Control replacement/update opinions


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2022
Good Morning everyone,

While I have the boat torn down I plan on going through and replacing all my control cables and was just looking for feedback on if what I am looking at sounds right.

For control, I have an original 84 Quicksilver control box, side panel mount, which I believe is from the M2 line. About 20 years ago when the upholstery was redone the shifter developed a stiff ness and sticky spot. It appears that is in the cable itself as removing the cable results in effortless control where the cable is stiff moving by hand. So for now I plan to retain the control and purchase new Gen I cables.

The only markings on the factory cable are a 13FT which I assume meant 13 feet. Measuring the cable from end to end (the brass ends not the whole cable) I also get ~13 feet. I was looking to snag either platinum plus merc cables or the TFXtremes which I believe are more or less one in the same. Both appear to be quality units and comparable in price. This would be the CCX179, does anyone disagree and recommend a different cable?

The steering side... Again, original 40 year old cable to the boat. It is a rack and pinion, full manual setup. I was thinking the Seastar back mount rack would be a suitable replacement. I haven't pulled this one to measure yet but it is probably nearly the same length. I was wondering with this more is if the no feedback rack is worth the upgrade. I get slight torque steer when hammering down the throttle before the boat comes on plane but after that, steering is fingertip light and in most cases you can let go of the wheel and the vessel continues straight. I have read that the steering of the NFB can be stiffer. Mine is pretty light and I'd prefer to not lose that feeling. I also don't necessarily think I would even benefit from a no feed back system... Was just curious what you all think about this as well.

Appreciate any input. Trying to get everything ordered now so I have it when time comes to go back together. Just trying to do things while I have some down time. Thank you.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
You have a Mercruiser, right? Usually with power steering on the Mercruisers you do not need the NFB Steering systems. You could use a trim tab (anode) to get rid of some of the torque steer, if it bothers you.

Remember NFB steering only holds the steering wheel where you let it go. You still need to turn the boat against the torque of the engine.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2022
You have a Mercruiser, right? Usually with power steering on the Mercruisers you do not need the NFB Steering systems. You could use a trim tab (anode) to get rid of some of the torque steer, if it bothers you.

Remember NFB steering only holds the steering wheel where you let it go. You still need to turn the boat against the torque of the engine.
I do have a Mercruiser, I don't have power steering but rather just a full manual rack without assist. I have the anode adjusted so I don't have the torque steer underway or anything, only when accelerating to get on plane... Basically you only feel it when it is digging out of the hole and the drive tucked under. There isn't really any resistance to turning otherwise so it does sound like I wouldn't really benefit from it then.

Thank you!


Jun 28, 2002
If you're comfortable with the present handling which it sounds like you are, I would leave it as is. New steering gear wouldn't effect the pull when getting on plane.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2022
It would address the free play I have, correct? The whole reason I am considering swapping it is I can turn the wheel almost a quarter turn with no movement out back on the steering arm or cable. I feel like this is excessive and should be like an eighth or less but I've been wrong before.

Yes, otherwise I am fine with the steering characteristics. The pull isn't bad either (not fighting to keep it straight) but rather that mild tug much like you would also feel in pretty much any fwd vehicle to exist.

Maybe just leave it alone completely if it is working as designed?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2022
10-4 on that. I'll proceed with the non NFB setup then. Thanks all!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Gee, that is a real lot of play. My neighbor had a fast (50mph) boat with a turn or more of play in the hydraulic steering. I am surprised I lived. I hope the new steering system fixes it.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2022
I realized it was a problem the first time I stood on it in a chop with the 4.3l (first time it did 46 MPH) and I almost immediately backed down on the throttle... Was not pleasant to say the least lol. Figure most of the time with the 3.0l was spent around 24 MPH...

And I will be stripping the gimbal assembly as well and inspecting the pivot pin etc to confirm there are no other issues. I want no problems out of this boat after this. (I can dream, can't I?)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
46 MPH out of a 3.0 might be a record.

I can't imagine where the play would be in a sterndrive, I do not know a lot about them.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2022
46 MPH out of a 3.0 might be a record.

I can't imagine where the play would be in a sterndrive, I do not know a lot about them.
Oh no. 46 MPH with the new 4.3. 3.0 did an absolute best of 37 MPH typically 34 MPH.

There is a square pivot pin with pinch bolts on the gimbal, the pin rounds over time causing play. Though I suspect most of it is the 40 year old rack....