How bad off is the marine industry? Part 2


Jul 12, 2010
Re: How bad off is the marine industry? Part 2

Where I live in southern New Jersey we are close to the Delaware river and the atlantic coast, Delaware Bay and the many bays along the coast. Its a big boating area for recreation and fishing. Near my home there have been 6 dealers and 3 marinas closed this year. Even in the wealthy beach towns dealers are closing their doors. No financing available, no customers buying boats and many owners are not putting their boats in the water. There has also been an increase in boats (especially high performance cigarette type boats) mysteriously catching on fire and sinking for no apparent reason. Boat slips are renting for half of what they were two years ago. The one area of the business that has been doing well is the reposession and recovery business. The best part of this is that the Delaware river is rather boat free on nice weekends.