I didn't forget the plug... but...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 20, 2004
So, it's the Fourth of July weekend. I'm out of town with my boat with a few friends.<br /><br />Flash back a weekend before. I had a couple of friends come in from out of state and we went to the local lake. A couple of girls, one who said that she had driven clas "X" trailers and would have no problems driving a boat trailer and backing it down and another who had her own boat years back (a speed boat, but managed to sink it). A great day out at the lake since I did the unloading myself, but decided to let them load it and the girl who said she could drive try to back down the ramp. 10 minutes and a jackknifed trailer later me and another fellow boater were helping her out. Miss "I sank a speed boat" missed the trailer by a mile, so I got down in the water and righted it on the trailer myself.<br /><br />Later on up the ramp when prepping the boat for the trip home, I gave the other girl the drain plug to put in the boat's glove box. Not a good idea. Now fast forward back to the fourth of July weekend.<br /><br />Here we are at the dock prepping to go into the water. Take off the transom straps, remove the motor mount, go to get the drain plug out of the glove box of the boat and... nope... it's not there. Look all through out the boat and nada. Look through the Durango and nothing. Apparently it is in Virginia with the above stated girl. It's a late Sunday afternoon and the marina is closed and so we decide to go to Walmart. I look in my glovebox to see if I can find something that will be the approximate size of the drain plug and find a 14 mm spark plug socket that fits inside the drain plug fitting. Take it and off we go. All walmart has is a 1 inch plug, so we go back to the dock and ponder. I look around the boat some more seeing if there is anything I can "rig" up to use as a plug. i come across a piece of plastic that is a patch for my ski tube. I decide that since the spark plug socket is such a tight fit that if I place the patch over the drain plug hole and then place the spark plug socket inside and wedge it in there really tight, it just *might* work! What a stroke of genius!!!<br /><br />I do so and launch. We're going down the inlet, no, open the hatch and we're taking on water big time. Turn on the bildge pump, but it's not working fast enough to get it out and WOT is not an option here. Back to the trailer we go. :( <br /><br />Let's just say that when I took the spark plug and patch out up at the dock, I created a small lake. :D <br /><br />I can honestly say I have never forgotten the plug, but with adventures like that, who needs to?


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 3, 2004
Re: I didn't forget the plug... but...

There are thing that you need to do it yourself and not rely on others. One of them is the boat. Another lesson to learn is to have a spare plug in the boat. I have 2 plug, one as spare. It is not what you have forgotten in this case, it is what you can't find.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 7, 2005
Re: I didn't forget the plug... but...

i have several pligs in my boat as i always seem to be buying one everytime i hit the marina lol i have ones i cangive out at the ramp if some unlock soul needs one. I figure it's good karma and i need all i can get when i go out lol