Had an interesting experience this evening!!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2007
I was riding my motorcycle home from a family dinner at my aunt's this evening, about 10pm. I had a deer jump out of the ditch in front of me. I was only going about 60mph. I pulled the clutch, eased into the brakes, and moved left to avoid the deer, but when I crossed the centerline the rear tire locked up on the slick paint. I have never, in the thousands of miles I've ridden (I have put over 140K miles on the 4 bikes I have owned), had a bike slide like that on a painted line. Glad I have alot of experience and was able to ride out the skid until the rear tire hooked back up (lots of dirtbike riding). Just thought I would pass this along, kinda wondering if anyone else has had this kind of experience.
For all my fellow riders on here, PLEASE be careful and arrive alive!!


Jul 12, 2011
Re: Had an interesting experience this evening!!

Had the same problem in the rain. Those stripes get pretty slick when wet!

Summer Fun

Mar 2, 2002
Re: Had an interesting experience this evening!!

I went for a ride yesterday and fell over while turning around :facepalm:

I had to call my friend Phil to come and help me get the bike off me. :eek:

This is where its at now.:) 1982 Honda 500GL Silverwing.


114 pounds of Me VS 525 pounds of Bike doesn't play well together. :redface:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 23, 2010
Re: Had an interesting experience this evening!!

I have never, in the thousands of miles I've ridden (I have put over 140K miles on the 4 bikes I have owned), had a bike slide like that on a painted line.

Really? That was one of the first things I learned riding a bike on the street. That center line can be deadly. If it's raining/wet you REALLY need to be aware of it's presence.


Rear Admiral
Sep 17, 2007
Re: Had an interesting experience this evening!!

The stop bars at intersections are the worst, especially when cornering. Just be careful.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Had an interesting experience this evening!!

About 30 yrs ago I was riding an enduro at night and saw the eyes in the road....... I hit the brights and my brakes...... by the time I slowed down (from about 50 mph) I was in the midst of a herd of deer....... about 20 of them of all ages and sizes and I managed to go through them. It really woke me up and I am glad I did not panic and the deer did not scatter.

Yup the worst parts of the road are the lines and between the wheel tracks........ oil accumulation........ even worse when wet!

Glad you are still here to post ;)

Summer Fun

Mar 2, 2002
Re: Had an interesting experience this evening!!

Yup the worst parts of the road are the lines and between the wheel tracks........ oil accumulation........ even worse when wet!

And wet steel deck bridges !!. :eek:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2007
Re: Had an interesting experience this evening!!

Really? That was one of the first things I learned riding a bike on the street. That center line can be deadly. If it's raining/wet you REALLY need to be aware of it's presence.

Yeah, I know the lines are slick when wet, and always slicker than the pavement, but last night it was about like ice. It was strange, maybe has to do with the high temps, it had dropped to 100 by 10pm, from 110 yesterday afternoon. It hasn't rained here for over a month, maybe that caused it to extra slick last night. It was the first time I have ever had my Shadow skidding sideways down the road, do it all the time on my dirtbikes on gravel or dirt :D. Not a good feeling with your feet out front where you can't brace youself.
I hit a deer back in 1993, on my 1980 CB 750, I still have scars and a limp from then. So I watch pretty close for deer. Last night I wasn't even hardly on the brakes, it caught me completely by surprise. Anyway, I'm glad it was just an interesting experience, and not a trip to the hospital, lol!

Mike Robinson

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 29, 2005
Re: Had an interesting experience this evening!!

and rail road tracks, especially those that don't cross at right angles to the road, and loose gravel on pavement.

It's 4 wheels for me!


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Re: Had an interesting experience this evening!!

When I lived in Washington State, I had that happen several times, those darn lines in many states are to slick, here in Montana, they use a paint with traction sand added to it to help prevent these types of events happening. Works pretty good, glad to hear you came through with only a little shake up. Be Safe when you ride guys, those darn deer, sometimes it seems like they are out to get us!