Boat pulls HARD to starboard. How can I prevent this?


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 29, 2016
1980 I/O Aristocraft 120hp pleasure boat with manual steering. From about 10mph - 20mph, if you let go of the steering wheel, it will almost immediately spin to a full-lock starboard turn. So you have to hold the wheel slightly to port and not let go, for it to go straight.

From 25mph and up, it gets worse. I have to turn the wheel so far to port just to keep the boat going straight, that the boat itself lists about 25 degrees. It's leaning over almost like a full speed left turn, but still going straight. Forget about actually making a turn to port at that speed. This obviously makes it near impossible to maneuver the boat, and it's also just uncomfortable - I'm constantly fighting the steering wheel and the boat is listing 20-30 degrees in a straight line.

Any thoughts on what might be causing this?


Nov 22, 2012
I first read this and thought its torque steer but the boat should not list like you say and you still should be able to turn the boat while under throttle. My fathers boat had manual steering and if we loosened a nut or nob on the steering we would have to hold on with both hands but the boat did not list like you say. I honestly don't know what would make a boat do that. Broken motor mount maybe?


Jun 19, 2014
first check is the little trim tab just under the anti-ventilation plate, behind the prop.

Second is if the boat is listing (leaning to one side) just floating

Loosen the bolts holding it in place, turn it opposed to the direction the boat wants to turn. Since you have a LARGE tendency to turn, try about 10 deg adjustment. Lake test. If its better but not enough, then adjust more. If it over-corrects, go back a little.

If it is listing then redistribute weight in the boat and/or find the leak.

And yes... the outdrive coming loose or the transom failing could cause it.
If one of these is the problem, the boat won't survive long without being fixed.
Boat out of water and someone holding the wheel ... push hard to one side and then the other on the outdrive. If its moving around you found it.
Note... if this is it, you should also be noticing a lot of water in the bilge or the bilge pump running often.


Aug 18, 2013
Does your boat have trim tabs? If so could one be sticking. Also it could be a damaged gimbal housing or related part.

Just some thoughts.