Could you mistake a Suzuki 2:50 LU for a 2:29 LU if you had them off?


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 30, 2003
Could you mistake a Suzuki 2:50 LU for a 2:29 LU if you had them off?

I have a very odd question. If you had a 2:50/1 LU off a df175hp and a 2:29/1 LU off a df200hp sitting in a warehouse, could you get them mixed up? Are there any instantly visible differences in the gear cases? Both 25?


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Could you mistake a Suzuki 2:50 LU for a 2:29 LU if you had them off?

All you need to do is turn the drive shaft exactly 2.5 times. If the prop turns exactly one revolution it is a 2.5 LU. If the drive shaft is turned 2-1/4 time (close enough to 2.29) to make the prop turn exactly once you have a 2.29 LU.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 30, 2003
Re: Could you mistake a Suzuki 2:50 LU for a 2:29 LU if you had them off?

Yep that would do it.

How about if it "could" happen? Do they have the same case? Say you had a dealership that pulled all your LU's off the keep the bad guys from stealing them. Then when you sold a boat you grabbed what you thought were the 2 that go with a rig. Bolted em up and sent the customer on his way. Now the customer has 2 gear cases that don't match and an rpm mystery that no one can figure out.

My math says there would be a 9% change or at 5800 rpm say 522rpm and the boat would try to pull the slow motor up a bit so say 250 rpm or so variance port to stb????