Mouse chewed wiring


Jun 1, 2008
Before putting my Maxum 1800 away fro the winter I found that mice had gotten into the boat and chewed the wiring. I don't even know where to begin. Any ideas?


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Mouse chewed wiring

Before putting my Maxum 1800 away fro the winter I found that mice had gotten into the boat and chewed the wiring. I don't even know where to begin. Any ideas?

Ayuh,.... I'd think the 1st thing to do is try each appliance to see what works, 'n what don't,...

Then fix what don't,...

Any visibly damaged wires, oughta be fixed, or replaced,...


Aug 26, 2006
Re: Mouse chewed wiring

They seem to like the plastic coating on wires. Before putting my rig to bed for winter, I place a sheet of bounce fabric softener on a paper plate. I scatter a few around the boat and in each locker. I seal off holes or places they can get into over the winter with sheets of screening material like off a roll of the stuff you replace a window screen with. This allows air to circulate yet sealed off from critters.
Many will chime in here and say Bounce does not work. Well, I'm into my 6 season and no meeces yet. I've found a few making a home under my car seat and chewing on the electric fuel pump wires while car was in garage parked next to boat. They built a huge nest in there.
But yet to find a mouse in my rig, Seems Bounce works the best over other brands.
Boat smells nice too after I pull the cover off in the spring.
Use a paper plate for each sheet. First season I placed sheets directly on the floor and the moisture melted them into the vinyl. Was a pain scrubbing all that white crap off.

I know its after the fact now that they have done their damage but at least you can try this next season.

old islander

Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 27, 2013
Re: Mouse chewed wiring

I do the same thing with the bounce sheets. I put them in every storage area, in my deck plates and inspection plates, and scatter them all around the inside of the boat. Never had a problem. The fuzzy little commies got into my 68 Camaro a few years back and did the same thing to my wiring and the little bass turds made a nest in my back seat foam. I put the bounce sheets in there now too. 5 years and no new guests. It works well.
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Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Re: Mouse chewed wiring

Okay folks how do you stop squirrels from eating the wiring and lights off the trailer? I had to replace all the lights AND the wiring because squirrels ate them up. And they also ate the aluminum straps that hold the chain-link fence to the top rail in the back of my yard. I already had to replace those straps twice now. And my son brought his boat over to my place and left it there for about a week or two and those squirrels ripped up the carpet and tore it to shreds... Short of making some squirrel stew, I don't know what else could stop them. I actually thought about putting a mixture of jalape?o pepper juice on everything, but I thought they might like the taste with the wire... :facepalm:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 14, 2012
Re: Mouse chewed wiring

I made a deal with the neighbors cat. You eat the mice/squirrels etc and I won't shoot you for leaving little cat paw prints on my boat. Scratch the seats and the deal is off. You die. So far, it's a good arrangement.
My buddy uses and swears by the bounce fabric sheets but he doesn't have a cat.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 20, 2014
Re: Mouse chewed wiring

I like the idea of the bounce sheet. Thanks guys. I will try that next year, after I replace all of my wiring... this year

old islander

Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 27, 2013
Re: Mouse chewed wiring

Best way to keep squirrels away from your trailer.....shotgun.


Aug 26, 2006
Re: Mouse chewed wiring

I picked up one of these owls with the bobble head at Walmart to keep the robins from building nests on my front door handle.
Maybe squirrels are not found of Owls too?