Home schooling ???



Re: Home schooling ???

lucky jim,<br /><br />I think Boomyal described the "socialization" issue better than I could of. My two sons are the same way as his kids. I am completely impressed with the caliber of freinds that they have and yes, all the freinds are home schooled also. They're a bunch of kids that I COMPLETELY trust.<br /><br />My sons also started communiuty college as high school juniors. They both are doing fine.<br /><br />My biggest compliment, regarding my sons, came from a local establishment owner for which they both work. The owner called my wife and I and told us that our two are the best employees he has eever had. They're smart, honest and know what hard work means. That what was worth it all to me.<br /><br />You see, we gave up a lot to do this. My wife was out of the job market for basically the last ten years. That meant no cruises, no new boats every couple of years, and just generally living within our means and pouring a lot of resources into their education.<br /><br />Was it still worth it, ABSOLUTELY. You can't put a price tag on your offspring. Unfortunately, too many people try to.<br /><br />I might also add that both my mother and mother in law were teachers. Each with 30+ years. They both were supportive. They knew what was going on in the schools.


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Home schooling ???

Well you asked for our thoughts<br />Between my two girls I have 7 grandkids 5 of which are in the public school system down in Portland OR. They all seem to be doing just great. I give all the credit to my daughters, thier husband and to thier grandmother who lives ten minutes away from both of them. There is a lot of home schooling going on after school. <br />I also think ADD (for the most part, and I know there will be exceptions) is part of social engineering and lazy teachers!<br /><br />motivation has been touched on but not enough IMHO<br /><br />I'm going use myself since I know me. And I HATED SCHOOL!<br />Grades 1-6 were in one room with one teacher and did mostly C and some B's<br />JR High 7-8 we took a bus 30 miles to the nearest town. All C's except one class, Science! In this class me and my buddy, when we walked in the teacher would ask us if we wanted our swats now or later! Sometimes we would just bend over, and take the swats at the beginng of class to get them over with. (Man could he swing that board!)Me and my friend got solid B+s and sometimes an A !!<br /><br />High school grade 9, first quarter all C's except one F! But NP I had that old Irish B&^*&(*& because I kept all my home work.. and showed my parents, See! All C's so they went into town to talk to him with my tests.. <br />Yea you can see where this is going.. Mr Stroud told them that I should be doing straight A work and until I applied myself he was going to fail me!<br />My parents knew how to motivate me:<br />First my 22 rifle got put in the closet, then my pole and tackle box, then they called the Lady who owned the local general store/cafe and told her I wouldn't be in for awhile to clean the place up (No Pocket Change OUCH) But worst of all they took away my Bookmobile rights! I was used to checking out at least 6 books a week!<br />Yes I got straight A's in math the rest of the year..then my parents started expecting better grades in the other classes... it worked :) <br />I dropped out of high school the next year 10th grade and went to worked until I got drafted and in 71. While stationed in the 82nd Airborne they decieded everyone had to at least finish high school, so I took night classes for three months and surprized myself with a 3.8 GPA This was not a give me class..I stayed up every night hitting the books until mid night and still made PT at 05:30 every morning. But I found out I REALLY like school now. Went on to get my AA after that.<br /><br />What scares me is that if I'd grown up in this day and age would they have just said I had ADD and fed me drugs?? And what would that have done to the rest of my life??<br />Hope some of this makes since


Re: Home schooling ???

For those of you that are Bill Ingvall (comic) fans you've probably heard this. He describes his bout with ADD.<br /><br />He said he lost his attention once when his dad was talking to him. "SMACK" he got his attention back. ;)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Home schooling ???

I might add that one of the biggest fears of a prospective homeschool parent is "how do I teach". Actually that is the easy part. There is no end of home school curriculum packages available that are grade specific and cover the spectrum of subjects necessary. They also include teacher guides. <br /><br />Worthy of note is that some of the packages, from the likes of Bob Jones University, actually teach from a perspective of morality, without ramming that EEEEEEVIL religion down your throat and they also teach American history without all of the politically correct revisionism. <br /><br />You would be amazed LJ, if you could locate a homeschool seminar near you, to hear of all of the proven benifits of homeschooling. We, as a society, have gotten so caught up in the 'have the kids then farm them out' philosophy we have forgotten what it takes to raise healthy kids of strong well rounded and educated character. <br /><br />I re-emphasize, for any that are interested in a charicature of what is going on with this nations children in the schools system, read "Lord of the Flies".


