Am I being a jerk?

Sep 5, 2007
I have a neighbor that has lived here for about 4 years. On the fourth of july and sometimes on new years eve he has a large fireworks display using the real BIG STUFF . Mainly large rockets.Rockets of any size are illegal here and the law doesnt enforse it but I think this guy has crossed over the line and is showing disrespect to his neighbors . Houses are close together here in the city and I feel its a fire hazard. Should I call the fire department when he starts it or just do nothing and hope nothing 'goes wrong: with these big rockets. Wife says Im being a jerk. any advice thanks?


Jul 2, 2008
Re: Am I being a jerk?

Have you tried talking to your neighbor first about it? I'm kind of a fan of handling problems at the lowest level possible. Not to mention people don't tend to respond very favorably to being blindsided by a call to the authorities. For all he knows you guys look forward to his earth-shattering displays as much as he does. Just my .02.


Mar 23, 2008
Re: Am I being a jerk?

..... Wife says Im being a jerk. any advice thanks?

Kudos to your wife. I agree with her. It is only one night. Join in and revel in the celebration of this nation's founding. Keep your garden hose at the ready if you are concerned.

John Adams said (I paraphrase) "Henceforth, let this day be always celebrated with all forms of pyrotechnics"

As repressive as Mao Tse Tung was, he never took the fireworks away from the chinese people.

Why should you wish any different for Americans? We already have enough weanies in this country!


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Am I being a jerk?

I remember a thread like this about a year ago. :)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 21, 2007
Re: Am I being a jerk?

My boss used to buy large fire works with the whole street.

two years ago it went really wrong when they had an ''mortar'' that had to be light electric.

it had to be in a metal tube inserted in the ground.

they accidentaly put i upside down.

It went off on the ground no one got hurt but all the windows broke.

Kiwi Phil

Jun 23, 2003
Re: Am I being a jerk?

That's really funny Turin
Now we know why the Dutch no longer rule the world

I can't stop laughing.

Fairlaneman....I think your wife may be right....why don't you take an esky of tinnies, a riot pack for the wife, and go out and enjoy it....and when the constables turn up, pelt them with empties.
Any chance of a good party should not be missed.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Am I being a jerk?

When someone like that starts a major fire by defying the law and safety people shout at neighbors for not notifying the Fuzz.

Anytime someone with a concern for safety tries to stop illegal and stupid (but fun) activities they get the "jerk" label from those whose lives they may have saved.

It is mob mentality, Fairlaneman. You can't win. Nevertheless, do you have the 'nads to do what is right anyway?



Jul 4, 2004
Re: Am I being a jerk?

I can only say that on the 5th there will be at least one death:eek: and and many injured on Long Island as it happens every year when somebody lights off a big one the wrong way


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Am I being a jerk?

I have a neighbor that has lived here for about 4 years. On the fourth of july and sometimes on new years eve he has a large fireworks display using the real BIG STUFF . Mainly large rockets.Rockets of any size are illegal here and the law doesnt enforse it but I think this guy has crossed over the line and is showing disrespect to his neighbors . Houses are close together here in the city and I feel its a fire hazard. Should I call the fire department when he starts it or just do nothing and hope nothing 'goes wrong: with these big rockets. Wife says Im being a jerk. any advice thanks?

When our free republic was first celebrated on July 4, 1776, houses in towns and cities, were close together and the only fire department was everyone's water buckets.

Maybe they didn't "know better" then, or maybe did not care about the dangers of fireworks. Maybe they just felt that they had something special, that REALLY had to be celebrated.

America was founded on risk. There are a million other American neighborhoods, just like your's, that will light off rockets. Most will just have a great time.

Have a great time.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 15, 2008
Re: Am I being a jerk?

Some of you may have heard what happend here in cleveland, oh. last year. Same situtation, except the neighbor went next door and shot 5 people killing 3 of them.
I aggree with donmagicjuan and WizeOne. Or if it really bothers you that much, go fishing while he dose his fireworks.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Am I being a jerk?

Deja Vu


May 20, 2002
Re: Am I being a jerk?

