225 johnson dieing at idle in gear


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 24, 2009
I have a J225TLEIC that I need some help on. It runs great pretty much from 2000 rpm all the way to wide open. It will start and idle. The problem is going from idle to engaging it in gear it will die. If I put it in gear and goose it it takes off and goes. The idle speed is about 1200 rpm. It also will die when I am bringing the throttle back down but it will only die when it gets to the position where it is in gear idling. Any one out there have any suggestions?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

1st suggest you check spark and compression. 1200 is high for idle speed. when was the last time the carbs were cleaned, and rebuilt?? linc n sinc checked????


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 24, 2009
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

The carbs look good and clean at least the ones I pulled and it has been synced recently. In neutral it acts just fine. I have not pulled all the carbs though. Think I should go through them and rebuild them? The compression is even at 80 lbs all cylinders. This motor has the low compression heads. I am not sure what they are susposed to be and it seems low but I don't know what it ran compression wise new. Any one out there know?


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

Could be combination of things. The motor has a shift switch which cuts off 3 cylinders when shifting in and out of gear. If the shift cable is out of adjustment or its needs a link and sync you'll have that problem.

Motor will idle @ 1200-1250 rpm out of the water and @ 800-850 rpm in the water.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

compression guages, read differently, and testing techniques are different. 80 is low, but being even is more important. you have 6 carbs with 3 jets each, high, intermediate, and low speed. also the pick up tubes could be clogging.

yes, i would do a through cleaning, removing all jets, blowning out all passages. and the rebuild kits.

afterward, i would do a decarb on the engine, being a 1991, it will have a lot of carbon build up. doing this, may free up your rings, and bring you compression up. there should be a schrader valve on the primer solenoid, this is for the decarb, with BRP engine tuner.



Supreme Mariner
Mar 2, 2008
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

Is the 1200 rpm idle after it comes out of quickstart? If problem has suddenly appeared look at the :carbs,linkage,quickstart sensor on head, if it has been a gradual problem look at the foam in front air box. If it is deteriorated it will make engine run lean at idle thru top end, old racers would would gut the air box but you would have to reduce the idle/bleed jets about .005 and increase the mains about .010 due to increased air flow.


Feb 22, 2008
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

Could be combination of things. The motor has a shift switch which cuts off 3 cylinders when shifting in and out of gear. If the shift cable is out of adjustment or its needs a link and sync you'll have that problem.

Motor will idle @ 1200-1250 rpm out of the water and @ 800-850 rpm in the water.

Actually shift assist only engages when shifting from in gear to neutral, going into gear is easy when idle is correctly set to 750rpm ( in gear at idle).
Sounds odd but the techs here have said it many times.
You're correct though , it could still be a sticky switch.

Best to work through the systems, compression, spark and then carbs.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 24, 2009
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

Thanks for all the input first of all. I have checked that switch and it ohms out like it is working fine. I am going to go try some of the other things that everyone has recommended and I will let you know what happens. Thanks.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 24, 2009
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

When I pulled the carb cover it was full of gas. I have determined it runs out when you tilt the motor up in towing position? Is this normal and could this be part of my problem? It appears to run out of all carbs.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

Actually shift assist only engages when shifting from in gear to neutral, going into gear is easy when idle is correctly set to 750rpm ( in gear at idle).
Sounds odd but the techs here have said it many times.
You're correct though , it could still be a sticky switch.

Sounds odd, but come to think of it I've never had a cut out problem getting into gear when the shift cable gets out of adjustment. It's always going from in gear to neutral that the problems shows up.

FWIW: My motor has never liked to idle at anything below 800 RPM. Could be my tach is a bit off but my mechanic told me that they don't like idling that low as well. My idle is set @ 800-850


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

tilt position, the carbs are tilted, so the float needles open, allowing fuel flow. carbs over flow. 100% normal, it is best to disconnect the fuel line before tilting, cuts down on fire hazard.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 24, 2009
Re: 225 johnson dying at idle in gear

Re: 225 johnson dying at idle in gear

I have rebuilt and cleaned the carbs. I ran decarb through the motor. I did gain about 10 pounds compression they are at 90 now,and got all kinds of black water when I did it. But I am still having an idle problem. It will now idle for about 30 seconds then die. This is without trying to put it in gear. It will start right back up. I have tried pumping the bulb while running and it doesn't change anything. I went back through the link and sync and thats good. What else can it be? Like I said the motor runs great everywhere but idle. What am I missing?


Feb 22, 2008
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

Stay with the basics, did you do a spark gap test?
With gap set to 7/16th inch on an adjustable tester.
Get one from any auto part store , cheap tool.
Then use a timing light to make sure its not dropping a cyl.
Is it dying on a hose or in the water?
They don't run as good on the hose.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 24, 2009
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

I checked for spark on all cylinders but I didn't use an air gap check tool. I have ran it in water and it acts the same. I have been testing it on the hose though. I will do tat and put the timing light on it. I can't hardly believe it is spark because it runs so good wide open. I can start it and run it up to about 1500 rpm and it runs without dying.
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Supreme Mariner
Mar 2, 2008
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

You dont have the idle and intermediate jets swappped do you?


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 24, 2009
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

I think I got it guys I really want to thank everyone for all there help. I went through the link and sync again. By the procedure in my book. It will now stay running at an idle. It does hiccup from time to time but since I am running it on the hose I am not sure there is enough back pressure to run right.I have not had the chance to put it on the water and see how she does. Hopefully this will take care of it.


Feb 22, 2008
Re: 225 johnson dieing at idle in gear

You'll find they run better in the water.;)