Mercury 650 Reverse Clunk


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 10, 2015
Hey guys, picked up a neat old Texas Maid Aluminum bat and put a 1975 merc 650 on it. (3 cyl) That I had laying around. The motor I bought as a backup and never used, the Owner said the lower unit had just been "rebuilt" and I believed him cause it had new paint. anyway motor runs great, but reverse is worrying me. it "clunks" while engaged and Im not talking about the dogs engaging its just a steady clunk, clunk, clunk. every second or so while in reverse and the motor jumps up a little when it does. Whats going on? I did replace the cables, and thought maybe they needed adjusted but the slide is all the way towards the rear and I see now way to make it enage further. Thanks for any advise.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Get one hand on the prop and other on the engine linkage, remote disconnected. While turning the prop shift into R and push it as far as it will go. Mark the spot. Continue to turn the prop and move the engine linkage toward N and when the prop breaks free, mark it. Reconnect the remote cable and shift into R while rotating the prop, engine off. Where are you now with respect to the marks. If you have a habit of shifting into R without the engine running or somebody turning the prop you dan damage your shift linkage.......per the serv. man.