Bait caster woes?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 21, 2005
Hello all! I just purchased a used Bass Pro Shops Mega Cast bait caster. The reel is in great shape and seems to work well. I can't cast the blasted thing, I bought it to troll.

I can;t get the drag to tighten all the way down though. I would think that I would be able to crank it down until I can;t peel any line off but I can't get it to tighten up that much. I don;t think I'd be able to land a big fish with this reel. Well that is assuming that I can land a big fish period! LOL

Is there an adjustment that I can do something I can tighten that I haven;t tightened? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Bait caster woes?

Hi Lowell.

Almost all baitcaster reels have a maximum drag strength. It should be on the spec sheet.

Landing big or very strong fish does not require locking the drag, it depends on using the drag to wear the fish out without allowing it to break your line or pull all of your line off the reel (that is called getting spooled).

Musky guides used to get upset with me because I set the drag strong to set the hook, then lighten it up so the fish and I can have a contest. They wanted me to winch the fish with the reel to get it to the boat fast, I wanted to fight the fish with the rod and use the reel to store line I had gained. That is how I have caught muskies up to 25# on 12# test line while walleye fishing.

So, you don't want it so tight you can't pull it off the reel. You want it tight enough to defeat what you are fishing for.


Rear Admiral
Jun 21, 2004
Re: Bait caster woes?

I don't know much about the MegaCast baitcasters, but I bought a BPS spinning reel MegaCast 3.0, years ago. I was disapointed, and have sworn-off trying another house brand reel. While I still use it occasionaly for bait fishing, the reel went "sloppy" within the first year. The bigger issue is the design is such that as you reel, your fingers slightly hit the bail and I don't have big, fat fingers! Anyway, my point is, some of the casting issues you are having might be the reel itself, and don't let that scare you away from trying other baitcasters.


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Bait caster woes?

You don't want to tighten it that much, I don't think you can anyway. It takes lot less force to pull the line off the spool right at the spool. Lets some line out, say the length of the rod and pull on it. You'll see that the spool won't move, the rod may double over and break before the spool moves.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 21, 2005
Re: Bait caster woes?

Thanks all!

I tried it again this morning and apparently yesterday was just stronger than usual! LOL It does appear to have a fair amount of drag. I guess I was thinking it would be a PAIN to break the line if I were to get snagged on something not being able to crank it all the way down.

THanks for all the help !


Rear Admiral
Jun 21, 2004
Re: Bait caster woes?

Just hold your thumb on the spool when you are trying to snap it off or pulling a lure free from a snag.
Mar 2, 2007
Re: Bait caster woes?

Well if trying to break the line if you get hung up does not require a hard drag. I quite using my reels to break line years ago when I began using Suffix DNA line that just don't like to be broke and had an old timer on the back of my boat and folks I am 59 so when I say old timer I was not kidding. I got hung up on a long cast up into some shallow water I knew I would not be able to take the boat into and just about the time I was mad enough to cut almost all the lne off the reel the old man looked at me and said Sonny, thats what boat cleats are made for. He told me to wrap the line around the boat cleat about 5 times and step on the trolling motor. DUH!!!! Line got tight and broke right off near the bait and saved me all that line. Never too old to learn from an old timer..........:$


Dec 29, 2002
Re: Bait caster woes?

Great way to get that stuck bait broke off,, also a great way to make weak spots on your line. You cant be serious about using line that has been wrapped around a boat cleat.:^
Mar 2, 2007
Re: Bait caster woes?

well No , I don't reuse the line. I normally put that pole up and get another one out of the locker. But what it does do is not put any excess strain on the gear system of the reel and it does not leave 40 or 50 yards of lines stretched out in the water for a trolling motor prop to pick up and burn the bushing out of the motor with. People that leave line hanging all over the water is why I have had to make it a habit of pulling the trolling motor and gas motor props to remove the old line from them before they get the seals and bushings out of them. My mistake for not making that clear in my first post. Thanks

CN Spots

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 19, 2005
Re: Bait caster woes?

Drag washers will wear out and need to be replaced from time to time. It is also possible that the previous owner over-lubed the washers.
