2 weeks ago I had my boat out and was totally stoked that I had fixed my lack of reverse and could now actaully put in with out the circus act. Now on the 12th I decided that it was time to drain the lower unit and replace the lube. I did that and it went well. Last Thursday I took it out and put in just fine. started up like normal. backed of my trailer just fine. Got the boat turned around, throttle foward and started to go with a steady climb to full speed. About half way up the power scale it leveled out then dropped to a sputter. If kept in forward it would die. I limped back to the ramp. I thought it was maybe a fouled plug. I replaced both and that did not work. I tried a few more times to get up to speed and was never able to even get up to speed as fast as I was the first time it crapped out on me. Any ideas anyone? Thank you for your help all.