It took a while but I figured it out by myself


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 5, 2012
Ok so i was going crazy about 2 months a go "why was I ending up with fuel mixture coming out of the carburetor and also on the lower tiny bitty holes at the bottom of the lower unit" .
Being new on outboards I finally figured out (by myself) that the motor has a "fuel pump" wow what a concept....The pump is quite a brilliant idea the way it works by using the pressure from the crank shaft, it causes a rubber membrane in the pump to vibrate and it supplies the fuel in to the carb. The membrane in my unit was old and must have had a crack in it allowing fuel mixture in to the crank case and all the way down to the lower unit.
So if you took care of the carb float and still having issues with fuel all over the carb and lower unit make sure you look to the fuel pump.

Good luck, Costy