Boat ramp protocol query....


Jul 15, 2002
Got an odd problem here and I'd appreciate some input on how to handle it. I live in an area where everyone has fishing boats, generally flat boats. They are typically used heavily throught the week and then on weekends the recreational boats hit the area and the fisherman tend to lay back. I run my boats nearly everyday, I have both a flat boat and a couple of runabouts. My flat boat trailer is basically a bed of 12 inch rollers, to load it I merely hit the throttle and since I have both bow and stern guides it runs right up the trailer. The nose is low and I can maintain sight of the winch stand/bow stop through the process. This is the accepted method around here and causes no social problems. <br /> The problem arises when I use one of the other boats. My bigger one is a tri-hull with a deep hull that makes it impossible to see the bow stop on the trailer after getting about 2/3 of the way on the trailer. I am simply not about to cram 135 horsepower of throttle open at that point and hope I don't shear the winch stand off and end up imbedded in the back of my truck so I stop and use the winch to finish the loading process. This is causing MAJOR problems. It is considered a breach of ramp protocol by the fishing boat people and there have been a few confrontations over it. I think a good part of it is the inherent dislike the fishing boat folk out here have for speed boaters. I don't sit on the ramp once the boat is all the way forward, I pull up and out of the way to strap things down, it's just the extra moment or two for the winching that's causing the problems. Am I wrong in trying to err on the side of safety here or is this just an unavoidable fisherman vs. recreational boater thing that I need to try to ignore? Your input is appreciated.


Jul 29, 2004
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

Seems to me you are quite simply dealing with impatient people. Yes, some boats simply take longer to load. You are the captain of your boat, not the others. You have every right to load your boat how you deem safe, not how they deem fast. If others can't deal with that, it's their problem, not yours. If someone complains to you about your speed in loading, ask them to help.<br /><br />I wish you luck.

Elk Chaser

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 29, 2003
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

Nope, you are perfectly justified to take as much time as you need to be safe. <br /><br />I myself will never power load a boat, matter of fact it is not allowed at most the ramps I use but you still see people out there doing it and I've seen some ugly mistakes in my day including a husband getting crunched bad by his wife.<br /><br />As long as you are considerate about the time spent on the ramp (and you seem to be) and use proper methods that are safe then to heck with anyone who tells you otherwise.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 7, 2004
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

Your method is exactly how I load my boat. Sounds like you have impatient people around you. They would probably stroke out waiting for the sailboat people that use the ramps near me.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 4, 2004
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

F' em. I hate that some people don't understand that not everyone can or will powerload. I too have a roller trailer and a boat that insists on straightening out only when winched for the last half. It really doesn't take that long, even if the bass buggy crowd does get all pissy about it. <br /><br />I just do what I gotta and don't worry about it. You sound like you're doing exactly the same thing. I say go for it -- you're right on this one.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 15, 2003
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

When at the ramp I expect the people in front of me to load safely and with a little hustle when others are waiting. I load the same way you do all of the time. You are in the right here IMO.<br /><br />I get most annoyed by the people you don't appear to know how to load a trailer properly or take a leisurely approach like they own the frickin ramp.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 27, 2002
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

Tell them to go scr@w themselves.<br /><br />That's exactly the way we load our boat, and no one has ever said diddly about it.<br /><br />In fact, about the only ones that power load there boats around here are the bass boat idiots that do it AFTER they have tied up the ramp for 2 minutes by tieing off to the ramp dock, instead of the courtesy dock that's 20 feet away. <br />They also are notorious for trying to cut around everyone in the trailer line, cause they have it in in their little pinheads that they are next based on being tied to dock.<br />They are wrong.

steve n carol

Chief Petty Officer
May 8, 2004
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

do what is necessary to complete your task. I cannot power load my boat. Carol is uasally with me and the two of us manage. she has to go very slow backing down the ramp, often several times! haha, she only does this when it is un-crowded, or when there isn't any space at a ramp to tie off, (loading or unloading). I do enjoy watching people help her back down. she has met some wonderfuly nice folks. I have wittnessed those with very expensive craft try to push or step on the guy with the project boat. I do not put up with this. I sometimes just get involved. I thank God that my life in not hurried! I have the mastery over that these days. Enjoy the water and the ramp, give someone else a


Oct 6, 2003
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

I do the same thing, probably snake bit from hitting the bow stop hard years ago on my old Glastream. I pull on get out (which I have to do anyway) crank it in all the way, and pull out of the ramp. My wife snaps the winch strap on as I climb out. So we are talking less than 3 minutes.<br />If anyone has an issue with it, they have not said anything, but most ramps I use prohibit power loading. Too bad those impatient boaters forgot simple things like courtesy. Do what is safest for you and your equipment. Just smile, that drives them nuts. ;) Never time to do it right, but always time to do it again


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 8, 2004
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

safety is paramount. people like that are what is giving boaters a bad rep. the few of us that actually take the time to safely load thier boats just have to accept that there are morons out there that will eventually have to pick up thier boat out of someones new car.

