ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2012
Can someone please provide an estimate on material quantity?s and cost for a deck+transom for an 18? starcraft?

-deck+ transom wood
-Resin/cloth for deck
-Probably non skid paint on the floor.
?I think I may go ? inch on the deck and do extra layers of resin/cloth, not sure yet.

Thanks a lot, I?m sure there?s probably a thread somewhere where this was already asked but I can?t find it at the moment.


May 31, 2010
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

I figured about $500 to replace a deck and transom in a 18' Mariner. Are you planning on glassing the deck?? I see resin and cloth on your list. The way I was planning on going was using 3/4" exterior grade plywood, coated with West epoxy to waterproof it, and topping with Nautalex (sp?) marine vinyl. Its expensive at about $18-$20/ yard but holds up FAR better then paint does to the heavy traffic of a deck. If you search deck materials you will find numbers of threads on that subject... very informative. You will likely want to go with 3/4" though, 1/2" is very bendable comparatively and if you or your buddies are on the somewhat less then space efficient side like me, it will feel very wierd walking on it!


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2012
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

I haven't looked in to marine vinyl or wood types yet, but yeah the loose plan was to glass the deck real well and finish it with a non skid or similar.

I thought if I glassed it with a few layers+fiberglass cloth the 1/2 inch might be ok, not sure. If the weight difference is not much i'll probably go with 3/4.


Jul 28, 2009
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

Glassing the floor would not give the floor the strength that the extra 1/4" of ply would give. If you end up getting an SS or Offshore lining up the consoles gets a little tricky with the extra 1/4", not so much with a CC. The rear sliders can also be effected.

Part of the decision you make is if you want the floor to be easily removed in the future or if you want a permanent floor. I think it was Jigngrub that did a vinyl floor in sections, screwed down and each piece can be pulled up individually. Nice clean system.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

Glass boat or aluminum?

Glass will be more $ and you may have more issues under the floor.

My 18' aluminum cost a bunch.

It all depends on the materials you use.

mine was $600 for the ply, sealer, and nautalex.

I di not use gluvit and I re-used the old foam.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2012
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

I had planned on a permanent floor.
It will be an aluminum hull.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2012
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

Do people usually have aluminum on the inside of the transom? I have seen many older boats with bare wood on the inside. I'm not sure if this is for breathing or it people just didn't feel like encapsulating it fully with aluminum.


May 31, 2010
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

I've never seen any SC's with aluminum on the inside. I just made sure mine was well coated with epoxy ans paint then bolted it in. If it was completely encapsulated then water that got in would have no where to go and just sit on the wood. Water always finds ways in it seems


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2012
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

Thanks you have all been very helpful around here, rather than start a new thread im going to throw a few more repair questions at you guys if you don't mind:

-For a solid floor with no vinyl, it's polyester type resin I want for the deck right? Where do you buy it cheapest? I have followed a few links from iboats threads, but it always looks more expensive than the $35/gal homedepot stuff I used to buy.
"Bondo all purpose fiberglass resin" product still look good 6 years later on previous fiberglass boat patches.

-When installing a new deck, how do you seal the joint between the floor and the side walls on an aluminum hull? Should I just make the joint as small as possible and caulk it?

-When buying a used painted tin hull, should you be concerned with a previous owners paint job? Would you visually see corrosion if someone used the wrong kind of paint on the aluminum?

-For a 1/2 to 3/4 inch hole in the bottom of a tin hull, would you recommend the "patch" method... rivet an aluminum sheet patch over it and seal it up really good?
I have no welding skills and someone seems to have put a large random bolt through a hull im interested in, presumably to plug a hole they may have drilled in error.

Thanks, I promise you will all be rewarded with photos one day...

If anyone's wondering about the 69' offShore V I posted in another thread, I checked it out and I might still grab it. I'm hesitating because it's pretty bare. Hull will be great with a new floor,transom, and console repair. But its missing windshield, bow seats, bow after buying it+ $600 in floor material its still an empty bucket.

Then again, I like to fish empty buckets and I have a smaller windshield that can work.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

- For a solid floor with no vinyl, it's polyester type resin I want for the deck right? Where do you buy it cheapest? I have followed a few links from iboats threads, but it always looks more expensive than the $35/gal homedepot stuff I used to buy.
"Bondo all purpose fiberglass resin" product still look good 6 years later on previous fiberglass boat patches.

The two main types of resin are poly and epoxy. Poly is much cheaper, but it is useless without glass. It does not adhere as well as epoxy and will crack and peel in short order if not used with fiberglass mat. It also stinks to high heaven. Epoxy is more expensive but can be used by itself kinda like a varnish and will hold up well (or add fiberglass cloth for a really bulletproof deck). It is low odor also. It is not UV protected so you must paint over it. Poly can sometimes be found locally (like the Bondo brand you mentioned) but it is almost always waxed resin. That means if you want to do multiple coats or fiberglass layups, you'd have to sand between coats. Most of the fiberglass boat guys doing rebuild work order their resin and get what I believe is called a "laminating resin" which is unwaxed. Epoxy also must be ordered. U.S. Composites is a great source for either.

