How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

marv plotzka

Seaman Apprentice
Sep 24, 2002
How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman? The river/lake that my cottage is on has one to sometimes three Bass fishing contest per weekend during the summer. In the morning, the fishing takes place mostly out in the lake, but by noon, the fishing has moved to the shore line. This is when my troubles start. It appears all the fish hide under the boats along the shore line. And the only way to get at those fish is to bounce there lures off the back of your boat or to toss it up top of the boat cover and then reel it in until it drops off the boat into the water. I don’t think it hurts the bare fiberglass or aluminum on the hauls, but it sure is hard on the painted surfaces, decals, boat covers, and upholstery. In the past it hasn’t bothered me to much. My speedboat fits up into boat lift canopy very tightly and the pontoon boat was 20 years old. Two years ago I replaced the pontoon boat with a new “tritoon” boat which I paid almost as much for as my first house. Well, it doesn’t fit as well under the boat lift canopy as the speed boat and I am getting a little sensitive to the damage I am getting from these “PRO” fishermen. Last weekend I had a few words with one of the Bass fisherman when his lure deflected off my motor cover and stuck into the fabric of the sun deck of my new tritoon boat. It caused only a little damage, but I am tired of it. Some of my neighbors have tried reasoning, bouncing rocks off these metal flake beauties, hand to hand combat, the sheriff and the court system. None of which has helped the problem much. I need a new less active approach towards the problem. I had thought of hanging some “chicken wire” fence or fish net off the back of the boat lift canopy down to the water. The sides of the boats are protected by the docks. Someone must have worked through this problem before. Give me your suggestions. Thanks.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

Other than an armed guard I can come up with only one idea. I saw a boat at a mooring this weekend with a light fishing net draped completely over it. I assume to keep birds off. Could you do something similar? Their lures would catch in the net if they were stupid enough to try it. You might even end up with a nice lure collection too . . . :D

marv plotzka

Seaman Apprentice
Sep 24, 2002
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

Fish net might do the trick. There must be different types of it. Some of which would work better than others.


Apr 8, 2003
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

how about running a rope with floats on it behind your boat... anchor on one end, quick release connected to dock on the other. You'd have to unclip to let yourself out, but maybe seeing a rope to snag would keep them from casting (?). I'd also be partial to a slingshot. <br /><br />unbelievable to me that people are that inconsiderate. <br /><br />When I was a kid and we used to shore fish as a family, I remember once my mom getting ticked when a boat set up to fish close to shore right in front of us in an otherwise quiet (not busy) place. She put on a big heavy spoon and then cast it right into their boat (oops sorry). She repeated as necessary. (also cast over their lines and then reeled 'em all in) you get the idea. They decided to try their luck elsewhere. Maybe you should keep a rod and big spoon on the dock to "return fire". But I can see how tactics like that would get old if it was a recurring problem.


Sep 11, 2001
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

I can't believe people would think its ok to bounce stuff off your boats. These are bass fisherman? How stupid. I'm sure they wouldn't mind you bounceing stuff off their heads.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 27, 2002
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

I have had the idiots come fish under our boats when we were all rafted off together. <br /><br />Unfriking beliveable..<br /><br />The can of whoopazz has almost been opened a time or two over this.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

Set up a video camera or still camera and take pictures. Send them to B.A.S.S. and any other Bass fishing magazine/organization you can find. Send them to tournament organizers and local sponsors threatening to boycott every business that sponsors these events if they don't get control of the situation. In other words, hit 'em in the wallet. That seems to be the only thing that can alter behavior these days.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 24, 2003
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

I'd use a video camera to video tape them & the damage they cause...make sure you get their boats license numbers in it and then file police reports & insurance claims to have the damage repaired.<br /><br />Hmm...less active...approach...the netting idea sounds pretty good to me.<br /><br />My favorite though is skipping rocks at them...


