"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it."


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Does this title seem eeriely famaliar?

Seems likely to be the adopted creed of one who is liable to receive votes from half the deluded populace.

Not exactly the kind of person that my 'salt of the earth' parents would have wanted to have at their dinner table.

Definitely not of the character that I would want to see leading this great nation.

I ask you why is it that today's Liberals have to hide from their true identity, character and philosophy?

[colour=red]Reading Hillary Rodham's hidden thesis[/colour]
[colour=red]Clinton White House asked Wellesley College to close off access[/colour]



Apr 21, 2004


Boomie, you crack me up!

If you read thru all of the rules, Rush and the rest of the radical vocal right ought to be paying the poor dead soul royalties as much as they use his tactics chapter and verse!

"Personalize it"
Saul Alinsky's rules of power tactics, excerpted from his 1971 book "Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals"

1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.

2. Never go outside the experience of your people.

3. Whenever possible go outside the experience of the enemy.

4. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.

5. Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.

6. A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.

7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.

8. Keep the pressure on.

9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

10. Maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.

11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.

12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.

13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.


Apr 10, 2005


Your right PW, Boomer came over here and posted that crap after being on his other Freeper site and getting himself all pumped up, with out even reading the whole link his self.

If he did he would have realized that the right has been as you have pointed out, using the same tactics like it was there bible.

If he had read the link that he provided, he would have noticed the following points. By the way here is a little tid bit that I got from the site that is news to me, guess it’s never to late to learn something.

(By the time she was a freshman at Wellesley, when she was elected president of the College Republicans,) That shows she is a fast study.

<<The most radical of political faiths’
In the end, she judged that Alinsky's “power/conflict model is rendered inapplicable by existing social conflicts” — overriding national issues such as racial tension and segregation. Alinsky had no success in forming an effective national movement, she said, referring dismissively to “the anachronistic nature of small autonomous conflict.”>>(my that sure sounds like it is scandalous )

<<Rodham found that the conflict approach to power is limited. “Alinsky's conclusion that the ‘ventilation’ of hostilities is healthy in certain situations is valid, but across-the-board ‘social catharsis’ cannot be prescribed,” she wrote>>.(wow another scandalis, statement)

Hey get a load of this statement from “Alinkky” himself.

<<(One of his criticisms, surprisingly, was their tactical mistake of rejecting middle-class values)>> he was speaking about his dissatisfaction with the with New Left protesters, such as the Students for a Democratic Society.

Here is another bit of wisdom from “Alinkky” <<To Alinsky, the War on Poverty was a “prize piece of political pornography,>> seems that I’ve heard that here,are a derivative of it here several times in the past.

Here is another familiar refrain that has been heard in the past also, but it is from the dear girl herself “Hillery”.<< A cycle of dependency has been created,” she wrote, “which ensnares its victims into resignation and apathy.”>>Sound like some of that Republican upbringing coming out.

Her is a part where she cites that he is most likely doing more harm than good.<<

She cited scholars who claimed that Alinsky's small gains actually delayed attainment of bigger goals for the poor and minorities.>>Sure sounds radical to me, maybe a radical sixtys Republican.

Her another little radical 1960,s Republican gem from her thesis.
<< In the end, she judged that Alinsky's “power/conflict model is rendered inapplicable by existing social conflicts” — overriding national issues such as racial tension and segregation. Alinsky had no success in forming an effective national movement, she said, referring dismissively to “the anachronistic nature of small autonomous conflict.>>
<< Putting Alinsky's Rochester symphony threat into academic language, Rodham found that the conflict approach to power is limited. “Alinsky's conclusion that the ‘ventilation’ of hostilities is healthy in certain situations is valid, but across-the-board ‘social catharsis’ cannot be prescribed,” she wrote.>>

Don’t anybody get the idea that i,m a Hillary supporter, that is not the case, in fact if she is the Democratic Presidential nominee I don’t know if there is a vice grip strong enough that I could put on my nose and vote for her. That being said i,m not going to stand here and let some unwarranted swift Boat attacks go unanswered either. Sincerely DC



Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003


That's right guys, pile on. Hillary is still a snake who will try to beguile the public for the sake of finishing off the job she was unable to accomplish when she was only the Co-President.


