2003 Yamaha ft50 2 stroke wont go past idle


Nov 4, 2012
While out on the water the other day, after a few hours of normal running and stopping, I fired up the engine and went to proceed as normal only to have the motor bog down and shut off once I got it past idle. We limped it in under idle and checked it out. Checked all fuel lines, changed fuel filter, cleaned carbs, changed spark plugs, still to no avail. Here is the catch... when the boat is on the trailer on muffs it runs beautifully, at idle, in gear, out of gear, low med high throttle, sitting in neutral. No issues whatsoever. As soon as we put it in the water it wont even sit in neutral at idle it bogs out and shuts off. Pull it out of water put it on muff fires up and runs fine. Just wanted to poll the gents on this site before shelling out to take it to my mechanic. Thanks for any help!


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: 2003 Yamaha ft50 2 stroke wont go past idle

An engine with no load on it will sound fine and rev to the moon so that is not a valid test of its performance. In the water, there is back pressure on the exhaust and putting the engine in gear places a load on it so that's when the problem shows its ugly head. Try squeezing the primer bulb when in the water. If the engine stays running as long as the bulb is squeezed, the fuel pump is the likely suspect. If that doesn't help, try spraying a 50:1 fuel/oil mixture directly into the carbs. If that helps, the carbs need rebuilding.


Fleet Admiral
Sep 7, 2008
Re: 2003 Yamaha ft50 2 stroke wont go past idle

Could you post a model #?
Not sure what a ft50 2 stroke is.
F50 and T50 are 4 strokes