Add Sea Foam to fuel all the time?


Oct 9, 2012
I've had many problems with my 1999 Suzuki DT100 which I've posted separately. I've mainly suspected fuel problems so replaced the fuel tank, fuel lines, and fuel/water separator. But I also started adding Sea Foam at every fill-up...2 ounces per gallon. I'm doing this based on advice from several local "old salts" who swear by it, they say it keeps their fuel system clean and never have any fuel problems. My engine definitely started running better after starting the Sea Foam additive, but didn't solve all the problems. The engine also is smoking much more than before, which I assume is the Sea Foam. Does anyone out there add Sea Foam to the fuel all the time? Any and all opinions about this would be appreciated. Thanks.


Sep 17, 2010
Re: Add Sea Foam to fuel all the time?

Hi wp. Sea Foam is great stuff, but you generally only need to use it once a year, or so, if that. I don't suppose it would hurt anything per se, but it's kinda pricey over time and is probably masking a bigger issue. It's essentially just pure petroleum so it makes your fuel more "oily". It's also an organic solvent that is designed to clean and remove old carbon deposits, which then get burnt off and that's why it smokes so much. You've got an awfully new motor that shouldn't particularly need any additives. I wish I knew more about fancy new motors, but I would try to discover the root of the problem. When was the last time the carb was rebuilt? Are you using the right spark plugs? Is your fuel oil mix correct? Just sorta thinking out loud.....

robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Re: Add Sea Foam to fuel all the time?

2 ounces per gallon sounds like a pretty heavy and expensive can use a good bit less and still get the fuel stabilizing effects.
I do use either Stabil or Seafoam all the time, less when I'm running the motor a lot and more when it's gonna be laid up for several weeks or months.