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Home schooling ???

In our small, rural church there are 4 little girls that were born within 1 year of each other. They are aged 2- 3 right now and the parents (I am one of them) are already getting together to plan on how we are going to homeschool these girls. We will all take turns with the different subjects, we are looking at different curriculum, etc. These girls are already being homeschooled! We know it will take more time and more dedication on our parts, but we have agreed to do it - all the mothers are stay-at-home moms and the dads are eager to help out with the "evening classes." We are all looking forward to it!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Home schooling ???

Hey Aspeck: What is your connection to Ghana? Just curious.

Heinz CA.

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 6, 2002
Re: Home schooling ???

I've got a friend and his wife that have home schooled their 4 kids in Eugene, OR., Now the 18 yr old is rdy for college, the 15 yr old is doing quite well and their 8 yr old is prob. 2 grades ahead in reading alone. This is not an easy road, they have to discipline themselves/kids and have a schoolroom at home(no **** tv), they all have plenty of social activities(my worry from the onset), sports leauges, etc. It just really seems that whomever isactually doing the schooling has to be really focused and patient. Also his 8 yr old has more free time than I've ever sen, he can go explore outside, help dad with work, you name it because the 1 on 1 teaching is SO much more effective! I personally couldnt afford the time /patience/work intrusion, but they certainly have done a great job. Heinz


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Home schooling ???

I used to be able to take my kids skiing in the middle of the week. No lines or crowds no traffic.<br />It was great. Kids would be done with school work by noon. Didn't need to spend 2 hours a day on or waiting for a school bus either.

jim phillips

Chief Petty Officer
May 11, 2003
Re: Home schooling ???

Thanks for all the responce we are still kicking the idea around and trying to come up with a plan the school is not to happy with the idea and we are waiting to see what they plan to do in the very near future.we should have a plan by the frist of the year.<br /><br />Thanks again for all the help


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Home schooling ???

Lucky Jim, do your due diligence on the subject but the very last opinion you want to influence you is what is said by your school. My 19 y/o daughter actually attended kindergarten and part of first grade. When my wife pulled her out of first grade the school threw a fit. If the schools and NEA had their way homeschooling would be outlawed. <br /><br />It is such a growing phenomonen, that produces smart, free thinking, conservative people instead of propaganized, politically correct sheep, the NEA has tried their best to influence state legislatures to outlaw it.<br /><br />There is actually a legal foundation that sucessfully takes on state and local jurisdictions that have tried to outlaw homeschooling or at least make it so difficult as to make it not worth doing.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Home schooling ???

Boomyal,<br /><br />My connection to Ghana is that I do mission work there. Will be heading there again for about 6 months the beginning of January. I am there about as much or more than I am in the States (at least that has been the way it has been the last 5 years).<br /><br />Lucky Jim, <br /><br />Don't worry about what the school says. Do what is in your heart to do. If you and the Mrs. Lucky feel that you can spare the time and devote the energy to it, then go for it. If not, then leave it to the "professionals." <br /><br />Had a friend with a 13 y/o daughter that was going to be held back a year because of grades. They pulled her out of school and home schooled her for one year. Then put her back in school. Her grades are much better now - I was amazed at what 1 year did, and these parents weren't that dedicated to the teaching regime.


Jun 1, 2003
Re: Home schooling ???

This has been interesting reading, We have been toying around with the idea of home schooling but think we are going to send her tho catholic school.<br /><br />But as an aside, and this is not to scare people. I think the rules are going to start changing for home schooling. There have been a few bad apples that are bringing home schooling into a negative light. Just recently we had 2 cases in New Jersey where the parents where abusing their kids and had them home schooled. 1 kid died, the other 3 were malnourshied.(19 yr old special needs kid weighed 58 pounds. The State Div. of Youth and Family services dropped the ball on both of them. They both were supposed to be a monitored families. :mad: <br /><br />But now the childrens advocates are saying that if it weren't for the fact that they were being home schooled the "system" would have caught the abuse sooner. The teachers union has also jumped on the "band wagon". and when that 800# Gorilla flexes it's might politicians start running for cover. <br /><br /> Not my opinion just want people to know what has happen here, and from what I understand the Jersey City case has gotten national attention, and congressional hearings started.