Apr 21, 2004


HA Boomie, that's right! Ridicule. That's number 5 on Alinsky's list!

In any event, what could be more important in a young student's development than doing critical analysis of the prevailing political thought of the day?

I know! I know! Honing their cheerleading skills!


Apr 24, 2005


I thought he had seen the light and described his hero ole ditto dumb himself.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003


waterinthefuel said:
Wow, Hillary president of the young republicans in college....

Go figure...

Probably just another incantation of the Chameleon Syndrome. No principles, no moral compass, just an unrequited quest for power!

It's too early to make any predictions and I am no slavish fan of Guliani but I would anxiously await the day when he might deliver the final coup de gras to the last in line of the Clinton Dynasty.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004


This dog won't hunt!....
Move on!........
You will pray to the 'Goracle'.....;):)


Apr 21, 2004


I've yet to figure out what specifically the Hillary haters hate about her.

In 1993, at the request of her hubby, she oversaw an ambitious plan to bring health insurance to all Americans.
She may have over-reached a bit.

I figure if that is the worst thing she's done, that'd qualify her for sainthood, in my book!


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002


12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.


Queen Hilarious,+ the Gang, Still haven't figured This 1 out................

Other than the Fact that Hilarious toes the Liberal Line,...
Wanting to Steal both your Money,+ your Guns, Pandering to the Enemy,+ Embolding them,......

As Soon as the wench Moves Out of New York state,....

Then I'll nominate Her for Sainthood.........


Apr 21, 2004


Bond-o said:
12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.


Queen Hilarious,+ the Gang, Still haven't figured This 1 out................

Other than the Fact that Hilarious toes the Liberal Line,...
Wanting to Steal both your Money,+ your Guns, Pandering to the Enemy,+ Embolding them,......

As Soon as the wench Moves Out of New York state,....

Then I'll nominate Her for Sainthood.........

Just what I thought. Other than vague name calling, you've got nothing to add.


Apr 24, 2005


It is the same attack made on Bill. Lies and name calling. His act that was unacceptable was moral not illegal. Yes unacceptable for the President but happens on a daily basis and no one has ever gone to jail for a bj between two consenting adults. Oh well those who fight for division in this country will never stop.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003


PW2 said:
Bond-o said:
12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.


Queen Hilarious,+ the Gang, Still haven't figured This 1 out................

Other than the Fact that Hilarious toes the Liberal Line,...
Wanting to Steal both your Money,+ your Guns, Pandering to the Enemy,+ Embolding them,......

As Soon as the wench Moves Out of New York state,....

Then I'll nominate Her for Sainthood.........

Just what I thought. Other than vague name calling, you've got nothing to add.

Personally, I thought Bond-o was pretty articulate on the subject. The truth does hurt, doesn't it PW?


Nov 30, 2006


txswinner said:
It is the same attack made on Bill. Lies and name calling. His act that was unacceptable was moral not illegal.

[colour=red]You got .00000000000000000000000000000001% of a clue here Txwinner? It is not legal to give favors for one low level employee specifically for her sexual favors. It is NOT LEGAL TO LIE TO A GRAND JURY. Slick W admitted that one. [/colour]

Yes unacceptable for the President but happens on a daily basis and no one has ever gone to jail for a bj between two consenting adults.

[colour=green]I'm obviously not as smart as you Txwinner, but I assure you there is SIGNIFICANT FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYONE OTHER THEN SLICK WILLY DOIN' THOSE KINDA ACTS. If SW were the Chairman n' CEO of Haliburton or GE or Exxon n' pulled that kinda carp I garantee you, (n' as a former stock broker I used that word very carefully), there would be H**L ta pay!:}[/colour]

Oh well those who fight for division in this country will never stop.



Nov 30, 2006


treedancer said:
Your right PW, Boomer came over here and posted that crap after being on his other Freeper site and getting himself all pumped up, with out even reading the whole link his self.

If he did he would have realized that the right has been as you have pointed out, using the same tactics like it was there bible.

