Accessory switches


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 17, 2008
I recently posted a question about hooking up a fish finder on an 89 skeeter bass boat.Was told to run directly to battery,which i can do,but was wondering if i can just run it to an accessory switch on dash panel.The only accessories i have on boat right now are trolling motor which is run directly to battery and fish finder.I don't think the 2 accessory switches on dash have anything hooked into them.It would make it just a bit easier than running wire all the way to battery if its possible.
Thanks John


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Accessory switches

sure you could run the FF off the acc switch, but not the trolling motor, one should have lights to it.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 17, 2008
Re: Accessory switches

Great!That will be much easier.Trolling motor is already run directly to second battery.So it will be only FF.
Thanks again for all your help Tash!

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Oct 10, 2004
Re: Accessory switches

I hate to be the old fuddy duddy on here.....but.... what about fire safety ??
I would have to believe that if your trolling motor is run directly to the battery, that it must be very thick wire....right ? Even so, is your wire rated for 600 amps ??? I would bet not. So, to be safe, you should have a fuse or breaker at the battery rated for not more than the wire to your trolling motor is rated for. I would really push this issue for the wiring to your fish finder.
Now, as for using your accessory switches. Look at what fuse is feeding that accessory switch. Is that fuse larger than the wiring you are running to that accessory ?? If so, you need to down size that fuse, or install an inline fuse after the switch that matches the gauge of wire running to that accessory. Remember, fuses on the boat are there to protect the wiring from burning up and starting a fire. Fuses in the accessory are there to try to protect it from damage and causing a fire.