Can this be fixed? Aluminum guru needed...


Jun 14, 2013
Hello to all - first post. Be gentle!

Looking at a 1996 Lund Pro V Tournament SE Ltd. 1775 - very slick boat. But, there's a problem. It's obviously taken a hit - pictures tell the story. I can't find any cracking around the rivets, no cracks in the bent pieces. Owner says it does not leak. But, my question is what effect is this kind of damage have on the boat's performance? Is it safe?

Lastly, is this a BIG DEAL to fix? Never owned an aluminum boat.

Thanks in advance.




Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: Can this be fixed? Aluminum guru needed...

To make that area appealing to the eye it would have to be cut out and patched back... given the location, it would be better to leave it "as is".

Metal stretches when bent, so there really isn't any way to bend or beat that back out and have it look any better than it does now... and getting to the area on the inside to attempt to do something would be more work and trouble than it would be worth.

As far as performance, it probably looks worse there than it is too.

It looks to me like there's a good winch strap story to go along with that damage... why you should never take it off too soon or forget to put it on when pulling the boat out.

If you buy that boat, people that don't know you are going to think you did it and probably snicker.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: Can this be fixed? Aluminum guru needed...

I'd tell the seller that it's a gonner, finished, trashed beyond repair, scrap value only! I'd even stomp around and throw my arms arms up real dramatic like.

Buy it for pennies on the dollar then run it just like she sits with no problem at all:thumb:


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Can this be fixed? Aluminum guru needed...

It will leak...
If you don't put the plug in...:rolleyes:;)

Yep, like J-n-G said, it would be a HUGE deal to fix...but if it ain't really broke, what's to fix...?

If you are really serious about the boat, ask for a sea trial...

If you don't notice any peculiarities or water intrusion and would be happy owning the boat, then start negotiating and best of luck...

Let us know what happens...


Javelin JD

Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 4, 2013
Re: Can this be fixed? Aluminum guru needed...

Honestly I'd say that the damage shown would not affect the boats performance enought to worry about. it should still get on plane and ride just fine. What concerns I have would be the motor if it is the same, has the lower unit received any damage, what was replaced, did it take a hit in the process of the damage. Looks like the boat fell of the trailer, atleast that is what I'm envisioning. Also be sure the drain plug is not affected by the bend in the aluminum. That's just some questions I would have. Also I would underbid, claiming the cost for the repair, see if you can get it cheaper than what is being asked. Load up and go fishing.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Re: Can this be fixed? Aluminum guru needed...

Hello to all - first post. Be gentle!

Looking at a 1996 Lund Pro V Tournament SE Ltd. 1775 - very slick boat. But, there's a problem. It's obviously taken a hit - pictures tell the story. I can't find any cracking around the rivets, no cracks in the bent pieces. Owner says it does not leak. But, my question is what effect is this kind of damage have on the boat's performance? Is it safe?

Lastly, is this a BIG DEAL to fix? Never owned an aluminum boat.

Thanks in advance.

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Well contrary to what others stated about this, and I really appreciate their knowledge and experience too, I'm just going to say that I would fix it if it were mine. Apply a little heat (after removing the through-haul fittings first, and start on the outer edges and tap the dent back to its original position with an appropriate body hammer and dolly a little at a time. It isn't impossible to repair that dent in my opinion. While you can run it like it is (I guess), I'm just the type of person to make it like new again... Just my personal opinion though... I have repaired a whole lot worst, but not on a boat?yet! :D


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: Can this be fixed? Aluminum guru needed...

With heating and shaping that alum also comes the risk that it'll end up cracking on ya. It might not though.


Jun 14, 2013
Re: Can this be fixed? Aluminum guru needed...

Many thanks to all - and good news. I'm going with the "flailing of arms and stomping around" solution. Might get a smokin' deal! I know me...I will end up trying to fix it sometime. Hope it doesn't crack...:fear:


Jun 7, 2011
Re: Can this be fixed? Aluminum guru needed...

I'd tell the seller that it's a gonner, finished, trashed beyond repair, scrap value only! I'd even stomp around and throw my arms arms up real dramatic like.

Buy it for pennies on the dollar then run it just like she sits with no problem at all:thumb:

This ^^^^^^^^

Call around and get an estimate for how much it wold cost to repair....and use that number when negotiating price. Don't plan on the seller just caving in and selling the boat to you for a pittance....but you may be able to save a good deal of money if you can convince the seller that the damaged area is a real area of concern.

IIWM, I'd would not bother attempt to repair's not going to cause any problems for you.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: Can this be fixed? Aluminum guru needed...

After the arm flapping and moaning is over, when she follows you home for the best price you can get, spray some matching paint and I think it won't be very noticeable. The estimate is a good idea for added stomping. Of course she doesn't leak, the owners say so. :eek: Make sure you drop her in the water and verify for yourself. And look closely at the motor. No idea how that happened, but the motor is right in front of the dent so look it over really well.

BTW - Some of us have no manners. ;) :welcome: to iboats, Dutzeman. Good luck with the Lund.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Can this be fixed? Aluminum guru needed...

Just wanted to jump in and reiterate...aluminum is not the best metal to try and restore to its original usually becomes work hardened and will tend to crack if you try to put it back into its original state...
Unless you know how to properly heat it, I would leave well enough alone...
Good Luck...


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: Can this be fixed? Aluminum guru needed...

I'm absolutely sure that heat/fire on the already stretched/bent/crumpled sheet aluminum won't help a thing, and will actually leave you with bigger problems than you already have.

People that want to put a torch to a modern aluminum boat don't understand how they're built.

There's a rubber/latex type gasket between your hull sheet metal and the aluminum transom piece, you can even see a bit of it in the pics you posted:

If you heat the metal near this gasket it will burn, and after the gasket is burnt... your boat will leak like a sieve.

If you want to fix that damage the right way, remove all of the rivets at the hull transom seam and have a new transom piece fabricated and install it.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 7, 2010
Re: Can this be fixed? Aluminum guru needed...

EZ to fix this damage. I have had same damage on my Mc Kenzie, use small bottle jack to push bottom down where is damage and lightly mallet it in outside. Work really slow, aluminum is really flexible metall. Don't use heat


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: Can this be fixed? Aluminum guru needed...

Many thanks to all - and good news. I'm going with the "flailing of arms and stomping around" solution. Might get a smokin' deal! I know me...I will end up trying to fix it sometime. Hope it doesn't crack...:fear:

sooo....did the deal go down?