Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 15, 2007
They have a new drug out called CHANTIX that is fantastic. The VA will give it to you if you've been on the patch a couple of times { I tried the patch 3 times and smoke away 2 times }. For you people who do not have the VA it will cost you some where around 100-150 bucks for a month and you need a script from a doc. But as they say, you more than likely spend more than that a month on cigs anyway. I've been on it about a month and a half now and it doesn't even bother me to ride in a car with some one smokeing. Haven't had a smoke in over a month and the last one I smoked made me sick and gave me a headache. These are worth the money if you need or are trying to quit, THEY WORK. I'd been smokeing since 18 years old and was smokeing 2 packs a day at 50 years old { after the heart attack }. Now I don't smoke and I don't think I'm going to start back when the pills run out. The worst time for me has been the first one of the morning and I have been eating to much hard candy but I haven't been raiding the fridge. I'm sold so far. We will see in the future if I can stay off them...ANIMAL :D


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 6, 2007
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

Congrats. Keep it up. I've been smoke free since July 3rd of 2006.
14 months now.
I did the laser treatment. I don't think it did much but I was determined to quit, so I did. It's like everything else. You gotta really wanna quit.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 14, 2007
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

Good luck on quitting.

Congrats. Keep it up. I've been smoke free since July 3rd of 2006.
14 months now.
I did the laser treatment. I don't think it did much but I was determined to quit, so I did. It's like everything else. You gotta really wanna quit.

What is the laser treatment?


Aug 8, 2003
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

I woke coughing my head off bad March 19 2005 I threw my smokes and lighters in the trash and quit cold turkey, I never to this day took a drag again, now the smell of smoke turns my stomach..........


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 15, 2007
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

Got that way when I gave up whiskey. Couldn't stand to have a bottle of the nasty stuff opened across the room...ANIMAL :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 15, 2007
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

I never heard of a laser treatment for smoking ether....ANIMAL :D


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

I heard about the laser treatment on a radio spot...... Best I can figure is they laser weld your lips shut..:D

Anywhoo.. Good on ya'll for quitting...Keep up the good work..:)


Aug 24, 2004
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

I've quit twice for about 6 months. The first time was when I got my wisdom teeth out. With all the pain meds I slept through the worst of the withdrawal and just quit cold turkey. The second time was with Welbutrin. It worked, but once it built up in my system it made me feel real jittery. It helped e to not crave cigarettes, food, sex, or anything else. It also made me not give a crap about anything. Which was good in a way as I have a mild social anxiety thing as well as being a worry wort. I stopped taking them before my prescription ran out. Both times I failed for the same reason. I thought I could have an occasional smoke without getting hooked. I was wrong. It's still good to know what's going to make you unsuccessful. I've been thinking a lot lately about giving it another go. Seems like every cold I get now turns into bronchitis and I know if I stopped smoking this wouldn't happen. I'm interested to learn more about Chantix.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 15, 2007
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

I couldn't take the Welbutrin with my heart meds and the patch never did anything for me. So far this is working great,,,now if I could just get the girlfriend to quit. Shes down to 8-10 a day now so she's trying and I'm trying not to be an A-hole about it { don't want to pee her off,,,have to sleep next to her,,,LOL }....ANIMAL :D


May 1, 2002
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

Hey I just heard about Chantix from g/f(she works in a med. office) and it's supposed to be so much better than the Wellbutrin(mood altering side effects), she doesn't want me to use the Welbutrin - I have twice in the past used the patch, works pretty good but I think I didn't use the smaller tail end 7mg(?) ones? But it's funny, I can spend ALL day and night with her and maybe have 1-2 cravings but don't light up, because i know she hates it - AND I really do want to quit, I may just try the cold turkey thing and definitely looking into Chantix. She got her grandpa to do the cold turkey thing at 83 yrs old this past March - he'd been smoking for almost 65 years!!!! He hasn't had ONE......this is a tough habit to quit though......


Feb 19, 2002
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

I'm going on my 5th month smoke free. Smoked for over 40 years. Chantix.


May 1, 2002
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

so tell us what side effects, cost, how do you feel?????!!!!!!! :)


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 6, 2007
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

laser is kinda like the accupuncture but with laser instead of needles.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

Truth be told...... you never quit :eek: but, I stopped about a year ago ....:)

I would love a cigarette anytime but it is just easier to say no. I imagine I could start tomorrow and be right back at it..... I don't want to.

So.... I am among those who have "stopped" and the smell does not bother me.... I enjoyed it. :p

It is interesting that I can be driving and smell someone smoking a few cars away. The sense of smell is great now. Food was tasting better (past tense) but the cardiologist said the stuff that taste better is really bad for me!!! :(

So, congratulations on stopping! Keep it up.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 15, 2007
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

Can't tell you much about side effects. Right now I take 2400 mg of ibuprofen, 4 hydrocodone 5 / acetaminophen 500mg per tab a day, 325 mg of aspirin, 50 mg of metoprolol tartrate, 80 mg of simvastatin, 40 mg of omeprazole, 10 mg of lisinopril, and 2 mg of clonazepam each day so I have different side effects every day. One week I'm pluged up and the next i'm trotting to bathroom every chance I get. Love it when the cops ask me if I have any drugs on me. I tell them ya I got all kinds what do you want. For some reason they never think its as funny as I do. Just about all of them cause dizziness or drowsiness and tell me I shouldn't be driveing or operating machines. Would you realy want someone takeing all those drugs working next to you?....ANIMAL :D


Jun 6, 2007
Re: Who Else Is Quitting Smoking { or needs to }

Tried everything to quit smoking for yrs, nothing worked, not even Chantix,,, recently tried it, but, after 2 attempts of it not doing anything for me but give me Bad dreams, I gave it up, and now ocassionally the bad dreams seem to return.