Job Oportunity in Texas?


Aug 26, 2002
Hi everyone,<br /><br />It's been a while since I've posted here at iboats, but I couldn't think of anywhere else to ask this question, and get positive results, so here goes.<br /><br />Has anyone ever moved cross country, and what were your experiences, good and bad. <br /><br />I have an interview in Houston TX, during the last week in August. Hopefully, it will be an oportunity to get myself out of New York, which has become so expensive, and so vunerable.<br /><br />So while I am there in Houston, I was thinking about trying to contact LadyFish and meet her. We have talked at this site for so long, as most of you know, and I'm going to be in her neck of the woods, so I'd figured I'd might have an opportunity to meet her and Mr. LadyFish while I was there. LadyFish, please let me know if your interested in a beer and maybe a steak or something.<br /><br />Maybe, if KeltonKrew is available, maybe I could hook up with him too, being that he too is from Texas. KeltonKrew, let me know if you want to get together for dinner or something.<br /><br />I would really like to meet you guys while I am in Texas, but if that is not possible, well maybe if I take this position, then I'd be able to meet up with ya's after I make that move, if I make the move.<br /><br />Well anyway, thats my question for you guys here at iboats, and any response will be appreciated.<br /><br />Moving cross-country is no easy thing, that I know, but any info you guys can give me, would be greatly appreciated.


Oct 8, 2003
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

Hey, if you have no holds in NY, and you like to fish and are tired of the weather in the winter, I say go for it.<br /><br />As to you choice of company, Well :eek: :eek: :p


Jul 31, 2002
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

Hey will be right in my back yard! I'd love to have dinner. <br /><br />Maybe I can get the wife to make something good....<br /><br />Let me know when it gets closer as to the dates you'll be coming in so I can keep my calendar open.<br /><br />I think Mr. Ladyfish and Ladyfish live in Galveston, so that's only about 30 miles from me. Might be a good opportunity for all of us to get together. Kinda mini iboats get together!<br /><br />Hopefully us TEXANS can understand your accent :D <br /><br />While your down here, hopefully you'll have time to visit some of the sights around Houston.<br /><br />Be prepared...Houston is HOT this time of year!<br /><br />Good luck on your job interview and looking forward to meeting you!


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

Just a hop and a skip to Taos, Kenny. Oh, uh, those are Texas hops and skips. :D <br /><br />Y'all come!


Jun 4, 2003
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

KKC, moving is moving it all stinks. Whether you are moving cross country or cross town (I've done both), moving has got to be one of my most hated things to do.<br /><br />I drove a uhual truck from San Diego to NH, and I've made several pickup truck runs moving cross town. My brother just moved back from Tennessee, and he had a company come in and move him and they broke alot of his stuff. Moving #$%^&# :mad:


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

I had a bad experience moving from MI to California. I went to work at a dot com. It went under, and I was faced with the choice of moving back east or staying in Los Angelas looking for a job. I decided to move back.<br /><br />I used a Uhaul to move myself. The truck started breaking down as I reached New Mexico. They fed me some BS thinking I knew nothing of the area. They said it was all down hill from there. I said, yes it is into Albaqurque. Yet, the rest of the way it isn't. So I dumped my stuff in storage and drove the rest of the way.<br /><br />On the way back from California, the Uhaul company got the directions mixed up for the trip. They charged me the wrong amount, and wanted more money when I showed up to pick up the truck. I eventually got them to see that it was their mistake and give it to me at that price.<br /><br />I had some yahoos in Arizona try and tell me my money was counterfiet. They wanted me to hand it over to them or they were going to call the cops. I said go right ahead. :D They didn't, so I left after paying them with coins instead of paper.<br /><br />It was an interesting drive, I got a lot of pics along route 66. That part of it was really nice.<br /><br />There is a culture shock though. Get ready for it.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

KKC, Houston is great town to work in. There will always be jobs to be found.<br /><br />Some bad things about Houston. Its hot as heck right now. Air quality is bad. Not a lot of things to do here. Not a very pretty city. Public transportation is poor, you have to own a car. Traffic and road construction is terrible.<br /><br />Good things are that it is close to the gulf, close to San Antonio and Austin. It doesnt get too cold. Cost of living is pretty low. No state income taxes in Texas. Two new sports stadiums are here. Great fishing and boating nearby.<br /><br />Ken


Aug 26, 2002
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

WOW,<br /><br />So many responces already.<br /><br />Thanks to all who have responded so far.<br /><br />KeltonKrew, thanks for the offer, I think I will take you up on it. Definitly would like to meet you. And a good home cooked meal while on vacation has to be a good thing.<br /><br />GaugeGuy and Samagee, thanks for the horror stories, thats the kind of info I'm lookin for! Sorry you guys had bad experiences. Hopefully, it won't be that bad for me!<br /><br />kenimpzoom, thanks for that info on Houston, it too is very helpful. Anything else you can think of about tht area would be appreciated.<br /><br />Once again, thanks to all who responded, your inputs are not un-noticed if I didn't directly address you, but rather, they are greatly appreciated.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

I am not trying to scare you out of it. I am just telling you what happened to me. I would have stayed out there if I could have. The weather was great, there were alot of neat things to see. The down side is the California nuts. I didn't live there for long, but I did get tired of getting my orders wrong at fast food places by non english speaking workers.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

