Camper Van as Tow Vehicle


Sep 2, 2014
Well I'm doing my test drive to work today. I think I successfully did my first bearing change *knock on wood*

O'Reillys sold me a sealed bearing specifoc to my car, which I blew out. In going back they sold mw a different bearing. It had the same number but started with a "bt". It was sealed and the first was a ball bearing deal, while the second was a roll pin type. When I asked about the difference, the guy behind the counter said they didn't have any bearings starting with "bt" even though the box was right in front of him... I'm confused and unimpressed, but the car's finished.

I'm "lucky" to live in a larger town (population 120k), so there's four local stores within the franchise to rent from. I went that route.


Sep 2, 2014
Btw, how is it possible to have a bearing so loose the wheel rattles when shaking it while parked in the garage, but doesn't hum on the highways?


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Sounds like the first bearing was the wrong one, I have owned several Subaru's over the years and they have always used needle bearings. O'Reilly's Is only showing two bearings available for the 2002 and they are both sealed needle bearings, so again, it sounds like someone goofed the first time.

By the way, the bearing number they list on their website for a 2002 is 517008 One is a National and the other is a Master Pro which is their in house brand made by National


Sep 2, 2014
Sorry for the late response MT! After the Subaru, I went on a trip in the van, and then took my wife to the ocean for our anniversary on another weekend. Next week the grandparents are visiting too. Life gets busy!!!

I got the new bearing on the Subaru after some learning curves. I'm glad I did it myself and bought the tools for the difference! I also had some issues getting the right boot for my inner cv axle but all is well now.
I think I know what you mean on the bearing... That would make sense.

The good news: My wife was right there with everyone else giving me crap for having a creeper van. After our overnight camping trip, she's really opening up to the possibilities :) I told her to download a movie on the iPad and made it into a movie night, so it was fun for both of us.

I have the next couple days off, and am hoping to turn the pump, sink and water jugs I orndered into a sink setup. I'll get some photos going now that life is slowing down.

I have another question regarding swivel seats. My van is a 1993 ford Econoline. I read on some random forums that the fmvss 207 bulletin says swivel bases aren't allowed in vans my year and newer although RVs are still okay. Some of the forum members of these sites said to pull a dot approved base out of an older van or rv. Question is... Does this make it legal or will my insurance company and the feds come after me if a passenger was hurt while in the modified seat? I just want to know where I stand with all of this.

Uncle Tom sure feels like a helicopter parent at times.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
I would not even worry about the seats, that information has been floating around for over 3 decades now and I have yet to hear of anybody have trouble because of it. As long as you have the required seatbelts as specified by the DOT in that particular year, I honestly can't see where you would have any problems at all.


Sep 2, 2014
I've kind of been leaning that way too :)

The local junk yard has a set for $50 but the bolt pattern is pretty offset from my seats.


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
I have had a few vans over the years and never once been asked by a police officer if the seats swiveled...........wouldn't worry about it.

if it was stock when it came out there isn't much they can do about it to my knowledge.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
As far as I know, the ONLY time the seats COULD become an issue is if you were in an accident where someone in your van was injured because of the seats, then you could be liable, and it could get ugly. The burden of proof would be on you that the seats were installed correctly and to DOT specifications.


Sep 2, 2014
Seeing as how the chances of a dot-approved seat base causing injury seems slim-to-none I picked up a set from a different yard for $23 out the door. The passenger seat ended up having a pin welded in place to keep it from rotating... but I have no idea why. Tomorrow is sink day and call my welder buddy day to see if he can recreate the lever to get the rotation action back.


Sep 2, 2014
Okay, I never did get around to the pics. We're heading to Yellowstone in a couple weeks and hopefully I'll get some good ones worth uploading. At this point, I've got the interior of the van setup how I wanted and have replaced the exhaust system.

I need some more information if you guys don't mind me resurrecting a dead topic :)

I want to put a voltmeter in the van and my boat for the accessory batteies to know what's going on. I remember something about reading 12+ volts even when almost dead so you need it under a load to get an accurate reading... Or something like that?

Is there a good way to measure a deep cycle battery?