Big Mistake ?

Wishin I was Fishin

Seaman Apprentice
Jun 21, 2007
Good Morning to all!! I was finally getting to prime the aluminum blue fin last night. I had spent alot of time over the weekend sanding and sanding then sanding some more. Cleaned it all with the vinegar/water mix then let dry. Hit it with tack cloth next. So far I think I'm online here. Last night I primed with first coat of rustoleum aluminum primer. Rad the can well enough or so I thought. Sat back to admire my purely amateur paint job (ie: shabby) read the can again, to the last line this time. OMG!!! :eek: It says not recommended for water immersion!?!?!?!? what in the heck did I just do? So my question is this. Has anyone used this particular primer before and it ended up ok? or should I just bite the bullet and sand it all off again and start over. Oh and the reason why I used the primer to start with is I ended up with bare aluminum and deep scratches when I got frustrated with trying to heat gun the decals off. Grinders are great!!!!:D


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Big Mistake ?

Ayuh,.... At this point, I'd scuff it,+ Top coat it....

Unless this barge sits at the dock All summer, I doubt you'll have any Problems....


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Big Mistake ?

It won't hold up to being in the water for days on end but for a trailer boat you'll be just fine.

Wishin I was Fishin

Seaman Apprentice
Jun 21, 2007
Re: Big Mistake ?

Thanks guys, the boat will primarily be sitting on a trailer in my garage when not fishing. The only exception to that will be about one week per summer when it will be tied off on a bouey (sp?) in the Puget Sound during our annual family fishing/crabbing spree in the lovely San Juan Islands. I suppose I will just learn to relax, get the paint on it and hope for the best. I guess if it becomes a problem in the future I will strip and redo then. I was noticing last night though that when I tried to roll on the primer with a 3/8" nap roller it did not go on real well. It seemed to produce massive amounts of bubbles and uneven coverage. I ended up switching to a brush to finish it out. I was planning on using roll and tip with rustoleum marine for the paint. Does the paint lay on differently than the primer? Or should I be using a different roller?


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 26, 2005
Re: Big Mistake ?

You will be fine with the product your useing. Ya just got to find the right tool to apply that does not give you problem. Foam sounds like a good try like was just stated. My neighbor painted his boat 2 years ago with $.99 cent (wal-mart) paint cans and he just de-winterized and got his rig all ready and it looks like a professional job! Just waxed the hull like all of us do in spring and it looks really really great! I have heard good things about the rustolium products. You will be ok if you trailer it!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 15, 2009
Re: Big Mistake ?

Usually the bubbles come from the roller cover, 3/8 nap is pretty heavy even though it is more time consuming its better to go two lighter coats with a shorter nap. In roller covers you really get what you pay for,the cheapies sometimes aren't worth a nickel if you are constantly removing hairs or having bubble problems. With oil on metal I have always had good luck with a good mohair roller with a resin core. Foam rollers are also good to have especially the 4'' or 6'' foam jonny rollers. Either of these will lay the paint off much better(especially oil) than a 3/8 nap that may be designed more for latex/acrilic based paints. If the bubbles dried into fisheyes wait until its good and dry and block it out with some good quality 320 grit paper then proceed to your finish. After you tack it off again after sanding of course. I just finished some painted(black) cabinets for a client and used oil primer and oil paint used a mohair roller cover and foam for the tighter areas. It looks almost as if it were sprayed I was impressed with how well the paint layed down.

Wishin I was Fishin

Seaman Apprentice
Jun 21, 2007
Re: Big Mistake ?

Thank you all. This is part of the joy of DIY projects. You get to learn something new every step of the way that you did not know before you started. It's fun in a sick and twisted sort of way.