banshee transom and likely stringers


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: banshee transom and likely stringers

You asked elsewhere, but I'll drop this here & quote it back over there, where you asked...
how do you guys get the box around the quote of someone else. I just tried and managed to mess that up as well :facepalm:
You need to use the Reply with Quote button at the bottom of every thread post. And make sure you leave the html code (the part IN BETWEEN the brackets: [ ] at both the beginning & end of a quote.
The code looks like this before you post a reply:
{QUOTE=banshee owner;4446437]
To keep the iboats server forum software from using my example as quote code I had to change 1 [ to a { in the 1st set of code. Because I changed the 1st code, the software doesn't recognize the end as an End Of Quote, and left the code in text form.

BTW: The small highlighted " w/ a small + sign next to it is used to qoute multiple people, all in 1 post:
here's the two pics i was referring too....

Like JC said..........

Repost the pix you're referencing...


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: banshee transom and likely stringers

oops dbl post :facepalm: :watermelon:

banshee owner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 4, 2013
Re: banshee transom and likely stringers

WOW December 9th was the last post "ouch" now that February is over and were into march hopefully very soon ill be able to get back at the boat. Winter here is just trying to hang on would let go. huge storm yesterday and pretty cold again today.

Anyway i thought i would post something here as the red bar at the bottom of the saying inactive for 90 days is rather disturbing lol


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: banshee transom and likely stringers

Hang in there...



Apr 18, 2008
Re: banshee transom and likely stringers

Banshee...I'm still here! Spring is right around the corner, for me, not soon enough though?

Keep plugging away and before long, you have that boat splashed!


banshee owner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 4, 2013
Re: banshee transom and likely stringers

Almost end of March and were still getting snow up here in canada along with cold temps. Mr ground hog was definitely right this year.i am so ready to get back at it. Thanks guys for checkin in.cheers for

banshee owner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 4, 2013
Re: banshee transom and likely stringers

yippeeee got to work on the boat today. i managed to get the deck 90% cut and fitted. doesnt sound like much but its a huge step forward and step closer to fiberglass. 1396819372410.jpg1396819351699.jpg1396819342107.jpg

the first picture is the back where i am going to make cover that can be removed to i can get to the bilge pump and clean the back up a little nicer. before it was a disaster absolutely non functional. the other two are the deck pretty well fitted to exactly where there going to sit. A little fine tuning and trimming then i think i will put the cap back on and make sure everything fits. STEPS forward gotta love it.
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Apr 18, 2008
Re: banshee transom and likely stringers

Dood, getting closer...hope the weather holds out from here until splash day!!!

banshee owner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 4, 2013
Re: banshee transom and likely stringers

Dood, getting closer...hope the weather holds out from here until splash day!!!

most defiantly getting closer the snow is finally receding and the ice around hear is starting to break up and i see open water.

temps are bearable to work in all is looking up.

i have a realistic or maybe not so realistic date of last weekend in may to splash the boat but with limited time and mother nature it might be closer lol. My buddy has been absolulty awesome letting me use his garage to do this whole process.

banshee owner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 4, 2013
Re: banshee transom and likely stringers

Im having a little issue with the deck and stringers

How in the world is one supposed make sure the stringers are touching the bottom of the deck and still rest on the hull on outsides especially when the main part of the deck is almost a full 8 foot sheet of plywood. My old stringers were not in good enough shape to get a good measurement of there height so i had to guess

I have an inspection camera i stuck under the deck and can see gaps from about half way up and towards the front of the boat. i realize peanut will take up gaps but the next issue is once the stringers are fiberglassed and ready to bed in i cant shave a little here or there.

So i thought now at this point if i can add height to the stringers by adding a piece of stripping cut from the plywood and attach it to the top of the stringers and make it part of the stringer before i glass it.

would this be acceptable and would it be structural enough after tabbing the stringers into the boat. I really don't want to cut new stringers as the ones i have already fit pretty good in the boat other than touching the bottom of the deck .

Also another question is when i have tabbed the stringers in do i lay a layer of peanut butter on top of the stringers to bed the deck to the top of the stringers. then screw it down with stainless screws. or is that over kill. Also can i use deck screws i have a bunch of them and saw other posts of people using them but if they will be an issue i don't want to use them.
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old islander

Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 27, 2013
Re: banshee transom and likely stringers

Go to the hardware store and buy a buttload of 1/4 inch rubber washers, the kind used for water faucets. They only cost a few cents apiece. Screw them to your offending stringers. Measure where you put them and transfer those measurements to your deck plywood. Apply peanut butter to your stringers in a mounded pattern so it sticks up above the stringers. Sink your stainless screws snug at the washer locations on your decking. The washers will give you the 1/4inch gap for the peanut butter to bond to the deck and stringers with out creating hard spots. Space them 6inches apart.
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banshee owner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 4, 2013
WTF have pics been removed temporarily or permanently.

Well making steps forward tweaking the deck and stringer and transom purchased some rather over priced chopped strands and cabosil on the weekend. Couldnt get to Toronto so had to settle with another small local supplier but at least ill be able to do something instead of waiting to get to Toronto.

With any luck toniught ill be working some more and then hopefully Saturday will attempt some fiberglass YIPPEE lol


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Yeah the forum is pretty much screwed up and pics have been messed up too!!! Photobucket is your best bet for posting pics now. As for your stringers, PB For bedding and PB on top to fill the gaps between the tops an the deck too!! Deck screws will be fine. Pre drill the holes and put PB in the holes and on the screws too!

banshee owner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 4, 2013
ok thanks WOG

ive started fiberglassing and what a learning curve that is lol. mixed the first batch to light with hardener and it took a good 45 minutes to harden so i ended waiting for it kick before moving onto the next step. then the second batch was a little too strong and started gelling in my cup while i was working with it. about 15 minutes.

