Ever been attacked by a fish?


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 20, 2009
I was working on my boat lift the other day and the water got stirred up a bit. As I stood on the right side I felt a good solid bump on my heel. I could not see what it was but I was thinking about my turtle log, the mature snapper I saw the other day and also the large bass nesting around my lift. After two more thumps higher on my leg I retreated with a chuckle and worked on the other side. Later when I returned to the right side I immediately was struck in the calf. On the second hit, what ever it was actually got a hold of my waders and was tugging on them like a small dog playing. No marks on the waders so I assume it was a bass. They sure are aggressive.


Jan 6, 2002
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

Bream are bad to come up and hit you.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 21, 2009
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

Probably not what you're after...but these guys used to try and bite me if i got to close to their home...which just happened to be in my living room:



Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

Hopefully not a big muskie. :eek:

Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

Pike, Bowfin and Salmon will all try to bite you given an opportunity once caught. Bowfin(Dogfish) will flop around snapping their teeth at ya and they are pretty darn feisty. In the water they are less aggressive to humans of course.

My dad always talks about a time he almost lost a finger while poking a huge northern in the mouth as a youngster.:)


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 14, 2009
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

Been "nipped" lots of times by bluegill while swimming in a pond.

How about catfish "hogging" where you dive underwater and stick
your arm into where their hiding, they latch onto your arm and you
either pull them up or drown!

Real popular in these parts. I think their crazy, but they do pull out
some huge fish this way.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 20, 2009
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

If you get the channel "Animal Planet," try to catch an episode of "River Monsters." It's about a guy who is an angler and a marine biologist who goes in search of man-eating freshwater terror. Interesting show to say the least. Last Sunday he was after Giant Snakehead, which are horrific looking and rather aggressive. They usually chronicle a few people who are attacked.

I thought you were going to show pics of massive tissue damage from a Pike or something. I LOL'd at your just moving away and continuing your work. I think after watching this program if I felt something like that I would have done my impression of Jesus and ran to shore on top of the waves. :D


Apr 8, 2003
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

here's my fav attacked by a fish experience... One weekend I went alone out to our cottage to do some work. I thought I'd go out and do a couple hours of early morning fishing the next morning so went out in the boat looking for jacks (Northerns) or small mouth. Although barbs are legal in Ont, I always fish barbless since I return 99% to the lake anyway. I catch enough pike that I don't normally bother with the net... Just grab them with my left hand, use haemostats to un-hook them, then toss 'em back (we're talking mostly small ones <6 lbs or so here). Well, I got one that I went to grab, but I underestimated his size and how much fight he had left. As I reached over the gunwhale (while lifting his head up slightly), he jumped/thrashed just as my hand was close. Turned out it was about a 10-12 pounder with nice sized teeth. My hand took the brunt of thrashing teeth as well as having the treble hook slice through one of my fingers it as the hook flew out it's mouth....

I got a good look at the fish as it breached next to me and then went down and away. Next I looked at my hand where the blood was already running down my elbow....

Got back to the cabin (~15 min boat ride), then after getting the bleeding to stop with a finger turniquet, was able to glue the slices in my hand back together (thereby avoiding wasting 1/2 day getting stitches)... Did a good job considering I was working 1 handed. Most of the time I was laughing thinking of what I would do if I glued my hands together... After I was done that though, the kitchen of the cabin and the back 1/2 of my fishing boat looked like a Tarantino movie.... :) Took me an hour to clean up. My own mini version of pulp fiction. (a tad of hyperbole here... but it was bloody!)

BTW, this is why I always keep a new, unopened crazy glue in my tackle box or fanny pack. Never know when a good fish is going to coincide with a bad decision on my part...


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

Been "nipped" lots of times by bluegill while swimming in a pond.
Yeah, those little suckers have messed with me too. One of them bit me in the nipple :redface: and it flippin' bled . . . :eek: Don't think I was harassed or anything that day :rolleyes:

Edit: Of course I post my little nipple story without seeing that ^^^^^^ Let the ridicule begin . . .


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

I'm attacked by Mr. Ladyfish everyday! :p (bad joke sorry)


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

Yeah, those little suckers have messed with me too. One of them bit me in the nipple :redface: and it flippin' bled . . . :eek: Don't think I was harassed or anything that day :rolleyes:

Edit: Of course I post my little nipple story without seeing that ^^^^^^ Let the ridicule begin . . .

Oh wow, I would pay to see that. I'm revising a Jeff Foxworthy's joke. You know you're a Kaleefornian when your nipple get bit by a bluegill. :D


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

Yes during this time of the year Bass are very aggressive...... if you are near their bed.

I have had it happen when helping install docks in the early season.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 2, 2008
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

When I first became a diver we were on a two tank dive after about 30 minutes into the dive there was a (about) 5ft shark well we got out of the water went to a second location this time we looked first saw a barracuda,we were more afraid of that than the shark and we were not even in the water 3rd spot everything looked good we were ready to go and my dive partner say's "look over the bow" there is a (about) 8 inch shark charging the boat he would swim up to the boat and almost touch it and swim out a couple of feet and repeat the process and we thought if the kid was that tough we did not want to meet Mama:eek::D and this happen when Jaws first came out


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 18, 2008
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

Yeah, those little suckers have messed with me too. One of them bit me in the nipple :redface: and it flippin' bled . . . :eek: Don't think I was harassed or anything that day :rolleyes:

Edit: Of course I post my little nipple story without seeing that ^^^^^^ Let the ridicule begin . . .

No ridicule from me. A blue gill bit me on the nipple and it hurt like heck for a couple of hours. They'll also get your attention when they latch on to a couple of leg hairs and they give em a good pull.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

Misery loves company :D


Sep 22, 2006
Re: Ever been attacked by a fish?

Whin I was a sailor, a bunch of us were snorkel diving at Guantanamo bay. We carried a couple of weights on a canvas service belt to balance our buoyancy. One got hit in the shiny brass belt buckle by a barracuda. Got hurt pretty bad. The rest of us all went to the optic shop on ship and had ours painted with optical flat black.

I've never seen a fish as fast as those barracudas.