Guy at boat ramp - I've never actually seen any do this!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 30, 2007
So this weekend we were putting the boat in the water. We ate at the marina, and afterwards we came out and spent ten minutes getting the boat ready. There is a ramp with two stalls on it right by the marina, and just as I pulled out of the marina parking lot, two people pull right in front of me to get at the ramp. No problem I figure - I'm ready to put in and they will pull aside and let me at it. The first guy goes to back in the one available spot with a small bass boat on a motorhome, with incredible difficulty. I can understand why it's so hard to do that, so that doesn't really bother me, even though it took five minutes.

Anyway, he proceeds to get out and pull off his transom saver, transom straps, then he loads his bait and fishing gear and ties off his boat to the motorhome - presumably to keep it from floating away when he backs it in. I never did stay to find out. The guy at the other ramp finished, then the other guy that went in front of me finished (he was all ready to go), and then I put the boat in and got finished, and by the time I walked back to hop on board the guy after me was finished and this guy was still taking up the ramp.

I've just never seen anyone actually do that before. The line wasn't bad at all when I got there so nobody was in a rotten mood about it, but he took up a spot that five people could have put a boat in for.