If he had read the link that he provided, he would have noticed the following points. By the way here is a little tid bit that I got from the site that is news to me, guess it’s never to late to learn something.

(By the time she was a freshman at Wellesley, when she was elected president of the College Republicans,) That shows she is a fast study.

<<The most radical of political faiths’
In the end, she judged that Alinsky's “power/conflict model is rendered inapplicable by existing social conflicts” — overriding national issues such as racial tension and segregation. Alinsky had no success in forming an effective national movement, she said, referring dismissively to “the anachronistic nature of small autonomous conflict.”>>(my that sure sounds like it is scandalous )

<<Rodham found that the conflict approach to power is limited. “Alinsky's conclusion that the ‘ventilation’ of hostilities is healthy in certain situations is valid, but across-the-board ‘social catharsis’ cannot be prescribed,” she wrote>>.(wow another scandalis, statement)

Hey get a load of this statement from “Alinkky” himself.

<<(One of his criticisms, surprisingly, was their tactical mistake of rejecting middle-class values)>> he was speaking about his dissatisfaction with the with New Left protesters, such as the Students for a Democratic Society.

Here is another bit of wisdom from “Alinkky” <<To Alinsky, the War on Poverty was a “prize piece of political pornography,>> seems that I’ve heard that here,are a derivative of it here several times in the past.

Here is another familiar refrain that has been heard in the past also, but it is from the dear girl herself “Hillery”.<< A cycle of dependency has been created,” she wrote, “which ensnares its victims into resignation and apathy.”>>Sound like some of that Republican upbringing coming out.

Her is a part where she cites that he is most likely doing more harm than good.<<

She cited scholars who claimed that Alinsky's small gains actually delayed attainment of bigger goals for the poor and minorities.>>Sure sounds radical to me, maybe a radical sixtys Republican.

Her another little radical 1960,s Republican gem from her thesis.
<< In the end, she judged that Alinsky's “power/conflict model is rendered inapplicable by existing social conflicts” — overriding national issues such as racial tension and segregation. Alinsky had no success in forming an effective national movement, she said, referring dismissively to “the anachronistic nature of small autonomous conflict.>>
<< Putting Alinsky's Rochester symphony threat into academic language, Rodham found that the conflict approach to power is limited. “Alinsky's conclusion that the ‘ventilation’ of hostilities is healthy in certain situations is valid, but across-the-board ‘social catharsis’ cannot be prescribed,” she wrote.>>

Don’t anybody get the idea that i,m a Hillary supporter, that is not the case, in fact if she is the Democratic Presidential nominee I don’t know if there is a vice grip strong enough that I could put on my nose and vote for her. That being said i,m not going to stand here and let some unwarranted swift Boat attacks go unanswered either. Sincerely DC


Ya Know Tree: I luv ya buddy! (Sorry Mr Tree that's: Love You) You do a real good job here on iboats! Why do you bring up "Swift Boats" so much? I both bought and read the book. Could you give me one, (only one and ya have a whole book to choose from), of an inacurate fact in the well documented book? Thanks Mr Tree!8)8)JR


Apr 10, 2005


Quote Omer

(only one and ya have a whole book to choose from), of an inacurate fact in the well documented book? Thanks Mr Tree! JR

Don’t want to read your book Omer, and i,m surprised that your are relying on a book seeing as you like to deal in facts. You want one, I will give you the Swift Boat lie about the Bronze star incident OK? I,m sure,you will come back and say that you don't believe it, but here it is any way.

Let s look into the allegation that Kerry received the Bronze Star under false pretenses. That is contradicted by Jim Rassmann, he was the man that Kerry rescued that day.

