Displaying engine information

Mar 28, 2013
I have a 6 month old yamaha 25d 4 stroke outboard with a 703 control box. The control cable has extra leads which ar capped off. I assume these are for linking to gauges. What I was wondering was if you can connect these to a gps/fishfinder to display info such as rpm.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 22, 2013
Re: Displaying engine information

Are you talking about the yellow, red, black and green wires coming out of the control box? If so, these are for conventional Yamaha gauges. Now if you are talking about the red, green and blue wires, those are for another trim and tilt switch should you want to add one.

An F25 Yamaha does not provide engine data that can be displayed on a chart plotter or fish finder. Only the HPDI and EFI four strokes from about 2005 and onward offer this capability. Your motor has a carburetor.