I REALLY need some advice.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
I have already talked to few people about this and have their opinions, I would just like some more input.

So here is the situation. As many of you know I work for Best Buy and I am a supervisor in the warehouse and the stores functionality technician. As part of my warehouse duties, I am in charge of the Loss Prevention team (The guys in yellow at the front door. ) Part of that includes the saftey of others and as a person of leadership I have influence throughout the store.

There in the digital camera department that is being stalked. At first it was no big deal, just some guy would come in and talk to this girl. Well a week ago it had gotten to the point that he would stop in 3-5 times a day during her shift.......always buying something like a cd or stick of gum. Recently it has escalated to him waiting by her car (at this point i have to assume he had waited for herone night to see which car was hers) AND leaving candy and flowers on it.

Last night it really got crazy. He came in 3 times and then sat outside waiting. We saw him doing this. The girl was hiding in the breakroom while he was in the store....during which point we moved her car to the install bay. He left the store unable to find her and then was standing in the parking lot behind some cars for awhile. She left the store through the install bay and I had one of my team members follow her home to make sure she wasnt followed.

I know many of you are asking why would I do that? Why not call the cops. We confronted the girl about this and she absolutely refused to do so saying " Someone told her they wouldnt do anything and was afraid of getting the stalker mad". With that being said I really don't see how any option besides that is going to be better, nor can the situation continue as is. My worst fear is that he finds out where she lives and follows her there. Then who knows what this creep will do. (She does not know him previously)

I talked to a few friends who are LEO's but not for the town I work in. They said we should call despite her not wanting to, and express that we are fearful of her safety. Then the officer can talk to us first before the girl and so that he can lead us to taking the next step. This is what we have done. My manager called this morning.....or is going to I should say. So my question is, was this the correct POA? I mean I HATE going against someones wishes especially when it is their personal situation and not mine. The fact that it is at work makes me feel some obligation to the problem, along with the other supervisors and management. If something were to go wrong and she gets hurt I would certainly feel like its is partially our fault despite her not wanting police invovled.


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

You guys did the right thing.

How far away is the nearest store? Is there any possibility of her getting a transfer?

If it were my daughter I would have her quit just to be safe.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

Pony, I think there is a piece of the puzzle not being shared. A person who takes a position of weakness will eventually be exploited. If she doesn't do anything now, if the guy has the predisposition, he will eventually do something untorrid. Upsetting him before he become even more fixated would be preferred. Also, it is clearly affecting her and her co-workers work and working environment.

In addition, the store can refuse sale to anyone, and by not doing something you could be responsible for creating a dangerous work environment. Toss this jerk to the curb and contact the police on behalf of the store. Strong leadership on behalf of ones employees can go a long way to moral and employees belief in the support of their needs and well being by the company.

I appreciate what you did, but do your best not to forward the drama. Boot him or remove the employee (leave of absence, transfer, vacation, etc.) but don't feed the situation. I wonder how much Best Buy lost in unproductive work, and time wasted discussing the potential antics of some lunatic.

Get this guys name and information on record with the police. It isn't her decision, it is yours or your managers. If something really does go south, you need to have documented your attempts to create a safe work environment.


Jul 20, 2006
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

when he comes in, have another person wait on him, until this is resolved,
SHE needs to talk to the store manager and explain the situation,
I know from shopping @ best buy whenever you purchase something
you have to give them your name address and phone #
your manager should contact the local authorities with that info and check for priors
if the action taken by the manager is not prompt or satisfactory She needs to contact HR ASAP
I have dealt with similar situations and believe me HR does not take kindly to any type of harassment
until then she should have someone take and pick her up from work if possible, if she thinks she is being followed
stop at a gas station/store or similar and call the police
if you know what he drives, get a good description of the car and license plate #
take no chances there are way to many nut's on the loose nowadays
good luck


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

You have not indicated whether a very question has been resolved. Has she told him to quit following her, leave her alone, etc. If she has, and he isn't, then there's cause to consider him a stalker and yes, the police can do something.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

I mean I HATE going against someones wishes especially when it is their personal situation and not mine.

This is NOT her "personal situation."

This is the workplace environment.
It effects the business and how it is run, and the safety and well being of its employees and other customers.

Start saving video tape.
Get a positive id on the guy, stalk him and get his license number, and home address.
Have the police order him out of the store, never to return or set foot on the property.
Document with the police.
Arrest and file charges if he returns.
Restraining order is next step if he returns.
Do all this on behalf of the store if the girl will not get involved.

Or go to Betty's Diner in Theinsville, ask for "Louie da Sleeper."
Tell him, " Smiley sent you."
"Smiley from Moebius."
Bring cash.
Don't ask him ANY questions.
Problem "eliminated" in 72 hours.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

Exactly Roscoe, This idiot comes in and stabs or shoots the greeter at the door - the manager who gets in the way, the random checkout person, even the girl herself, and you can forget the "Its a personal matter" defense while you explain to those folks loved ones how enlightened your social sense is. This is not a personal matter, as if it were, nobody would know about it.

I am very very suprized that Best Buy doesn't have a written procedure for just such a cirmcumstance?

