1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild


Dec 23, 2012

This is an updated thread of one I started in October when I first bought this boat. My fiance and I came across this 1986 Sea Nymph through Craigslist. Came with a Cox trailer, an '85 Johnson 30hp outboard with OMC controls at the side console, and a Whisper Quiet 30lb thrust foot-pedal trolling motor. Attempting to post photos...






Dec 23, 2012
Re: 1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild

We haven't made much headway with... well, anything! We held out on pulling up the decking in hopes that we could get the engine running smoothly. We've replaced ignition coils, plugs, solenoid, water pump (x2), head gasket, carb rebuild, and fuel fittings. Aaaaand still nothing reliable. Of course, you never know what you're going to get buying used. It's a clean engine and I'm still optimistic. I pulled up the decking this week to see what we'll have to work with. Some parts were better than others- mulch on the gunwales, but pretty solid elsewhere. Check out the bilge area, the frame, and the pour in foam. Note the interesting drain-type gutter from up by the live-well to the bilge, and the foam in the gunwales. Also, apparently rather than using the aerator and live-well the previous owner linked the two openings with plastic tubing... effective, I guess?







To do-
-Remove foam, clean inside and out, and prep for paint
-New foam situation (pour-in?)
-Rebuild deck, paint, batteries in the bow and gas tanks in the stern
-Configure new side-console
-And get the engine running...

We fish (both fresh/salt), clam, and crab in the rivers and bays here in DE. Our idea is to keep the boat simple and bare bones- reuse pedestal seats, open deck for tackle and gear, side console. We're both grad students and the budget is tight, so cost effectiveness is key. Can't wait to make some progress!


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: 1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild

That looks like a good solid boat you have.

If you're going to use it in the saltwater I suggest stripping off the decals on the exterior and putting on a few good coats of paint.

Aluminum boats are much easier and cheaper to work on than fiberglass boats, so you made the right choice if you're on a budget.

You should also replace your transom plywood while you're at it, it probably needs it since it's sandwiched between the 2 sheets of aluminum.

In case you don't know, don't use pressure treated wood on your aluminum boat... the chemicals are corrosive to aluminum.

Thanks for posting the good "before" pics and I'm looking forward to watching your build on this boat.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 13, 2012
Re: 1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild

Nice Boat

I'm betting even with a budget this boat will provide you both with some good times.

This is defenitely the correct site to be. A good variety of Sea Nymphs have been done before. I am doing one myself in same forum and think it is same model as yours, just a few years earlier "1979 Sea Nymph FM 161 Resto".


Dec 23, 2012
Re: 1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild

My post has been quiet, but I'm still alive!

So I haven't been able to make nearly the progress I have been hoping for. Here I thought I would be able to do nothing but work on my boat for the next few months... The forecast shows some warm sunny days this week, so master's thesis and all other chores are on hold until the foam is out of the boat AT the LEAST. I'm learning how important pictures are, so here are a few. The first shows the motor stand I fashioned (based on what I saw from jasoutside and PMC). The pallet and my neighbor's tractor make for easy mobility. It's only 30hp, so I can Hulk it if necessary.

2013-01-08 16.40.58.jpg

Here is the bow minus foam, and what is left to remove. I have the sawzall w/ blade and scraper, pry bar, and other scraping tools to hopefully knock it out quickly. I'm a little nervous to pull the gunwales off. I've never worked with rivets before so I can't help but feel like I'm just putting holes in my boat. I pulled some aluminum sheeting off of the flooring, so I'm more comfortable with drilling them out, so here goes nothing.

2013-01-08 16.28.40.jpg

2013-01-08 16.29.09.jpg

On another note, there is a silicone-like sealant on the outside of the hull where sections have been riveted together. Is this normal? I'm assuming it all has to come off before I can paint. Not that I'll be ready to paint anytime soon...
Happy boating!

2013-01-08 16.31.18.jpg

Oh, I can't remember how I connected to the photobucket link to make the pics bigger, my apologies. A few less PBRs and I would look in to it more. Thanks for understanding.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild

Hmmm, that silicone kinda looks like it may have been added by a previous owner. Yah, I'd scrape it off. Gluvit is good for sealing things up from the inside.

Hey good progress!

(When I was writing my thesis, I could find a million things to do instead. Shoot, working on a boat is an awesome one!)


Dec 23, 2012
Re: 1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild

Not as much as I had hoped for, but progress none the less. Decided to start today by pulling the splash well and transom cap to see what shape the transom wood is in.

The cap itself is in great shape- no bends or cracks.

The wood is questionable. It's firm and sounds solid, but there are definitely soft spots.

