40hp mercury sea pro


Dec 20, 2009
I bought a 2003 40 hp merc sea pro last spring. We have a club where im from and we race big motors on little 1/4 inch plywood boats that weigh about 150lbs. My boat will go 41 mph. But by no means am i even close to being the fastest. A modified 25 yamaha has the same top end as i do. I have a stainless ballistic 15 pithch prop. The motor was a 30 hp new but the guy i bought it from put a 40 carb on it, drilled the leg down by the foot to let more exhaust out, and put carbon reeds in the motor. I have great bottom end getting to 40 mph quick but i should get more top end.
My friend has a 30 yamaha that i can get about 4 boat lenghts at the start but in 10 seconds he is going by me 4 -5 mph faster.
I tried some experimenting with motor heigth and in different notches. I also tried a 17 pitch aluminum prop but i am 2mph slower.
I was looking for some input on modifications and boat plans Please help.