Here is what the Swift Boat lie,s put out

{Van O'Dell, a former Navy enlisted man who says he was the gunner on another Swift Boat, states in his affidavit that he was "a few yards away" from Kerry's boat on March 13, 1969 when Kerry pulled Rassman from the water. According to the official medal citations, Kerry's boat was under enemy fire at the time, and Kerry had been wounded when an enemy mine exploded near his own boat. O'Dell insists "there was no fire" at the time, adding: "I did not hear any shots, nor did any hostile fire hit any boats" other than his own, PCF-3.}

{Others in the ad back up that account. Jack Chenoweth, who was a Lieutenant (junior grade) commanding PCF-3, said Kerry's boat "fled the scene" after a mine blast disabled PCF-3, and returned only later "when it was apparent that there was no return fire." And Larry Thurlow, who says he commanded a third Swift Boat that day, says "Kerry fled while we stayed to fight," and returned only later "after no return fire occurred."}

Larry Thurlow
http://www.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Thurlow Citation.pdf

Here is what Larry Thurlow,s bronze star citation reads (see link)
It says that "all units began receiving enemy small arms and automatic weapons fire from the river banks"after the first explosion. The citation describes Thurlow as leaping aboard the damaged PCF-3 and rendering aid "while still under enemy fire," and adds: "His actions and courage in the face of enemy fire . . . were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."

This is what Thurlow later said

The Post quoted Thurlow as saying he had lost his citation years earlier and had been under the impression that he received the award for aiding the damaged boat and its crew, and that his own award would be "fraudulent" if based on his facing enemy fire. The Post reported that, after hearing the citation read to him, Thurlow said: "It's like a Hollywood presentation here, which wasn't the case. . . My personal feeling was always that I got the award for coming to the rescue of the boat that was mined. This casts doubt on anybody's awards. It is sickening and disgusting. . . . I am here to state that we weren't under fire."

So now tell me who is lying?

Jim Rassmann, the man that Kerry plucked out of the drink ,and says that Kerry Save his life while Kerry himself was wounded.
Quote Rassmann

<,John, already wounded by the explosion that threw me off his boat, came out onto the bow, exposing himself to the fire directed at us from the jungle, and pulled me aboard.>>

Or a man that states that he can’t remember what would be most probably the most traumatic part of his life. And states that his own award would be fraudulent if based on his facing enemy fire.

Here is another witness to the actions of Kerry

On Aug. 22 the Washington Post quoted a new eyewitness in support of Kerry's version. The Post said it had independently contacted Wayne D. Langhofer, who manned a machine gun aboard PCF-43, the boat directly behind Kerry's, and that Langhofer said he distinctly remembered the "clack, clack, clack" of enemy AK-47 assault rifles.
Langhofer: There was a lot of firing going on, and it came from both sides of the river.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001


Hmmmmm. Back to the topic.

I would hate to be held accountable today for what my views were over 40 years ago so I can't hold her accountable for what she wrote over 40 years ago.

Neither of us have been in cold storage for that time and that was over half of our living, learning, gaining experience time.

What I find interesting is that most of the people in my generation were very, naively, liberal in our thinking when we were 21. We had all the answers.

The older we get the fewer answers we have. The more we have learned that what we KNEW then, we merely believed. . . and that a lot of it was wrong. We have become more conservative. Not the big C, just more than we were.

Now, Hillary has gone from conservative to liberal. Or is that just an opportunist act? I sure don't agree with a lot of what she has to say today.


Nov 30, 2006


Tree, You have a multi millionare, (maybe billionare if ya count some ketchup shares), that had the likes o' George Soros spending $ to elect him, all workin' ta get the most votes in history for any Democrat: ever! The book never avoids contraversy, nor does it say everyones 30 to 40 year old memories are absolutely accurate. What is real clear ta me, (with only one brain cell n' all), is that THE MAJORITY of those who served with J P*** Kerry think that he brought his own video cam to document his own hero status for future use. Made up things like bein' in Cambodia when it was not possible, n' was only there for a real short time. The best part Tree was recitin' verbatim Soviet Propaganda under oath with others who were proven frauds. Do you really think the American GI's were worse then Genghus Khan: Tree? Do you feel real proud that ol' John's pic hangs in the VC Museum? Swift Boats was the truth as much as anything. I for one am glad that it exposed that pos enough to barely beat him. I can't think of a worse person comming that close in American History Tree. The fact that soooo many loved and supported him really scares me as they love 180 degrees opposite of what I love Tree. I think it does not bode well for the future either. IMHO. Great reply as you usually do. Respectfully JR