reverse problems on mercruiser 1985 alpha 1


May 11, 2012
Hey everyone, I'm resending this thread because all the responses were deleted. I tried adjusting the shift cable every which way,including moving the clamp up the small slot in different positions, & I followed a U-tube video on cable adjustments while having a second person at the prop to check and can easily get strong foward but no reverse. Took lower off and found that when I firmly held the shift spindle in one direction I could get reverse but if I backed off just slightly I lose it. With foward it seems a lot easier to get in gear and I can back off the shifter right much and still have foward. While I have lower unit off how can I check to see if gears or clutch dogs need replacement. I got serveral responses with what to check and a reference to a trouble shooting site which I hope will be re-posted. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks Paul