my motor mounted to where the cavitation plate is even with the bottom of the boat with the jack plate all the way down. When cruising to WOT I run the jack plate 2/3 to 3/4 up and the motor trimmed back a little. Planes good there and all wake is at the back of the boat. I had to mess with motor mounting position and where to run the plate a lot to find the sweet spot for my boat. I would have had a hard time with a fixed plate.


Jun 13, 2005
Re: set back plate or jack plate

Thanks for the info Ram. That's the kind of ride I'm looking for, the sweet spot. I'm going to start with 6 inches back and have to decide on which plate would be best.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 27, 2009
Re: set back plate or jack plate

Are you planning on a fixed or adjustable plate? I run my plate down to get up on plane and then adjust up to get the optimum ride. With the plate down I can't trim the motor to bring the front of the boat up, I have to raise the plate and trim the motor. That's why I said I would have had a hard time with a fixed plate. I probably never would have figured it out. I'm going to try to go out for a while today. I'll try leaving the plate in the higher position and see what it does for a holeshot. I'll let you know.