Re: Palm Beach Boating
Watch out at the bridges over the ICW at Vero. They are no wake, and poorly marked. You may be into the no wake zone BEFORE you can see the sign. waterbourne speed trap.
A whiel back, 4 members of our cruising club got ticketed ($95) there. the next year, we were warned about them, and slowed well before the bridges. as we went thru, there they were waiting for the next victim. I commented on the radio " this borders on entrapment" The cop replied "no, just good police work"
The no-wake zones along the ICW are great revenue producers for the towns......
As far as offshore in that boat, I would say no. inlets can get crazy in a hurry, with no bad weather present.
By virtue of you asking that question, I assume you are relatively new to boating. Get some experience in the ICW and then ask yourself that question of "Am I ready for this?" No disrespect intended, but I was in a volunteer rescue agency for a while, and had to go out and get boaters in trouble before Sea Tow. They charge the boater, I didn't, so I got out.