Is my foam bad?


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 31, 2013
Since Christmas is over and winter is here, I'm taking the time to recover some of my seats since they have some popped seams. I just uncovered my first seat and this is the foam:

1) It's all moldy. I imagine the reason it popped a seam is either the vinyl is older or the foam is too soft now. Can I clean up this foam or should I get new stuff?

2) I've searched the forum here and I've seen all kinds of opinions on foam. I see everything from "steal it from your old couch", to "use open cell firm polyurathane". I'm not sure what's the correct answer. I've had an awesome experience buying my vinyl from trimjobber on ebay. What foam do I need to buy for my deck boat? Something like this?

Here is a link to the entire photo-set of the existing seats. The wood was wrapped in heavy plastic and stapled. I guess whoever did it, expected that to be waterproof but it's not. When I uncovered it, the smell was bad. I've already got some exterior plywood ordered and I'll be heading to westmarine for the epoxy resin. Like all my projects I want this done right.

Thanks in advance.

jimmy wise

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 6, 2012
Re: Is my foam bad?

we have cleaned foam with a mold cleaner or bleach and water. is it in good shape or crumbly. after you clean it steam will rejuvenate some foam. I have a steamer but you may do it with a home steamer or have a shop do it


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
Re: Is my foam bad?

I re-coverd the seats in my boat and some of the foam look kind of dark & moldy, similar to your picture. I just cleaned it up a bit and re-used it.

So, if it is not crumbly, you could re-use it.


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 31, 2013
Re: Is my foam bad?

Yah it's not crumbly on this one piece. I'll have to check the others. Is there anything extra I can do to ensure the seams last longer since you sit on the seams on my seats (which is why they maybe popped)?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Is my foam bad?

Not sure how the seams were sewn originally, but you can use a different style of seam that might be stronger & less prone to popping. I can't come up w/ the correct terms for the reinforced seams, but there are several types that are much stronger then a typical seam, w/ or w/out welting.

And to help protect the foam, you can cover it w/ plastic prior to putting the vinyl back on. Use a spray adhesive to keep the plastic stuck to the foam while you wrap it w/ vinyl.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Is my foam bad?

Upholstery, like anything else, is all about upkeep and maintenance. If you take care it, it will take care of you. The Marine Bonded Thread is UV protected and should last for years if you use the proper maintenance products to clean and care for the vinyl. Bleach products will break down the thread and cause it to become brittle and break. This is true of the vinyl as well. JBC has given you good advice on how to prep your foam. My thread has some good pics and vids on vinyl sewing too!!!