Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

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Apr 21, 2004
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

I'd also love to hear from anyone who knows anything about nuclear waste disposal and nuc plant safety issues. I am pretty much an environmentalist at heart but it just seems to me that nuclear power is one of the only alternative power sources that can be fueled with enough abundance to be a near term answer. Obviously the safety issue are important but I don't think we have explored this option enough.

Overall, nuclear power has has a phenomenal saftey and safe disposal record, worldwide.

The reason we don't see more of it in the U.S., is the word we can't use in this forum, so I'll call it paul-oh-ticks. There are people who don't want nuclear power for what ever reasons and they seem to be able to get the job done.

My guess is that we will start buildding new nuclear power plants, about the same time we start building new petroleum refineries.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

Overall, nuclear power has has a phenomenal saftey and safe disposal record, worldwide.

The reason we don't see more of it in the U.S., is the word we can't use in this forum, so I'll call it paul-oh-ticks. There are people who don't want nuclear power for what ever reasons and they seem to be able to get the job done.

My guess is that we will start buildding new nuclear power plants, about the same time we start building new petroleum refineries.

I don't think I agree with you here. The reason we don't have more nuclear facilities is economic, not political. Coal and nat gas has been cheap, and people don't care where their electrons come from, they just care what they cost, and if there are enough of them to go around.

It's the same for refineries. Economic. Who in the world would spend the billions of dollars for new refining capacity to process more of a commodity that is scarce and hitting new highs in price for that very commodity now?

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

Blo Ho, is that you? Are you feeling OK? A big oil thread and not even a Hmmmmmmmm? Hmmmmmmmm . . . Who are you and what have you done with Mr. Kopek?
I say no to lowering the taxes, it is a temporary relief at best....;)
I like JB's idea of rationing, that would help lower usage.....
That, coupled with the coming depression, should lower the cost because of decreased demand when no one can afford to eat, much less drive.......
Of course BIG OIL will corntinue to reap windfall profits from their monopoly by lowering refining capacity to artificially prop up prices.....:rolleyes:
That is all.......:)


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

I got a solution...How about we go after all the speculators/commodity traders that are driving the prices up. Just string them up one by one, strong arm, scare tactic, mob style. :cool: After we done with them, then we can go after the OPEC wackos. If Americans just chip in $1 each, I'm sure we can hire some mercenaries to the job. :D That my friends, is the magic potion. I know what you're thinking, but a guy can dream right? ;)


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 5, 2007
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

Anyone try adding a hydrolyses generator to their intake? It's water, and it's cheap! It's being used as a supplement to gasoline with some 10-20% increase MPG. FI computers adapt.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

Not political?

Three Mile island. Chernobyl. Yucca Mountain.

Google "environmentalists against nuclear power". It's not likely that the Sierra Club and GreenPeace, will get on board, even with the high energy prices.

I agree that economics played a part with the end of nuke plants, also. With all of the red tape, nuke builders racked up HUGE cost overruns. Case-in-point, Marble Hill nuke. They just got tired of dumping money ($8 billion)and the endless regulations. It just sitting there today rotting, 1/4 complete.

I completely disagree on refineries. Sure, oil companies like to keep supplies tight, but they could not build a new refinery if they wanted to.

As an example, Arizona Clean Fuels Yuma, have been trying to build a new refinery for over 8 years. It took the EPA 7 years just to approve the application for the permit.

They are now in a legal battle with an Arizona Indian tribe and when that's settled, there will be some other group to fight. It is estimated that it will be the end of the decade, before they break ground, if at all.

I don't think I agree with you here. The reason we don't have more nuclear facilities is economic, not political. Coal and nat gas has been cheap, and people don't care where their electrons come from, they just care what they cost, and if there are enough of them to go around.

It's the same for refineries. Economic. Who in the world would spend the billions of dollars for new refining capacity to process more of a commodity that is scarce and hitting new highs in price for that very commodity now?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN


Scroll down and watch the video. I know this technology was being aided by one of the auto makers. I read somewhere we may see a hybrid gas/water on the market yet this year.

With this technology, we could run our boats forever.:) At least until we had to pay $18,000 for a quart of gear oil, and another $3,000 to launch on an Exxon owned ramp.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2006
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

Fuel prices are not strictly a function of supply and demand - the spike is a function of the trading on the commodities markets. There is far greater concern for oil futures in many other countries (like India and China) where it used to be mainly the U.S.. Today's situation is not a result of oil companies gouging people and to think that it is represents a sophomoric understanding of commodities.

I actually don't mind the high fuel prices. It's easier to find parking spaces, and traffic has been down and much more fluid as most people who drive like idiots also work and save like idiots and stay home more.

As Americans we'll pay $8/gallon for Coca-Cola, $32/gallon for Starbucks coffee, and $12/gallon for filtered water that we can carry around with us. Not to mention $100+ per month to watch TV.

Objecting to fuel prices is ridiculous...
Sep 5, 2007
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

We pay alot for coffie,sodas,etc but we dont have to. We have the option of not buying it. Problem is a person driving to work using 5 or 6 gallons a day is being hit real hard. We are bring ripped off and everyone knows it.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

Who is ripping us off? Is it OPEC? Could be ... but the price is based on MARKETS not countries. Our $ is severly devalued, meaning it buys much less than it used to overseas. In England a dollar will get you 50 pence worth of product or 0.63 Euros of product! Not too long ago it was $1 = 1 Euro! Based on that, oil is trading at about $70 a barrel ... but since our $ ain't what it used to be ...