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 12, 2003
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

RC Boat with small waterproof cordless drill or circular saw. Sit back with a nice lemonade and enjoy the sport. If you want to have some real fun...get a RC plane or helicopter and buzz them when they get too close. Make it a sport to try to cut their line with the prop.<br /><br />I LIKE GADGETS!<br /><br />-JustMrWill


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 30, 2004
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

I'm sure guys do it, but all the bass fisherman I know are much more professional. They will cast near docks and boats, but they never cast purposely on top of them in order to drag the lure off. Occasionally, every fisherman will overshoot their target and end up tagging a dock or a boat, but guys who are doing on purpose are breaking unwritten rules of fishing, IMO... I I think the netting is a great idea. It would definitely prevent most guys from attempting to get near the boat! I'm curious to see how it works!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 2, 2000
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

Fishnet might work for you but this would still be a problem for your other neighbors. Find out the organization that puts on the bass tournament. Then submit a list of signatures to add a new rule for the tournaments:<br /><br />"No fishing within 50 feet of moored boats - violators will be dropped from the tournament" or ....something like that.<br /><br />Let them know that you will be kind enough to overlook past damage done to your property if they change the rule.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 12, 2004
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

Course, you could try firing a bait catapult full of something really rancid at them if the net don't work. It used to work on waterskiers and jetfleas doing 30+ in the anchorages over here really well.They'd leave rather quick.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 5, 2005
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

Isn't Michigan home of the NRA or something? A few warning shots across the bow might convice the whole lake not to come too close to your boats. :D <br /><br />A little less violent, is a paintball gun. I don't think they'd appreciate having to explain to the rest of the guys in the tournament why they and their boat is now bright orange(or green, or red, or yellow). :p :eek:


Oct 8, 2003
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

Naw, just do like we do out here in the west with Cyotes (SP), Kill one and hang it on the fence. It works for me.<br /><br />Man, whats wrong with me today???


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

Originally posted by JustMrWill:<br /> RC Boat with small waterproof cordless drill or circular saw. Sit back with a nice lemonade and enjoy the sport. If you want to have some real fun...get a RC plane or helicopter and buzz them when they get too close. Make it a sport to try to cut their line with the prop.<br /><br />I LIKE GADGETS!<br /><br />-JustMrWill


Jun 27, 2003
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

fishermen are there for the fish, is there anything you could do to temporarily remove the reason for them to be there. start engine on tri-toon and run in high neutral or half-stick of dyn-o-mite when you see them fishing for tri-toons.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

I can't believe people can be that selfish. To risk damage to other peoples property to snag a few fish.

AMD Rules

Lieutenant Commander
Sep 23, 2004
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

Originally posted by JustMrWill:<br /> RC Boat with small waterproof cordless drill or circular saw. Sit back with a nice lemonade and enjoy the sport. -JustMrWill
Even better would be a remote submarine with the drill on the front..... increase their element of suprise :)


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 16, 2002
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WITH THIS PROBLEM!<br /><br />I have not come up with a solution yet!<br /><br />I own a cottage with a permanent dock. It really upsets me (#$%&^) when fishermen do this. I fish a lot and I would never think of doing this.<br /><br />It pisses me off when some anchor 50 ft from my dock and spend a couple of hours fishing there. I know they are not doing anything illegal but I go to the cottage to get away from people and having these people 50 ft away is ridiculous. You would think that this is the best fishing spot on the planet.<br /><br />One of my neighbours and friend has the same complaint.<br /><br />We plan that if we ever recognize any boat at a cottage, we are going to anchor off of their cottage for an afternoon too!<br /><br />Joe


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2003
Re: How do you protect your boat from Bass fisherman?

Being a bass T guy im keeping my mouth shut. It rediculous for those FEW morons to be hitting boats with their lures and what not. Thats just stupid and ignorant. Its sad what weak links in the gene pool get people mad at bassn guys. I feel bad enough hitting a dock let alone hitting someones hard earned money. The net or the line infront of the boat sounds like a great idea. Teach the few a lesson. GOOD LUCK!