Philip Stone

Seaman Apprentice
Aug 30, 2004
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

Do they want to wait a couple of hours for the ramp to be cleared by a tow truck and ambulance crew after an accident? Or a couple of extra minutes while you do it safely?<br /><br />I feel for you guys south of the 49th, sounds like a lot of stress when you're all supposed to be having fun. Not to gloat, but all summer I only showed up to the ramp once and had someone pull in behind me waiting otherwise it's been a clear ramp every time.


Jul 19, 2004
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

In a world of instant messaging, faxes and email, I think people are just losing patience. People don't know what it is like to wait anymore. <br /><br />You see it all the time, someone getting stewing and getting more and more irritated because the person in front of him at line is ordering 4 value meals...<br /><br />You haven't done anything wrong, and if they are d!cks to you simply ignore them. If they want to go to jail over an altercation it is their perogative.<br /><br />Sean

Luna Sea

Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 20, 2002
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

You have every right to load the boat up in the manner in which you feel most comfortable. Unless you're obviously taking your sweet time.... I always had to crank it up with the winch. Never heard no-one complaining.......


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 13, 2003
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

I winch my boat the last foot or so, never had a complaint, not even a frown. I have watched and waited as long as ten minutes as a few jerks back their trailer in the water crooked with half of one wheel above the water and the other fully submerged. They then make 4-6 attempts at loading their boat with no luck. They finally get in the water and try walking it on. The driver pulls up a few feet and the boat owner realizes the hull is sitting on the trailer fender on one side and shouts, Stop, Stop! After the driver gets out of the truck, he and his buddy have a five minute discussion, assessing the situation. They then back the trailer back in the water, the driver gets out and tries to straighten the boat.......... Sound familiar? YES, I HATE GETTING BEHIND SOMEONE LIKE THIS AND HAVE BIT MY LIP TO THE POINT OF DRAWING BLOOD. On many occasion I have seen boaters back down, tie up the the ramp and then proceed to load coolers, rope, tubes, skis, etc. before launching. Nine times out of ten it's a pleasure boater and not a fisherman.<br />JD


Fleet Admiral
Apr 28, 2002
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

Lotsa places discourage powering on or off trailers for good reason. The prop wash digs holes in the surface of many ramps making it tough for the next guy who backs his trailer into one of the holes.<br /><br />There is a marina (Black Point on Biscayne Bay)not too far away that has a grassy hill to one side. It is a favorite spot for folks to bring their lawn chairs & coolers on Sunday afternoon to watch all the idiots JB was talking about. They watch fights, trucks slide into the water (salt too) and have a grand time watching the show.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 3, 2004
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

xberet,<br /><br />You have every right to take your time to load or launch your boat. If it means pissing those who have to wait on you, so be it... You have to look after your own safety and equipment. It sounds selfish but it is not. When I launch my boat the the local public ramp I take my time to make sure that I have every thing ready before I put my boat in the water. Once it is in the water still tied to the trailer I lower the lower unit and start the engine. I make sure that the engine fire up and running before I untie it from the trailer. It would be a lot longer if your launch your boat and it does not fire up and then you have reload the boat on the trailer. In this way I know that if the engine does not start then I can pull the boat out of the way to figure why the engine does not start. Easiler this way. I was taught this by an "old salt" and have seen someone done the exact same thing as I mention. So I take my time launching the boat.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 14, 2004
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

Take all the time you need to do it properly,Maybe if someone is impatient they can give you hand to relieve their boredom.<br /><br /><br /> Jim


Jul 15, 2002
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

I have to tell ya' I appreciate all the responses. I try, as all of us seem to, to be as efficient as possible but my two runabouts are old fiberglass-ers I've refurbished and it would break my heart to trash one. Sort of ruin my day to do that AND total my truck at the same time. Thanks to all that took the time to reply.... you have no idea how much better you've made me feel about this!!!!


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 27, 2002
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

I need to add that whenever I am at the ramp launching or recovering and the boater beside me is all alone, I (almost) always offer to help. If they are recovering, I offer to hook and crank...if the are launching..I offer to unhook and help tie off. <br />I can't think of one tme anyone has made the same offer when I was alone.<br />Oh well....


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Boat ramp protocol query....

Just do it the way you do it. There is no "protocol" that says you need to do it a certain way just to make impatient people happy. As long as you are getting the boat on the trailer, and pulling up and out of the way for final tiedown, you can take your sweet arse time. Its the people that pull all the coolers and crap out of the boat at the dock that are frustrating. Screw 'em.....