And why is that? Because banks gave loans to people they should not have at rates they knew the people could not afford if the interest rates went up. AND people bought loans they could not repay if the interest rates went up. (Personal responsibility needed here, don't blame it all on the lending institutions).

The interest rate went up, people couldn't repay, banks were threatening to go belly up, and the Fed came to their rescue, and everyone rejoiced, but to every action there is a reaction ... and our $ was devalued in foriegn markets.

This is not the only reason, but is part of the reason ... for the devaluing of the $ and for the higher oil prices, which equal higher gas prices. It is not the oil companies that are ripping us off ... their profit margin is lower than most industries.

It is a problem that WE have created, with our spending habits, our driving habits, and our continued reliance of cheaper, easier, what is best for ME. How many of us get in the car and drive a half a mile, when we could just as easily walk? I am guilty ... time, energy, all reason for justifying MY actions. But what is best for US.

NAW, Big Oil .... hmmm :D :D


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

Just for giggles, I did google "Environmentalists against nuclear power"
and I got a decidedly mixed bag of results.

For sure there are safety and security concerns, as well as waste disposal issues, not to mention economic concerns.

And clearly we have had issues on building nuclear plants. Those were never more evident than with Washing Public Power Supply System ("Whoops") attempt to build 5 plants, and their subsequent bankruptcy. I had good friends that worked on those plants, and their problems were not caused by environmentalists.

But that was in the 60's and 70's, and this is 2008. Surely we have progressed some since then.

I'm not proposing nuclear, and I'm sure there are some on the emotional fringe that will oppose them no matter what, but most rational environmentalists want safe, clean, affordable power that doesn't pollute.
That ought to be a noble goal, if nothing else.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

Dang it aspeck!!! Would you please quit making so much sense? Messes up the Victocrats . . .


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

I'm sure OPEC has it's monthly/quarterly meetings to determine how much oil they will put on the market for absolutely no reason at all. Just spending a day with friends, I guess.

You all want to credit supply and demand as the reason for high prices. Great, I'm with you. Doesn't OPEC play a role in the supply end of this equation?


Vice Admiral
Dec 5, 2007
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

OPEC decides how much its member countries produce ... or not. To ignore that very fundamental factor is also a sign of either ignorance or wishful thinking. The simple fact of the matter is that there are many things affecting the price of a gallon of gas at the pump. Refinery capacity, value of the U.S. dollar, OPEC, traders, rapidly increasing demand in contries like China and India, use of petroleum in other products such as plastics and chemicals, shipping products that could be produced in home countries all over the world - the list goes on and on.

No simple answers here.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

OPEC decides how much its member countries produce ... or not. To ignore that very fundamental factor is also a sign of either ignorance or wishful thinking. The simple fact of the matter is that there are many things affecting the price of a gallon of gas at the pump. Refinery capacity, value of the U.S. dollar, OPEC, traders, rapidly increasing demand in contries like China and India, use of petroleum in other products such as plastics and chemicals, shipping products that could be produced in home countries all over the world - the list goes on and on.

No simple answers here.

I completely agree jay. For whatever reason, so many want to believe OPEC plays little to no roll in our prices. At this point, in my opinion, demand is not going to change our price at the pump, no matter how low we can reduce it. Everybody having anything to do with the price at the pump now knows the minimum we are willing to pay. We reduce demand, OPEC will reduce output, etc, etc.


May 17, 2001
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

About 5 years ago or so, I remember TV ads being run to get people to buy stock in oil. Every since then within a year of those ads,,,,,the price of the barrel has just gone up and up. Also since then, I haven't seen those ads run again.

To my knowledge on nuke plants, France is the leader with the most plants. Not sure, but I haven't ever heard of any crisis over there on them.

Back in the 60's in southern Ohio, drilling was big time. An outfit would come in and drill. Stocks were sold on those wells. After they would hit a pocket, they would determine about how much they would produce. Most of the time, they would cap the well and close it down because too much stock was sold to make a profit. Meanwhile, the drillers were making money big time. I'm probably wrong, but with so much stock in oil now,,,,,could it be that the rates had to be raised to satisfy the stockholders? Just curious and guessing at best.
Sep 5, 2007
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

I think we need to ration gas. Its the only way to keep the upper class yuppy types hoggin it all up and keepin prices high. I dont care if their gas hog SUV only gets 10 mpg.......they bought it , not the right to use 5 times more gas than the average guy.This is a good solution before you say it wont work lets hear a better and more fair one.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

I completely agree jay. For whatever reason, so many want to believe OPEC plays little to no roll in our prices. At this point, in my opinion, demand is not going to change our price at the pump, no matter how low we can reduce it. Everybody having anything to do with the price at the pump now knows the minimum we are willing to pay. We reduce demand, OPEC will reduce output, etc, etc.

Look up annual production levels in OPEC member countries. You will find that they are producing at or near their maximum levels year after year, regardless of any agreements they make to increase/decrease production levels. They have never succeeded in self policing their members and sticking to agreed quotas.

It is, of course, their oil, and they have every right to limit the amount they put on the market. They've just never successfully accomplished it.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 5, 2007
Re: Lets Get the GAS Prices DOWN

I don't know but if they increase the frigging supply, prices should fall!!:mad:

It's that simple!!! So, the drillers are at full capacity, get more drillers. So now they say refineries are at full capacity, build more refineries! So there is no money to build, BULLPOOP!! EXXON profits exceeded expectations last quarter! How about reinvesting dam it!!!

oh boy... time to tear at my transom and vent some more.
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