Spent rocket lands on your roof, rolls into your gutter, sets the dry pine needles on fire, facia board catches, second story burns, water damage takes out first floor and basement, lifetime of possessions gone....who's the jerk?

Garage door open, neighbor's wayward rocket into your garage, explodes, contents of garage burn including the 110 Packard sedan you spent the last 5 years restoring, insurance doesn't cover car..... who's the jerk?

Sister is a nurse, staff pool winner last July for predicting the correct number of fingers lost in her hospital emergency room ......who's the jerk?

The above all happened as a result of illegal fireworks in the hands (no pun) of amateurs. Voice your concern to the neighbor, ask for him to relocate his celebration to a spot that doesn't endanger your property and family, and then involve the authorities if you still feel threatened by his actions. Airing your concern and a little diplomacy often is the answer.


May 20, 2002
Re: Am I being a jerk?

why don't you take an esky of tinnies, a riot pack for the wife, and go out and enjoy it

Kiwi Phil, what is the US translation?


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 27, 2007
Re: Am I being a jerk?

Houses are close together here in the city and I feel its a fire hazard. Should I call the fire department when he starts it or just do nothing and hope nothing 'goes wrong: with these big rockets. Wife says Im being a jerk. any advice thanks?

Having a concern, or an opinion, does not make you a jerk. How you handle it is a different thing.

Timing may be everything, in your case. Your neighbor has already planned this out - including spending money on the things and inviting people, etc. You'll back him into a corner today. Last year, July 5th, would have been better to discuss this them. Maybe get out your video camera, grit your teeth, record the stuff that he doesn't see, then go have a show and tell with him next week.

I usually do some fireworks - not this year, things are way to dry.



Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Am I being a jerk?

The whole drunken fireworks show has really gotten out of control.
Back in the 60-70-80's, you had a few guys that had picked up some bottle rockets and firecrackers on their way back from Florida.

Now they sell everything here, but you are only allowed to light them in designated and permitted locations. Yeah right !

My neighbor (122' away) lights of exploding roman candles, bottle rockets, fire crackers, 3" mortars, and dances around firing his 12 gauge. It goes on from 8 pm till 4 am. This is the very same neighbor that has complained that my TV was too loud - at 8:50 pm. To make it worse, we are in a heavily wooded rural area, and he thinks its funny to launch the roman candles at passing cars.

3 years ago, a guy driving passed, got so ticked off, he spun a u turn and drove thru the front yard with his truck, smashing up several lawn chairs, tearing up the flower beds, and ripping up the lawn.

I have called the cops on him several times as this breaks at least 3 local laws, as well as several state laws. They do nothing except tell them to turn down the music a little. They have absolutely no respect for others, the law, or the freedoms they claim to be celebrating. No respect for peoples livestock, property, or babies that are trying to sleep.

2 years ago, someone (not me) went into their yard after they had all gone to bed, and poured 2.5 gallons of round-up everywhere. They left the empty jug sitting on the picnic table as a message.

It was quiet there last year.
Sep 5, 2007
Re: Am I being a jerk?

Thanks for your answers. Yes I did post the same thing last year. Its seems the over all answer is I have to wait and see it catch my house on fire before I become a non jerk. I guess my vocational background and fire science classes from college make me more aware of the danger than most......but ask the wife and she says Im still a jerk. We wont get into how upset it makes my dog. This am the wife was walking the pooch and when someone shot off a firecracker close by the walk came to an end. The dog (90 lb akita)almost drug the wife 3 blocks home, gez


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Am I being a jerk?

Why does the law exist? Who made the law? Does having many people break the law make it okay to break the law? Is "fun" an acceptable reason for breaking the law and putting many in danger?

Yes, I believe in Freedom and Liberty, but I also believe my freedom ends where yours begins and vice versa. My freedom does not include freedom to put your life and property at risk.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 1, 2008
Re: Am I being a jerk?

No, you are not being a jerk. I don't know if things are as dry in Charlotte as they are up here in VA, but if so, it's a big issue. Unfortunatly, many feel that just because a law seems stupid or does not serve their personal agenda, that it is ok to ignore it. Then they wrap it in the usual "freedom infringement" bs speech for justification.