1984 Starcraft 16ft Glutton for Punishment [Splashed July 2019]

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Lieutenant Junior+Starmada Splash Of The Year 2019
Mar 8, 2017
So just to add, if I decide to do it figure on the below ordering list

2000: 3/16th x 1/2 Solid Aluminum Rivets Brazier Head 2117-T4
100: 1/4 x 3/4 Solid Aluminum Rivets Brazier Head 2117-T4
1: 3/16 Brazier Rivet Driver
1: 1/4 Brazier Rivet Driver
1: Bucking Bar
1: ATS Rivet Removal tool
5: ATS replacement bits for 3/16
1: Harbor Freight Air Impact hammer that I will hook up to compressor and run low pressure to to get ~1500 BPM
5: 10oz Tubes of 3M 5200

Just my thoughts from my research this weekend. Was really hoping that I wouldn't have to do all of this after everyone suggest I just fill the hull with water and fix the leaking ones, but at this point think I am going to be going full blown crazy....


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Not sure where you'll need to use the 1/4" rivets, they are extremely large.

I had a similar problem with my SS, the rivet heads would just pop off, 100's of them were replaced. You have to be careful on the length of your solids or they won't bucktail correctly. When doing only 2 layers of AL, 7/16 is about as long as you want to go. I used 1/2" for 3 layers.

A construction tube of 5200 will go a very long ways and leave an impression on those who come in contact with it. :lol:


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
A construction tube of 5200 will go a very long ways and leave an impression on those who come in contact with it. :lol:

And pretty much anything else they touch too.............

Yep on all the rest WM posted @ rivet length and diameter. Might need a few 1/4 for any existing holes that are wobbled out, and even then you may need to thru drill to 1/4in to make sure they fit. The existing holes should all be for 3/16 rivets.


Lieutenant Junior+Starmada Splash Of The Year 2019
Mar 8, 2017
Thanks WM and JB. Was thinking 1/2 because there appears to be a thin piece of plastic/rubber seal between the two pieces and doing the math of 1 1/2 diameter I got .465 vs the 7/16 at .437. So should I error on the side of short or the side of long? Also, the 1/4 are for the areas I will have to re-drill out for the correct sizing. Got the 3/4 length as i figure I would also re-due the bow eye as well.


Lieutenant Junior+Starmada Splash Of The Year 2019
Mar 8, 2017
Alright, so the Admiral and I talked and she agreed to move forward. So orders are in for supplies to fix rivets. Next couple weeks are going to be busy so not sure how much is going to happen on boat. Also after talking with my Dad, thought it would be a good idea to make my boat FLY!!!! :plane:

Ok, so really just lifting her up to the ceiling for storage so I can work on the trailer. Storage/Space where I live is a premium so can't drop her off at another location or leave her in the yard. With that being said want to get ya'lls opinion on how to lift/support her. Figured on 2 ropes with 4 eye bolts into the ceiling joists and hoist her up. Anyone see any issue with that for long term storage (Maybe a month or two? Hoping a lot less but figure plan for the worst). Anyone do anything like this or any suggestions?

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
I just left tied to my tree in the front yard for a few days...

I love my neighborhood.



Lieutenant Junior+Starmada Splash Of The Year 2019
Mar 8, 2017
I just left tied to my tree in the front yard for a few days...

I love my neighborhood.

RJ I snorted my drink when I saw that. LOL, I wish I could just tie my boat up in the front yard.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 18, 2008
I have a 440/880 pound rated hoist mounted to the ceiling of my garage. I have used it to lift my StarCraft Falcon for work. Most of the time I have my 10' hydroplane hanging from it for storage.


Lieutenant Junior+Starmada Splash Of The Year 2019
Mar 8, 2017
I have a 440/880 pound rated hoist mounted to the ceiling of my garage. I have used it to lift my StarCraft Falcon for work. Most of the time I have my 10' hydroplane hanging from it for storage.

Thanks LC. From everything I am finding it seems like a feasible plan since the boat is gutted. Figured on adding 2 x 4s along the chine on both sides to help support it.


Lieutenant Junior+Starmada Splash Of The Year 2019
Mar 8, 2017
Took some measurements yesterday and if I lift the boat off the trailer I won't be able to open my garage.... So not ideal. So I will be looking into plan B. Not sure what that is yet, but will run it by ya'll if I come up with another hair brained idea first. Maybe I will find someone that someone else knows that would be willing to store her....

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
look on the members map to see if anyone is close to you. And if you aren't on there yet - add yourself


Lieutenant Junior+Starmada Splash Of The Year 2019
Mar 8, 2017
Thanks RJ, I added myself and see LT Dan lives in my area. Think I got a line on a place, but will have to see....


Lieutenant Junior+Starmada Splash Of The Year 2019
Mar 8, 2017
So doing my research on upgrading trailer. Figure on doing 7 to 8 ft 2x6 bunks. Currently the two 2x4x6 bunks are on end. My question is how long can I extend the bunks past the support brackets: 24-36? This extra length will be toward bow. Stern end will only be about 12 -18" past bracket. Going to be adding LED, new leaf springs, paint, keel rollers, and such.
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Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
It would depend on how many of the 2x6 bunks you plan on and weight up front that can be taken with a keel roller. Here's my SS trailer bunk set up and the ends are about a foot over the supports with no ability to add a keel roller up front.

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
as long as it is touching the boat it is doing 'something' but I'd say about 12" max. do you have a keel roller up front?


Lieutenant Junior+Starmada Splash Of The Year 2019
Mar 8, 2017
So I have an interesting layout for my trailer. I have three keel rollers, but they are used to unload and load the boat. They are attached to a lever to lift them up and the boat. When you retract them, the keel sets on three blocks of wood covered in carpet. So a lot of weight is on the keel and the side bunks take some but not a lot in current configuration. I figured on using longer bunks because it will help center the boat up as i get further up the trailer during loading. Also plan on adding an additional keel roller right before bow rise for additional support. Pictures are worth a thousand words, but I don't have a good one to show ya'll. When I can finally take a good picture I will post it up.

So 12" inches max for support? What about just going beyond that as guide? 2 x 6 can take a beating, just don't know how long it will last or if it will do more harm then good.

Also with our tin boats, do ya'll use standard pine or PT? I am leaning toward standard pine, but keep seeing everyone say PT.
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