Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation


Dec 28, 2008
Had only a couple of freezes, noting too hard. Went to winterize. Pulled the drain plug from the block and the one from the manafold. Filled with antifreeze. Pulled the back plug to fog the cylinder and antifreeze rdrained out of the spark plug hole. The engine ran good the last time we used the boat a couple of months ago. Well I am thinking it might be one of the following: cracked head, blown head gasket, or the block. What do you folks think? Any input would be helpful before I go to pull the head off. Thank you, :confused:


Dec 21, 2004
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

...Well I am thinking it might be one of the following: cracked head, blown head gasket, or the block....

More likely a failed exhaust manifold.


Dec 28, 2008
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

More likely a failed exhaust manifold.
That would be a relief. I hope. Does anyone have instructions on how to replace the manifold and source to pruchase?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

Sure would be helpful to know what your working on. Engine model, year, make, drive type. Trust me, it's not just "A Boat"


Dec 28, 2008
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

Sure would be helpful to know what your working on. Engine model, year, make, drive type. Trust me, it's not just "A Boat"
1986 Sprint Bow Rider, 3.0LX Alpha One MercCruiser I/O


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 24, 2009
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

E-bay is a good place to find new manifolds and risers, I got a set of glm manifolds and risers for a v-8 merc for less than 500 bucks. Everywhere else they were closer to 700. And yes they were new.

Also im pretty sure you can get them right here on iboats.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

Well, let's begin with the basics.. How did you fill it with antifreeze? I know when my engine froze I took out the plug atop the manifold to pour in antifreeze. This, to my surprise, was the vacuum port and lead directly to the cylinders. Any chance you followed my lead on that 'oops' maneuver?

Second, "Had only a couple of freezes, noting too hard. Went to winterize.".. Does this mean there was a night below 32F and it was not yet winterized? The difference between -400F and 31F is nada. Water is frozen at both temps. Kinda like "A little dead" and "A lot dead".. Let's hope nothing was seriously damaged, I wasn't so lucky last year and many aren't so lucky every year.

Moving forward, turn the engine over with the plugs out so it sprays out the water, then spray in some WD40 and crank them again. Then fog them as usual. I hate seeing anyone freeze their engine, as it's a painful lesson to learn.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 21, 2009
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

Pressure test the block and manifold


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 3, 2009
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

The difference between -400F and 31F is nada. Water is frozen at both temps. Kinda like "A little dead" and "A lot dead"..

I was thinking the exact same thing and didn't know how to word it. You hit the nail right on the head...

Whats the difference between a little freeze and a big freeze???

I got a set of glm manifolds and risers for a v-8 merc for less than 500 bucks.

I would use OEM manifolds You get what you pay for with GLM. The one you have on there now lasted this long why would you go cheaper and take chances???

I would start by pressure testing. The damage is done, now comes the fun part...

T-Bone Coug

Seaman Apprentice
Sep 6, 2009
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

Whats the difference between a little freeze and a big freeze???

For those who don't apparently understand physical chemistry:

Water takes time to freeze. It might reach 32 deg F, but if it's only for a few minutes (a small freeze) then water may not freeze. It depends on: a) volume of water involved; and b) how long it stays below freezing.

While I would never advise allowing to a boat to see any freezing temps before winterization, let's not give a guy the 3rd degree for knowing the physical properties of water. ;)


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

Whats the difference between a little freeze and a big freeze???


A Little Freeze, it gets to 28? for a few hours,+ the coreplugs push out, when it warms again, it drains itself....

A Big Freeze, it gets to 30?,+ just Don't get higher, then Dropping...
That's when blocks Crack....

benchmark, Posts: 25,000

fat fanny

Lieutenant Commander
Feb 9, 2006
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

Congrats Bondo allot of good info and help in those 25 grand! Thanx for being there.
Also for all of those who assume that a few freezes will be ok I learned that hard lesson with my 3.0LX and will never make that mistake again with an improper winterization. Be preparared to put your boat up for good and end the season correctly so you can have another great following season think it trough and be thourough.

Lou C

Supreme Mariner
Nov 10, 2002
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

I've filled my manifolds with AF every year and never had a problem...but these are the one piece OMC Batwings and one good thing about them is there is no riser gasket to leak...the only things that could cause this are either a leaky riser gasket or a leak (corrosion) in the manifold itself....
And as far as freezing...There is no such thing as a little freeze...if it starts to freeze and the engine/manifolds are still full of expands with no place to go...yes it will expand more with more time under 32 but your're playing with fire (ICE LOL) here...
I have to say anyone who doesn't take this seriously....should forget about I/Os and GET AN OUTBOARD....PUT THE ENGINE DOWN AND NO WORRIES....


Dec 28, 2008
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

Well, let's begin with the basics.. How did you fill it with antifreeze? I know when my engine froze I took out the plug atop the manifold to pour in antifreeze. This, to my surprise, was the vacuum port and lead directly to the cylinders. Any chance you followed my lead on that 'oops' maneuver?

I have attached a picture of where I filled with anti freeze. One place was the plug on top of the manifold. Also removed the hose that goes from the top of the manifold to the neck on the thermostat. Filled at both locations. I am hoping that the plug on top of the manifold was a vacuum port and the antifreeze filled the cylinder from there and that something else was not cracked.


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Bt Doctur

Supreme Mariner
Aug 29, 2004
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

There are no plugs removed on the top of a manifold to add A/F. You removed a vac. port plug.
Pull all the spark plugs, spin the motor to clear the cylinders, re-start the motor to dry the cylinders and re-fog and re-fill with A/F.This time just remove the bottom manifold drain plug ,let drain, re-install plug, fill from the hose connection on the front of the manifold till it comess out the exaust .Dont forget to do the block drain too.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 27, 2004
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

Yep, That` the vacuum on my i-6


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 27, 2009
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

dont for get to change the engie oil because I am sure antifreeze went past the rings and put some AF in your oil pan.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 3, 2009
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

This reminds me of a story when I worked at an auto repair shop. I got a call from a guy that thought he had a hole in his engine because he put over a case of oil in the "oil cap thingy" and its not filling up. I told him please dont start the engine. He even filled the power steering pump completly to the top as well. You live and ya learn...


Dec 28, 2008
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

I am relived.
Filled the fuel tank and poured in Stabil.
Turned it over a few times with the plugs out to blow any antifreeze out.
Sprayed WD40 in the the cylinders.
Replace the plugs.
Started the engine and ran it for about 20 minutes to bring it up to temperature.
It ran well.
Fogged the engine.
Changed the oil and filter.
Drained the water from the block and heat exchanger.
Filled with anti freeze (not through the vacuum port).
Check the rear cylinder and there was no antifreeze in it.
Thanks to everyone for your input


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 23, 2009
Re: Rear Cylinder Full Of Antifreeze After Winteriazation

For those who don't apparently understand physical chemistry:

Water takes time to freeze. It might reach 32 deg F, but if it's only for a few minutes (a small freeze) then water may not freeze. It depends on: a) volume of water involved; and b) how long it stays below freezing.

While I would never advise allowing to a boat to see any freezing temps before winterization, let's not give a guy the 3rd degree for knowing the physical properties of water. ;)

You don't seem to know the properties either. It's not time, you must remove further heat from water to let it freeze. Water will not automatically freeze because it is 32 degrees. Water can sit at 32 degrees for eternity and not turn to ice if no additional energy is lost. The energy that must be lost or gained to convert it from a solid to a liquid is called the latent heat of fusion. Once it is at 32 degrees, how much additional energy is lost determines how much of the water is converted to ice and vice versa.