-When installing a new deck, how do you seal the joint between the floor and the side walls on an aluminum hull? Should I just make the joint as small as possible and caulk it?

You don't. Let the water get down there to the bilge. In an aluminum hull it should typically drain away just fine.

-When buying a used painted tin hull, should you be concerned with a previous owners paint job? Would you visually see corrosion if someone used the wrong kind of paint on the aluminum?

Bottom paint would raise a red flag. Regular paint I wouldn't lose sleep over.

-For a 1/2 to 3/4 inch hole in the bottom of a tin hull, would you recommend the "patch" method... rivet an aluminum sheet patch over it and seal it up really good?
I have no welding skills and someone seems to have put a large random bolt through a hull im interested in, presumably to plug a hole they may have drilled in error.

That's what I'd do.


Dec 7, 2010
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

i even plan to carry a bit of thin aluminum and some of the JBWELD stick that sets up underwater.....figure i could patch a puncture up to about 3" this way at sea


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2012
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

ezmobee thanks so much. I'm sure these things have been asked many times over.

I looked into epoxy and definitely going that route.
epoxy coated plywood

i even plan to carry a bit of thin aluminum and some of the JBWELD stick that sets up underwater.....figure i could patch a puncture up to about 3" this way at sea

good suggestion, I will do this


Oct 1, 2008
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

ezmobee thanks so much. I'm sure these things have been asked many times over.

I looked into epoxy and definitely going that route.
epoxy coated plywood

good suggestion, I will do this

Ok so you can check out my thread in the restoration section if you would like but I am 45 days into an 18' Supersport resto.

Here is a breakdown so far.

4 sheets of 5/8" exterior non pressure treated ply at $23.97 per sheet.
2 Sheets of 3/4" exterior ply at $32.97 per sheet.

I scored on floatation pool noodles but you should plan on Aprox $120 for flotation

I ordered 3 gallons of epoxy from US composites at $147.50 shipped.

I would actually use Coat IT rather than Gluvit. It is a little cheaper and the reviews seem to be a little better it should only be around $35.00

I am going carpet back in it and I got the carpet and glue for $110.00

So far I am in at paint and paint supplies for $85.00

I got lucky and had 11 yards of marine grade vinyl left over so not cost there.

You will need some tools wether you know it or not.

So far I am in it for, $592.38


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2012
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

"I ordered 3 gallons of epoxy from US composites at $147.50 shipped."

checking prices...did you mean to say 2 gallons?


Jul 22, 2012
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

If you want to save on transom material costs, you may want to use solid (white) oak instead of pricey plywood, bonding and sealing agents. I am slowly restoring my 18' older Holiday and for $35 dollars i purchased the 1 1/2" transom piece and the 3/4" dash piece. Both pieces are finished with Spar varnish to a glass finish and will probably out live me..

Good luck and Keep us Posted..


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 24, 2011
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

If you want to save on transom material costs, you may want to use solid (white) oak instead of pricey plywood, bonding and sealing agents. I am slowly restoring my 18' older Holiday and for $35 dollars i purchased the 1 1/2" transom piece and the 3/4" dash piece. Both pieces are finished with Spar varnish to a glass finish and will probably out live me..

Good luck and Keep us Posted..

You can get a sheet of 3/4" BCX for $35 and it will be stronger than dimensional lumber. Just sayin'...


Jul 22, 2012
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

so you are saying that 2 pieces of bonded 3/4 in plywood will hold more weight and torque than a solid piece of white oak?

Hmmm I might have to see the tested results to believe that. Plus the water resistance of treated oak IMHO would outlast any treated glued panel sheets...I can leave a piece of oak outside and it will not deteriorate and still be usable, where bonded panels would eventually breakdown and become vulnerable to elements a lot quicker..

Just saying..


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 24, 2011
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

Yeah, StarBilly, you're right...I had no idea. I guess if you can find heartwood white oak it's great stuff to use. Thanks for the education.

EDIT: If it's a large boat with a lot of hp, I think the multi-directional grains of plywood is, in fact, stronger, but on a tin boat I'm sure it doesn't matter. Sorry to derail.


Oct 1, 2008
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

"I ordered 3 gallons of epoxy from US composites at $147.50 shipped."

checking prices...did you mean to say 2 gallons?

Sorry two gallons of epoxy, and 1 gallon of hardner, that being said if I had it to do over again I would have done exactly what Dozer does on his and that is just spar finish it and call it good.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: ballpark cost of deck+transom on 18'

I would do epoxy again. It put a heck of a finish on my deck boards. Mine sucked up 3 gallons of resin. 2 coats each side, hit the edges every time. I waited till they were installed in the boat to apply the 2nd top-side coat which helped seal the fasteners. I got some cheap fiberglass cloth at Lowes and cut strips of it to put over my seams.