Automotive GPS on a boat?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 2, 2009
I've been looking into getting my wife a GPS for her mini-van, and was curious if I could also use it on my boat. In particular, i've been looking at the Garmin Nuvi. Would it show me grapics for the lake or river I would be on, or would this device only be able to provide graphics for streets and such. I've never had a GPS before so any feed back would be much appreciated.


Gary H NC

Fleet Admiral
Dec 1, 2005
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

You can get a combo unit that has streets and lakes but they are a little pricey.

I use the auto GPS on the boat just for checking speed and direction but other than that its not much use.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2005
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

My tomtom is useless on the water, just as it is useless in a big parking lot, or ocne I drive off a municipal road to head to my cottage.... It can place me, and show me where I am geographically, but not know where the roads are (same in parking lots). Now, I was not a big fan of Garmins (thats my personal opinion, many people have Garmin and love them) I don't know if your model would be much different. If nothing else, it will show your position on the lake, and how fast you are cruising...

I would imagine there are models available for both purposes.... and I'm sure somebody else will have more info for you than I did here, but I would check with your dealer, or in the iboats shopping section above too.. at least for a recommendation.


Nov 29, 2008
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

Check out the Lowrance XOG cross over. Can be bought for about $150.00, does an excellent job on the street and out of the box will work off road and in the water, marking trails and coordinates. For another $100.00 you can crab the Nauticpath SD card and get full charts.

I like mine and use it in the car and then on the boat, the screen is a little small when on the boat but it works.



Lieutenant Commander
Jul 15, 2008
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

I've been looking into getting my wife a GPS for her mini-van, and was curious if I could also use it on my boat. In particular, i've been looking at the Garmin Nuvi. Would it show me grapics for the lake or river I would be on, or would this device only be able to provide graphics for streets and such. I've never had a GPS before so any feed back would be much appreciated.


Certain models of driving direction GPS's have the ability to be used off-road. In the Nuvi series the Nuvi 500 and Nuvi 550 are multi mode capable. The 500 comes with streets for the lower 48 and topographic features. The 550 has streets for all of North America, but no topographic maps. I don't think either has water depth. The rest of the Nuvi line is driving direction only.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 6, 2008
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

A GPS usefulness greatly depends on what you want to use it for. If you want to use it instead of a map, you'll need one that displays that type of information. If you just want to be able to mark and return to locations, know how far it is from point A to point B, know how fast you can get there and how fast you're going, etc. then you'll be very happy with the simpler ones. I use my old one for everything. Combined with a map I can find or go anywhere.


Apr 27, 2004
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

The Lowrance XOG is a crossover unit. It comes with the road nav maps preinstalled and you can add the Navonics charts on an SD card. I picked mine up at Cabella's for $125 for the XOG and $99 for the Hot Maps 08 premium.

If you prefer the Garmin, go with the Nuvi 500 or 550. It's water resistant and can take the BlueChart and Inland Lakes marine maps on a microSD card.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 29, 2009
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

also Lowrance iFinder H2O i bought the black and white version but also comes in color..... i use it for boat and road.... you can get software and other cool stuff and its not very expensive.. good luck


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 2, 2009
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

A GPS usefulness greatly depends on what you want to use it for. If you want to use it instead of a map, you'll need one that displays that type of information. If you just want to be able to mark and return to locations, know how far it is from point A to point B, know how fast you can get there and how fast you're going, etc. then you'll be very happy with the simpler ones. I use my old one for everything. Combined with a map I can find or go anywhere.

Yeah, that really is what I would want on the water. Set way points, speed and distance from point A to B. Have the ability to back track, and have coordinates for my current location. Just curious, what will the screen look like on a GPS if you go off into a lake? Does it just show 1 color, or will it resemble something like a body of water showing your location?


Nov 29, 2008
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

Depending upon the zoom level mine will just show Blue, if I zoom out then it will show the land around me as tan and the water blue. But to follow trails you need to be zoomed in pretty good so I only see blue.



Seaman Apprentice
Jun 28, 2009
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

This was an excellent question, and has garnered some very pertinent responses!

I've wondered the same thing myself as I wandered the Great Wally World Wasteland and now I have my answer, thank you all!



Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

I always bring my Garmin Nuvi onto my boat with me and suction it on the windshield with the supplied suction mount. I use it as an Ipod to plug into my stereo system and for speed and distance tracking. I am pretty sure you can set waypoints as well. It is not a cross over so it simply shows an icon of a car where you are on the lake and that is about it. I did some research and for some models you can force them to work and show lake maps and contours. Some of them however will show contours of the lakes but purposefully x out the depth on the contours. It is somewhat of a novelty but I like to see my true speed and now I can really see how many miles we have traveled on any given outing. One down side is that it shows your actual speed which for me is 3mph slower than the speedo at wot but also catches those times when you are going a lot faster than you realized is possible at wot. Then you can say my boat goes x mph and mean it. The other downside is you open up the possibliliy of ruining it if it gets wet.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2005
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

Yeah, that really is what I would want on the water. Set way points, speed and distance from point A to B. Have the ability to back track, and have coordinates for my current location. Just curious, what will the screen look like on a GPS if you go off into a lake? Does it just show 1 color, or will it resemble something like a body of water showing your location?

yeah, as mentioned just below, your post here, it will just show blue, but if you zoom out by clicking on the + or - you can see the entire lake shape, which is quite accurate, and see where roads and ramps may be... (in fact you can check out the POI's - points of interest for boat ramps, and it tells you / shows you where they are along the shoreline, and how far you are from it..... but when you are in standard navigation mode, it just shows blue in 3d mode. 2d mode gives a better shot, but not much better


Aug 4, 2008
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

I use my Nuvi 650 on our boat. i stay mostly on the river & it shows me how big certain inlets, etc are. Also lets you mark locations via coordinates, such as marinas, launches, etc. Gives you a good idea where you are currently is in relationship to another point on the lake/river.



Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 23, 2008
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

I use my Nuvi 250 on my boat. I have the launch I use set as a favorite location and switch to 2D mode to navigate by. Made several night time returns to the launch with no fuss. It does not show all obsticals (theres a long break-wall that comes a good 500 feet off shore that isn't shown on the map and poorly lighted. So travel at a safe speed at night, and watch your depth/fish finder. Certainly not as good as a true marine navigation unit, but certainly better then searching in the dark for a secluded launch.



Sep 14, 2008
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

IMO a marine Chartplotter/GPS is the way to go for serious navigation.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 2, 2009
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

IMO a marine Chartplotter/GPS is the way to go for serious navigation.

Agreed, but im not doing any serious navigation. From the excellent responses, I think a regular GPS will suit my needs just fine,and serve my wife well to. :)


May 27, 2009
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

I have a nuvi 350. havent used it on the boat yet, never really needed it. but i will sometime. whos knows it may work.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 9, 2007
Re: Automotive GPS on a boat?

with the maps send chip, my Magellan crossover work good in my boat. I like it, but I don't know how good it can be, as I don't have a dedicated marine one.