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Home schooling ???

I will just add a couple of points to the good<br />advice/info. you have already received.<br />they tried to convince my wife and I that my<br />eldest son had ADD, we didn't buy into it. he<br />was able to read in kindergarden and was just<br />bored outa his mind. god only knows what he would<br />be like today if we hadn't fought them.<br />that was 1st grade and he was on the honor role<br />last report card in 10th grade. I sincerely feel<br />that some teachers would perefer all difficult<br />chilren are drugged so they don't have to deal<br />with them.<br />point#2: has he ever been tested for dyslexia? sp<br />my wife suffers from this and it made her time<br />in school miserable. she dropped out and took the<br />GED in her junior year. she is by no means stupid.<br />in fact she is very smart, extremely well read and<br />well spoken. she just has a problem with reading<br />and writing words backwards some times. <br />people with dyslexia see things differently than<br />most people although I don't have a full medical<br />discription.<br />best of luck,<br />M.Y.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Home schooling ???

That would be just like the socialists, jgregory. Haul out a few isolated cases then use it for justification for more social control. <br /><br />If there is one thing that the socialists/left fear, it is personal independance. That is precisely what homeschooling breeds. They hate it with all their soul. <br /><br />They try to govern by the logic of sound bites and the left have become masters at it. Throw a few kind, caring sounding examples out to the snoozing populace and then have their desires legislated.<br /><br />However, homeschooling has become too big to kill. They have tried and failed when it did not have as much positive exposure as it does now. But they continue to try to snip away at it. Thank God for the HomeSchool Legal Defense Assoc.<br />This in the NRA of Home Schooling.<br /><br /> http://www.hslda.org/laws/ <br /><br />Also, here is a good site with home schooling info.<br /><br /> http://www.iedx.org/Landing_1.asp?CategoryGroupID=LP_HOMESCHOOL&SectionGroupID=NEWS


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
Re: Home schooling ???

I just wanted to weigh in here. My kids are not of school age yet but my oldest is due to start next year. My wife and I have not activley considered this (home school) but it is in our thought's because the oldest although undiagnosed is undoubtedly a very strong potential ADHD child. We have DECIDED (conclusivley)that we will not go the medication route should it ever come up. Therfore if he is showing sign's of problems and his proformance is lacking it will proabably become a reality. I would most likley be the teacher and this concerns me somewhat as I ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer if you know what I mean. However I believe with the curriculum choices available I would be able to suceed.<br /><br />Ok I'm starting to ramble but my point is: I am reading this thread with great intrest to help me should the day arise that We need to make the same Decision's.

jim phillips

Chief Petty Officer
May 11, 2003
Re: Home schooling ???

I think that the debates are good as well as the advice M Y and i see this thread is helping a lot of other people than just me. ya'll keep up the good work it means alot


Jun 1, 2003
Re: Home schooling ???

Boom, all I have to say is "Welcome to New Jersey".<br /><br />We are the California of the East Coast.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Home schooling ???

My two younger sisters were home schooled, one has a masters and and good job.<br /><br />My oldest son (16) has been home schooled for a few years under his mothers care. Long story short It was purchased under his half brothers name so there was no way for him to get the credit unless he repeated 1.5 years work and I fork out 600$ for the kit. So a friend suggested he get his GED. He will complete the final test the 22-23 of the month.Total of 65$ and two months of study.<br /><br />Hes at home doing chores and college writing and algebra from my old books.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Home schooling ???

It's important to note here that home schooling is NOT going to make a Nuclear Physicist out of every child.<br /><br />It is simply a platform that allows reasonably dedicated parents to provide education and direction, for the child, that is free from the unreasonable pressures and agendas that occur in the public school sytem today.<br /><br />In so doing, it has proven that the level of performance is way above national averages, that children, in the whole are more well rounded, have less esteem problems, are better educated relate better to employers, and are likely to go further in their life's pursuits.<br /><br />I do not mean to demean individual teachers here. I know there are many who pour their hearts and souls into education. But the simple truth is, with some exceptions, public education today is a huge bureacracy , dominated by the National Education Association, whose sole pursuits are feathering its own nest and propogating a leftist agenda.