Finally i found a happy medium right square in the middle it gives about 25 to 30 minutes working time and by the time im to the end of the pot it just starting to kick. works out pretty good but im just doing smaller pieces so far the bigger one will defiantly need to have a couple buckets ready.

I also tried mixing a small batch of peanut butter to fix the hole i ground in the boat. I bought west system fillers on the weekend pretty expensive but i only got enough to be able to do the repairs i need till i can get the stuff from Toronto. i open one can it was cabosil which i expected then i open the other can expecting chop strands but it was i think milled fibers basically looked like the same stuff to me. ill have to get the names when i go back. anyways i used some small pieces of csm pulled them apart and cut them a little and used a pile of that for my peanut butter. im thinking peanut butter for bedding the stringers in will need alot more of the thickener the batch i made was more like mayonnaise

BIG BIG question for you guys Will csm dry out and be useable or is it garbage. I had my roll of csm in my buddies garage and a cut piece of csm on a table in front of the roll. We had two days of intense downpours and heavy winds. when i went into his garage i found the table soaked and my piece of csm but thank god my roll was under the lid of the boat and didn't get wet. Now my roll has a tarp over it and bungee strapped and the boat is placed where there's no leaks. I'm glad nothing more got ruined i would not have been a happy camper if my wood got soaked or my fiberglass.

ill get pics when i go back which will be this week

HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all the dads out there too have an enjoyable day

banshee owner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 4, 2013
ok thanks WOG

ive started fiberglassing and what a learning curve that is lol. mixed the first batch to light with hardener and it took a good 45 minutes to harden so i ended waiting for it kick before moving onto the next step. then the second batch was a little too strong and started gelling in my cup while i was working with it. about 15 minutes.

Finally i found a happy medium right square in the middle it gives about 25 to 30 minutes working time and by the time im to the end of the pot it just starting to kick. works out pretty good but im just doing smaller pieces so far the bigger one will defiantly need to have a couple buckets ready.

I also tried mixing a small batch of peanut butter to fix the hole i ground in the boat. I bought west system fillers on the weekend pretty expensive but i only got enough to be able to do the repairs i need till i can get the stuff from Toronto. i open one can it was cabosil which i expected then i open the other can expecting chop strands but it was i think milled fibers basically looked like the same stuff to me. ill have to get the names when i go back. anyways i used some small pieces of csm pulled them apart and cut them a little and used a pile of that for my peanut butter. im thinking peanut butter for bedding the stringers in will need alot more of the thickener the batch i made was more like mayonnaise

BIG BIG question for you guys Will csm dry out and be useable or is it garbage. I had my roll of csm in my buddies garage and a cut piece of csm on a table in front of the roll. We had two days of intense downpours and heavy winds. when i went into his garage i found the table soaked and my piece of csm but thank god my roll was under the lid of the boat and didn't get wet. Now my roll has a tarp over it and bungee strapped and the boat is placed where there's no leaks. I'm glad nothing more got ruined i would not have been a happy camper if my wood got soaked or my fiberglass.

ill get pics when i go back which will be this week

HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all the dads out there too have an enjoyable day


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Wet CSM is a Goner!!! I would never try to dry it out and use it. Just not worth it.

banshee owner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 4, 2013
WOG i appreciate your opinion on wet csm but im afraid that the piece that got wet got mixed in with the other pieces i have. I laid the csm out thinking it would dry best that way(i had it over a couple garbage cans). my buddies needed the garbage cans and moved the csm to the pile i had on the table. when i got back there i moved all the fiberglass to one pile and now i cant tell which piece was wet and it all feels ok. i have a good idea which piece it was but not 100% sure. So ill just make sure any pieces i think it was i wont use or use on non critical parts of the boat like the seat anchors or something .

UPDATE !!!!!!!! i have my transom all resined and fiberglassed one quarter of the deck resined and fiberglasses the major piece of deck resined on one side edges and about 4 inches on oppposite side and ready to fiberglass the next time im there. Stringers all resined and ready to glass.

Hitting Toronto this weekend to get whats hopefully the last of the supplies i need mainly the 1708, fillers, more resin and some foam
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banshee owner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 4, 2013
well time to update again Ive been busy fiberglassing and working. ive managed to get all wood resined and covered with a layer of csm (staring to get the hang of this fiberglass stuff) i finished the deck last night and all i have left is the rear portion of the deck where im going to make the hatch for the bilge area and two seat anchors. I think im moving on pretty good.

managed to get the rest of the fiberglass supplies including a full roll of 1708 which i got a big discount on because the guy didn't want to unpackage and cut the roll. i know its alot more than i need but at least ill have enough and can sell whats left over. I also picked up another 10 gallons of resin so i have 15 total and im hoping its enough.fingers crossed

also picked a tub of expanding foam and 2 tubes of sealer that the guy threw in for free (gotta love freebies). I also got two tubs of cabosil and one tub of chop strands to go along with the cabosil i bought at the more expensive place. the tube of chop i also bought turned out to be milled fibers which is like a powder hopefully its usable as well.

so fiberglass wise i think im set

So any time now im starting the bedding of stringers and transom


should i wrap my stringers in csm or bed them in then run the csm from the hull to the stringer. Im pretty sure that's how WOG's pictorial describes it but wanted to be sure.

as soon as i have time to figure out photo bucket ill take and post pics of progress

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