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  1. S

    Settle a bet on Counter rotating props

    I was having a discussion with a buddy the other day about boats and counter rotating props. My buddy was trying to tell me that the engines were counter rotating. I said I had never heard of that. I said that the gear case is counter rotating.<br />Who is right?<br />Thanks
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    Mercury 9.8 wiring diagram

    Anyone out there have a wiring diagam for a 1979 9.8 Mercury?<br />I had posted earlier regarding stator and trigger bench testing.<br />Thanks
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    Mercury 9.8 no spark...

    I've got a 1979 Mercury 9.8 with no spark.I am more familiar with larger horsepower motors and have never really worked on a samller one.<br />Question is there only supposed to be one wire leading from the stator to the switch box and two from the trigger?<br />What are the test procedures for...
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    Help Fone Man...Anyone year of 140 hp Merc

    Thanks again in advance, if you can help me determine the year of a 140 hp Merc I'm considering buying Serial# 4868435.<br />I appreciate any assistance.<br />SOS :)
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    Help Fone Man...year of 85 hp Merc

    Hey Fone Man how are ya? Think you could help me again? I'm thinking about buying an 85hp merc serial number 7044551 just curious what year it is?<br /><br />Thanks sos :cool:
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    Weight of 1965 50 hp Merc...Corm...anyone?

    I have a 50 horse 4 cylinder Merc, Corm has helped me previously and I know he had the same motor. I am curious of it's weight and also if you are able to install four carbs on this puppy instead of two and if I would really see that much of a performance change if I could?<br /><br />Thanks in...
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    What year is this Checkmate boat?

    I have recently purchased an older 14' Checkmate boat model 11x-14 DC serial #1954 and am curious of its year and weight? Does anyone out there know this information?<br />Thanks in advance <br /><br />------------------<br />SOS <br /><br />Whatever makes your boat float!
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    Corm Help Please???50 hp Merc

    Hi Corm,<br /><br />Thanks again for your previous assistance with my 1965 50 horse Merc. I replaced the points and condenser and there was lots of spark. The engine runs great however it seems the lack top end power/speed.(24 mph at WOT) after manually trimming in all positions. <br />The boat...
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    Year of 9.8 Merc-Fone Man?

    Hi Fone Man you helped me out before with the year of my 50 hp Merc could you help me again? Serial # 7035967, Thanks in advance,<br />SOS
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    what year is this 50 hp Merc and is the stator toast?

    I have recently purchased an older 50 hp Merc the 4 cylinder. I was curious what year it is-serial number 1844663 and since there is no spark at any cylinder is the stator toast? <br />I would greatly appreciate any assistance as although I am a woman I'm pretty handy with a wrench <br />Thanks