Remote hardrive ID10T error


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
This is really an SHT, but I am putting it here in case I can save somebody some time . . . I just swapped work notebooks (those of you paying attention will recall a certain coffee incident :rolleyes: ) I have a Western Digital Passport remote hard drive that I use for back-up and figured that I would use it to transfer all of my files over to the new PC. So I used the Sync feature that comes with the drive to load the files, and to my dissapointment all of the files now carried the same date: 5/3/2007 . . . I have almost 10 years of history, and date is my most usefull search tool, so this really sucked. Well I went to WD's support site to see if there were some tips there on how to fix this. Couldn't find anything, but I did find a Warning: This is not backup software and SHOULD NOT be used as backup software.

Well I'm thinking I am prettty sure that's why I bought the stupid thing, what a POS :mad: So I talk to our IT guys, and they have me try something and it doesn't work, so it's back to scratchin' me arse . . . So I try sending 20 Gigs of stuff over our VPN to the servers about 17 times and they all abort, or I lose the connection, or whatever, so I start scratchin' again. Then yesterday I decide, "F" it, I'm just gonna burn all of this to CDs and get it over with. I spent the whole day burning and copying, burning and copying, b & c, b & c. It works fine, I'm happy, all's good.

So then comes today. I realize that I didn't copy my Outlook 3 gig archive file over, so I start thinking about how to do that. Since it's one file, the CD thing didn't seem right, so I immediately thought of the hardrive again knowing that the date change thing didn't matter with this file. Well for some reason the first thing I did was simply drag and drop the file on the F: drive letter in My Computer for the WD drive. Bingo, great, 3 minutes, done. So I copy it onto the other PC when I think to check the date of the new file for fun. It is the same date/time as the one on the old PC :confused: And then it hits me. It is the SYNC software that they are saying not to use for backup, not the drive . . . And if I had simply grabbed the My Documents folder and dragged it to the hardrive in the first place, it would've worked fine. I'd have been done in less than an hour . . . :eek: What a flippin' dumbarse!! Moral of story? Read the damn warning literally!!!


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Remote hardrive ID10T error

Most problems occur between the back of the chair and the keyboard, is what I like to say Kevin. :) Glad you got it worked out!!!


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Remote hardrive ID10T error

"Stupid is as stupid does" HA! I am not laughing AT you, Kev, I am laughing WITH you! When I got my WD external HD I tried their synch software - used it one and it has been copy and paste ever since! I feel your pain.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Remote hardrive ID10T error

FWIW can anybody explain what the flyin' flip the Sync software is supposed to achieve? The only benefit I can think of is that when you run a "Sync" it only copies the files that have been added or changed. But all back-up software does this right? What's the point?