My neighbor stopped over around this time. He officially thinks I'm crazy for thinking this will all come together. His advice was to, if anything, drill a few holes in the transom and fill them with epoxy. He hasn't seen this forum :D If I'm going to bother doing any of this stuff, I'm only going to do it once, so it better be as close to perfect as possible.
I popped the rivets on both gunwales to expose the foam for easier removal.

Tools of the trade...

You can see the 'water line' in all of the foam. Top feels dry, but there's some super soaked foam underneath.


Dec 23, 2012
Re: 1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild

I was able to get half of the foam taken out. I hope to finish the other half tomorrow and start cleaning the inside of the hull. It stinks that my boat is out in the open and I have to wait for decent weather before I can get things done. Seeing the boat wide open I can't help but think... center console?

I want to avoid removing thru hull rivets as much as possible, but these stern corner structures look to be a pain. I guess there's no real good way to get at the foam other than straight down inside? They're screwed to the transom from the inside, so I have to get into them somehow. Maybe once I get inside I'll see how I can get the inner skin off the transom... or I'll just start popping rivets.

I hope to show a fully gutted SN by the weekend. New year = New boat!



Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: 1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild

Any progress is good!

That transom wood needs to be yanked out and replaced, it's much more rotten than it looks from the top down... it'll be nasty when you pull it out.

Getting that wet foam out of your boat will make it considerably lighter and faster.

Thanks for keeping us updated.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 13, 2012
Re: 1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild

DE, good job. Keep up the fight.

I read the sticky notes but didnt see this helpful post on auto sizing to photobucket so perhaps it may be of help.
Remember there is an old version and new version of pb and for me the older version is easier. Can switch between them easily.

I am just a bit ahead of you on almost same boat and remember when all foam came out how there was a lot of it still stuck to everything and was a pain to scrape out. Like you I snuck outside yesterday to clean up some of the interior alum. parts. I was using some warm water, dishwashing soap and a little TSP. After it soaked a little bit onto the piece I was amazed at how easily the remaining sticky foam came off, so maybe that will help when you get to bilge / sticky foam cleaning.


Dec 23, 2012
Re: 1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild

Thanks for checking in guys. Street, I like your idea for cleaning. I have yet to wash the boat, inside or out, so I'm looking forward to seeing it grime free. When I noticed your thread the other day I thought they looked very similar. It will be great to have someone in a similar situation to commiserate with if need be. Just don't go getting too far ahead of me!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 13, 2012
Re: 1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild


I may have mislead you a bit. That formula I made up turned out to be good getting the stuck foam off. I dont think it is going to be much help in cleaning the bildge though.

I did find a post by Grandpa where he spoke of his secret formula for cleaning bildges. If interested you can find it here on line 26



Dec 23, 2012
Re: 1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild

Cruising Craigslist I found a 55hp Johnson ob for relatively cheap. Maybe my eyes are bigger than my wallet... IF that motor runs (which all used motors for sale do) it's got mine beat. Also, we've been assuming we'll need to upgrade eventually, so why not now during a rebuild?! Not only would cruising to prime crabbing/fishing spots be easier, water skiing or scurfing would be possible. The SN is rated for 50hp max, so is 55hp a bad thing? Advice, input, talk me off the ledge... Thanks.

PS: Did I mention my fianc? is abroad for 2 months... no voice of 'reason' here at home to consider these things


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: 1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild

I know 10% over the limit doesn't sound like much, and I'm sure your boat will be able to handle it after the restoration... but, many states have laws against overpowering boats (by even a little). Insurance is another issue, insurance is voided on overpowered boats if there's an accident. Not trying to be a spoil sport, but it wouldn't be advisable to overpower your boat.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1986 Sea Nymph Rebuild

I won't advise you to install a motor larger then the stated HP rating on the USCG transom plate...........

Having said that, in this case (5 over) I won't advise you not to either ;) w/ 1 stipulation: you WILL be installing NEW Transom wood, carefully prepped & protected from water intrusion & w/ a UV stable finish, right? :) Otherwise, I reserve the right to change my reply. :cold:

Now that that's out of the way, also make sure you know whether the 55hp motor is an electric shift (don't hold me to it, but I think there were electric shifts that don't have push buttons...)

If you are going to go look at it, first read thru some Johnson engine threads & try to pick up some pointers on thoroughly & closely inspecting a used outboard prior to purchase.... compression, spark, lower unit, controls......

Cheap OB's often don't come w/ the controls & cables. There are some that need the correct associated fittings & clips on the end of the cable to work properly.

If you can get the seller to give you some details: model, serial # and year....

Model & serial # will often give you the year, but w/ out 1 of those 2 as well, year will often only get you close....