1985 Evinrude 140 looper- trim tilt problem


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 30, 2006
On Tuesday, I docked my boat and realized my trim tilt had a problem after raising the engine and noticing a large oil slick surrounding my dock. Oil smelled like either lower unit lube or hydraulic fluid.
Tested the T/T unit and it started to make a laboring, grinding sound- working- but slower than usual and eventually it hung up in the up position. Before this incident the unit ran perfect. Today - only by accessing the release screw on the engine mount was I able to lower the engine 85-90% of the way.
I would like to keep the boat in the water till the end of the fishing season-3 more months. Can I be advised on the following:
1- Since salt water has already worked its way in to the unit, I figured 3 months time will not corrode it to the point to make it irrepairable.
In honesty this will also save money on an additional haul and launch. Am I being completely foolish to think along these lines? If so I will haul the boat.
2- If the unit is completely shot (I do think it is just a seal that gave out)- can this engine be tilted manually- or is that a "pipe dream"?
Any other advise is greatly appreciated.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 1985 Evinrude 140 looper- trim tilt problem

you are full of pipe dreams. if you want to save it, get it out of the salt water now, and cleaned up. repaired, before use again.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 30, 2006
Re: 1985 Evinrude 140 looper- trim tilt problem

Ey Ey sir- will do. Will do. Thanks!