Kenny, I think its great that you are considering Texas as as possible choice for relocation. Mr. LF and I moved from NY 25 years ago and haven't regretted it for a minute. The best state income tax.<br /><br />We do miss family however, and its hard when someone becomes ill, gets married or has a baby, etc. You just can't be there for everyone. <br /><br />If you've traveled much, the culture shock shouldn't be too bad. Not like it was for us. We moved from a small town to the big city of Houston. Everything you could possibly want you can find in Houston. The best part is that its not far from the coast (within a hour or so).<br /><br />Of course, you realize you are coming during hurricane season and the temperature and humidity are at their worst. So if you can stand it now, you'll love our winters.<br /><br />We would love to meet you and invite KeltonKrew and his wife down for some good ole Texas BBQ and some fishing. We are available during the time you are here on the weekends.


Oct 29, 2002
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

You will be right at home with the traffic situation. Like in new york in houston they have a tendency to drive 80 miles and hour with traffic six lanes deep.<br />KKC if you do decide to move to houston let me know and I'll put you in-touch with my brother-in-law. He knows houston like the back of his hand and is a big wheel with some company out there.<br />He is still little ole billy to me.<br />The move will be rough but it will be worth it.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Oct 31, 2002
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

Hi KKC, sorry to see you go but since we both live on Long Island we know how rediculously expen$ive everything is here, I have family in Arlington TX and houses there are twice as big and cost less than half, of course appreciation is nil and houses are hard to sell. Retirement is great, best job I never had. <br /><br />Good luck and by the way, learn spanish, you'll need it,,,,


Aug 26, 2002
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

Even more great responces!<br /><br />samagee, I hear what you sayin, but even here in NY you hear all different languages, so I don't think that is going to be a problem.<br /><br />LadyFish, I would love to meet up with you and Mr. LF. And if we could all get together with KeltonKrew, that would be even better. I will send you an e-mail and fill you in on my agenda about when I'll be down there. Right now, I am projected to have an interview, sometime during the last week of August. I am driving down there and spending a full week.<br /><br />bubbakat, Thanks for that info on Houston, very helpful. And yea, I'd be intersted in getting to know whoever in Texas, as I personally don't know anyone there, so freindships will be needed to be established if I move there, and any help there would be appreciated. Thank you.<br /><br />SlowlySinking, I don't have to tell you about LI, you know, and you know why I want out! Just can't take it anymore, or the LIRR, or NYC or....just life on LI, really getting me down lately and I need a change in life. Maybe this is it. I would like to meet you once before I go, if I go. Maybe we could shoot the F.I. Inlet one day!<br /><br />Once again, thanks to everyone who responded, your inputs will help tremendously!<br /><br />Keep 'em comming, I'm all ears!


Master Chief Petty Officer
Nov 28, 2003
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

Kenny, when we decided to move here it was mid Feb. and cold as hell. The fuel oil for Dec & Jan was about $800 and I was still cold. LF had a sister who was living in Pasadena, Tx (suburb of Houston) at the time. We sold everything, packed an old boat trailer with my Harley and our daughter's toys, etc. then headed down here.<br /><br />Our first jobs paid more than double what we had been earning in NY. Housing (apt.) was a little higher but everything else was about the same. We would have moved to Galveston right away but the sis-in-law gave us some bad advice and we decided to stay in the Houston area. About 13 years ago we decided to move to Galveston which is where we really wanted to be. We've never regretted it.<br /><br />The worst thing about moving so far away was leaving family behind. Every death, wedding, birthday, etc. is hard. Luckily we have each other and now our daughter has a family of her own and they live nearby. <br /><br />Texans are feircly independant but friendly as hell. The only people I've come in contact with that are rude are from somewhere else. The Houston area has everything you could think of, it just might take a while to find it. Traffic sucks on a good day but the freeway system is pretty well thought out and it's fairly easy to get around once you understand the layout. <br /><br />Galveston is a unique little city. It has a lot of history, founded by pirates who drove out the Karankawa indians who were supposedly cannibals. It has a thriving tourist business and is home to several cruise ships. The beaches aren't as pretty as Florida but they work just fine. I love our little island and wouldn't leave for anything. I don't even like going over the causway to visit the US. <br /><br />Looking forward to meeting you and maybe if you have time we could do a little fishing (just don't outfish you-know-who). <br /><br />Two things, practice "y'all" instead of "youse guys" and never say "we used to do it this way back in...." :D


Oct 8, 2003
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

Man, yaall got me wishin I was going too.<br /><br />I dont know about the huricane thing though.


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

sorry y'all, but already got the tee-shirt...<br />hot, congeststed, crowded, no open spaces, high<br />crime.... was not 4 MY.<br />sometimes less is more, but that's just MY view<br />Kenny... whatever you chose, best wishes! :D


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Nov 8, 2003
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

I know there's no income tax in Texas, but don't they make up for it in property tax? My neighbors just moved outside the Dallas area. They're paying over $700.00/month in property tax. :eek: <br /><br />They bought a relatively new house ($275,000) right on a lake. They bought the house before they were able to move, so maybe it had something to do with not being a Texas resident.

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Job Oportunity in Texas?

Mellow Yellow- I like people that think like you, ya'll just keep right on thinking like that too. As long as you do Texas won't be any of what you said, except for hot.