Personally, I would call Louis the sleeper right after the cops. Turn about on creeps like this frequently works. Pay the extra 25 bucks to get photos. 8)


Jan 13, 2006
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

POINTER94 said:
Exactly Roscoe, This idiot comes in and stabs or shoots the greeter at the door - the manager who gets in the way, the random checkout person, even the girl herself, and you can forget the "Its a personal matter" defense while you explain to those folks loved ones how enlightened your social sense is. This is not a personal matter, as if it were, nobody would know about it.

I am very very suprized that Best Buy doesn't have a written procedure for just such a cirmcumstance?

They do, Pony have you notifed corprate or at least you store Mgr, If they do nothing about this, make sure you get a record in writing that you have done as much.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2006
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

POINTER94 said:
I am very very suprized that Best Buy doesn't have a written procedure for just such a cirmcumstance?

So am I. I have only had that happen to a few of my female employees and when it does, I resolve it immediately, myself. This is more than a personal situation - it's a liability nightmare. Pony, you better make sure whoever you report to knows about this...this is the kind of thing that has to go up the chain. It has the same ramifications as sexual harassment...


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

Nice girls don't like to hurt anyone's feelings. She's being too nice. She needs to tell him that she appreciates his interest, but it isn't shared. Until he hears that, he'll take her silence as an indication that she likes him coming around. He will eventually delude himself into thinking that she really likes him but is afraid to get into a relationship. The longer it continues, the more convincing it will take to keep him away. That's the addressing the stalker part.

As a manager, if this is impacting your business in a negative way, you have to act. If you see potential danger to an employee or customer, you have to act now. As a manager, I think you are to the act now stage. She has to address the stalking part, you have to address the disruption/hazard part.

Hopefully the police can intervene on her behalf, but that's out of your hands. I'm sure they'll offer. Hopefully they'll follow-up until it's resolved. Meanwhile the best you can do is take notes and put the security cameras on him. Document what you can legally and discreetly.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

Pony, please don't mistake my directness for insincerety. You are in a no win situation. But you must understand what an undesirable position you could be putting your company in. I would notify the regional manager of this situation. They are there for just this reason. They are removed from the personal aspects of the situation and are empowered to make decisions on behalf of the company. No real manager would ever look down on you for doing so. By doing this by e-mail you can document your concerns with a time and date stamp and copy whoever you feel should be notified. If it is as you describe, you will appear to be the contientious employee looking out for the company's and co-workers best interest. No experienced manager would fault anyone for doing this even if it is a false alarm.

As sorry as the world has become, you need to do what is best for all your co-workers and your company. It may be nothing, but let those with the authority to act on behalf of the company make these determinations. I hope this is some schoolboy crush that disappears, but you always hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

This guy's motives may be completely honorable, but his behavior is probable cause for investigation by the proper agency. . .Police.

If he is just a smitten would-be suitor they will counsel him in the acceptable ways to behave. If he is a threat they will neutralize it.

Consider the potential terrible consequences of not having the law intervene. Could you live with that?


Aug 12, 2003
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

"Part of that includes the saftey of others and as a person of leadership I have influence throughout the store."

sounds like you've got a responsibility to your company and your employees. all of this is happening on BB's property with BB's employees. i don't think it necessarily matters what the employee wants; not that you want to ignore her.

you need to make your supervisors aware in the very least.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

Do what you need to do, and do it quickly, Pony! Don't wait till it is too late. Protect your employees and your customers.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

Very good advice already given. You must act and document now, as you have been advised. This is not a personal situation, (as already stated), and the red flags are only to be ignored at Best Buy's peril and huge potential legal liability. Good luck JR


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

A copy of this thread, and your id - ip info, has been forwarded to your local police department, and several high profile civil attorneys.

If the police act promptly to protect the woman's well-being, all will be well.
If not, the civil attorneys will use this info to suck the blood out of you, your employer, and the policia. :^



Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

Bad, Roscoe, Bad!:devil:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 2, 2006
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

in my humble opinion....call the cops...get this guys name...and take out a restraining order....if he violates the order he can be arrested on the spot...you as a mgr can have him banned from coming into your store due to your workers safety..he makes her scared....so....I'd investigate that avenue .......
that's what I'd do....
and if that didn't work...I'd get a couple of the biggest guys that work there and meet this guy in a dark alley somewhere and splain things too him..you know...my friends luigi and quido!!......rather convincingly if you get my meaning.....make sure he can't recognize you guys.....but hey...thats just me.......


Nov 11, 2005
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

I only givew advice once, so there it is.:love:


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: I REALLY need some advice.

Police police police....This needs to be documented, and she needs to be the one filing a report. The store can file reports all they want, but if she is unwilling to file, you don't have much to stand on. You can tresspass him, but she needs to be on board with it. From a legal standpoint, it would be optimal if she requested all action.

You definately don't want to take the law into your own hands. Your ability and responsiblity to care for your employees ends when they walk out the door. Having employees follow her or him just places more people in potential harms way, and you can imagine the lawsuit that can result if one of your employees were injured or killed because of something you had them do.

That is what the police are for. Good luck, stalkers can get weird real quick. You don't know what this person is capable of, so always keep that in mind...