Do as dad says... not as dad does!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 20, 2004
Well, I took both my parents out on my boat for the first time last weekend. I got by first boat at the young age of 30 a few months back and when I first got it, the good ol' fatherly advice started flowing about how to operate a boat and dock and undock and trim and how to manuever the trailer how to control her and...<br /><br />It goes on for hours. I had never really been on a boat before, but always wanted one. Finally, I was making enough money to go out and get a decent one, so I did it and here I am with my stories.<br /><br />( We'll leave my first time out trying to unload and leaving the transon tie downs on for another day ;) )<br /><br />Okay, to back peddal a little... I took my dad out without my mom the weekend before. Let's just say that he had a bit of a difficult time keeping the trailer straight, nearly jackknifing it on a couple of occassions while backing up. I took over and shot her down straight as an arrow.<br /><br />Rookie luck I guess. :D <br /><br />Anywhoo back to last weekend... So after a great day at the lake doing a bit of tubing and having a ball out on her, it is time to come in. I had let my dad drive the boat most of the day (it was his second time out on it), so I volunteered to go get the Durango while he brought her in. Since he was the one who taught me (in words at least) on how to practice out on the open water, I figured I'd let him do the honors. Especially when he had such a problem last time backing the trailer down.<br /><br />So, here I came down the ramp, straight as an arrow per usual (after lots of practice at a large parking lot, per dad's advice). I lower the trailer into the water and here he comes.<br /><br />Nope.. misses the trailer by a good ten feet, so he backs up and tries again, but loses his concept of steering while in reverse and ends up having to turn all the way around and come back in from the edge of the no wake zone.<br /><br />Try number two... it's obvious he's nowhere close again and about this time a pontoon starts unloading. The guy in the truck beside me looks a bit amused and I'm just hanging my head down. He looks at his guy on the pontoon and says not to unload yet... they (us) will be awhile.<br /><br />Third try, he's coming up good this time, but for some reason cuts it at the last second and the transom skews.. I try to tell him I'll just get in the water and right the boat from the back, but no go... he backs off in reverse again (starting to do the same 360) and I take off in the water after him, swim a bit out to the boat and take over the controls.<br /><br />He mumbles a bit about the current and I let him off at the dock to let him go to my Durango.<br /><br />I pull in to the trailer, came in perfect, hitched the bow strap and hopped in the truck and off we went to get her ready for the road.<br /><br />Moral of the story. Father knows best, but father may not always know how to *do it* the best. :D


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Do as dad says... not as dad does!

P. D. R.<br />Practice, Drill, Reherse!<br /><br />It will come it time.<br /><br />Bob


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 29, 2004
Re: Do as dad says... not as dad does!

Just wait, the parent's curse will catch up to you (and me too for that matter). Our kids will be writting stuff like this about us and our parents will love it!


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Do as dad says... not as dad does!

My old man rented a 60 ft. house boat to cruise the Saint Johns river and lake chain for three days near lake george. After the renters gave him the rules, laws and instructions he said no problem can do. After he pulled away from the dock we began to do several 360's across the river taking out some of the tree limbs from the other bank. I came up from below and he was throwing the wheel every which way trying to gain control..I asked, instructed then begged quietly to let me help him as the whole family stood relatively calm as they could with hope someone would challenge him at that moment. He finally said "oh! hell you were in the navy and walked away in time for me to avoid a certain collision. It was very difficult to steer. Count to 10 before it would respond to a turn. The last day Brother in Laws wife, my step sister demanded that I let her hubby captain cause he had been there, done that, and gots the T-shirt. The problem was he wanted to captain from the upper deck. I explained to him and father that it would be fine but that he should captain from below in the main pilot station. But show off insisted and now it was becoming a matter of compitition that I cared little to be involved with. Plus I welcomed a break anyway. I explained to BIL that the depth finder and main controls are below and a good idea to start there. He asked that I report to him above if theres a problem. I said to him with father in ear shot. " If you want to captain then you will be captain. I will be officailly off duty period. No prob. he says. Well, he was zig zaging the river for several miles until we got to lake george. I stopped by the helm to advise him to stay with the markers because its a shallow lake. He shrugged and 5 min later grounded us on a sand bar......Well, all of a sudden Step-sister wanted to know why I wasnt paying attention to the depth gauge. When other fam. members asked what had happen she offered my name as the reason. Go figure. <br /><br />We could have just backed it off but bonehead continued to attempt to plow over it. sticking it REAL good. When the rental help got there he attemped to tow in the same forward direction. Sticking us even better than BIL. Since no one was listening to the first captain(me) and becoming annoyed with him, I said screw it! and began to fish and enjoy the cold beer now that we were at least safe. Many beers later rental man took original advice and towed us out the way we got in. <br /><br />What a trip that was....I was never more glad in my life to be through with a boating trip! Havnt spoke to Capt.BIL since. The moral of my story get what you pay for I guess.<br /><br />Thanks coach for helping me finally get that off my chest here at Iboats :D


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Do as dad says... not as dad does!

Oddjob, although I'm sure it was a nightmare at the time, I hope that one day you can all laugh about it. I know it tickeled me. ;) <br /><br />Kinda like having too many cooks in the kitchen.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 21, 2003
Re: Do as dad says... not as dad does!

:D Wow, Oddjob. Thanks for sharing. You had me laughing the whole time I read that story. I could just picture the events unfolding in my mind. Too funny. (Probably wasn't too funny at the time.) :)


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 9, 2004
Re: Do as dad says... not as dad does!

My father bought me my first canoe when I was 11, it was a small wooden strip boat. As he was launching it for me he explained that this type of boat was very tippy, not like the paddle boat I was used to. He said he would take her out for the maiden voyage, to show me the ropes. Well, he wasn't 10 feet away from the dock before he managed to spill it. He dragged himself and the canoe back to shore and went into the house. That was over 20 years ago and I've never seen my father in the water since.