Coccyx Bone

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
No this is not a new species of fish, just wait a minute!<br />Motoring out from Shelly beach on the Kaipara Harbour this intrepid fisherman went over a few large waves and the boat was about at the maximum of its capabilities when this big crack was heard. We stopped the vessel and everyone joined in the search for some damage. None found we continued at a more sedate speed to the "Graveyard", a local spot. On the return trip the skipper (me) noticed sitting was no longer pleasurable and when we returned to the wharf I was feeling bloody sore. Off to the doctor I went and investigations revealed a broken coccyx (tail bone). Well I can tell you the cure was not pleasant. Now my doctor knows me better than my wife! Sufficient to say it involved a glove, some vasaline, and a finger somewhere the sun dosen't shine. It appears the boat came off a wave, I went up in the air and the boat came off another wave whilst I was still comming down, thus a brutal hit which broke the bone. Stupid, no inexperienced. I know better now. This all happened years ago and I have a cushin now!!!<br />Ross


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Coccyx Bone

Egad!! I guess you can laugh at it now..But man,that had to hurt! I herniated a disk in much the same way, only it was on a motorcycle....I hate speed bumps!