I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
The National Council of Teachers of Mathmatics can't leave well enough alone. As if it isn't bad enough that so many US students are poor in math compared to our foreign friends (you know the kids coming here from China and India and getting the programming and engineering jobs), they NCTM wants to make it even easier for kids by removing basic math skills from the class room. They feel a calulator is all a kid needs....

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) equates "math reform" with the ideas currently found in Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (PSSM), a 402 page revision of the NCTM Standards. The NCTM calls it "standards-based" math. Opponents call it "fuzzy" math or "new-new math." Regardless of the name, "reform math" is characterized by an endorsement of "constructivist" teaching methods and a rejection of the content and skills of traditional K-12 math.
The NCTM has redefined the goals of K-12 math education. They believe that $5 calculators now cover most of arithmetic, graphing calculators now cover most of algebra, and computers now cover most of the remainder of K-12 math. The NCTM also believe that traditional K-12 math only serves the needs of "the elite," and they know that most K-12 math teachers are poorly prepared to teach tradtional K-12 math. Putting it all together, the NCTM emphasizes math appreciation and social goals, not traditional K-12 math. They promote minimal learning expectations, with the constant use of calculators and hands-on manipulatives.

They don't believe in memorization of the basic times table (calulators do it for you), basic fractions (1 cup or 1/8 cup of salt, no real difference in the meal, right?). And lets not even bring up pre-mix fuel. Its out of control. Luckly for us, there are lots of teachers upset about this, and parents are furious that their kids aren't being taught to add or subtract.

The NCTM just don't feel your kids need these skills in todays world. Besides, learing is just too hard or grade school children....


Jun 19, 2005
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

The liberals need uneducated ignorant people that are dependent upon the care of the elite BIG BOTHER class.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

That's exactly right. In order to further your agenda you need pawns. Nothing like a bunch of stupid ignorant kids growing up to ensure the liberal agenda has followers in the future.

Smart move by dem dare democrats.

Like someone's signature says, I think maybe plainsman's, "Vote democrat, it's easier than thinking!"


Jul 28, 2004
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Man, that's more stupid then making Spanish a required language. Gas is $3/gal.....here is $15, how much gas can you get?........Ummmm....I don't know....U got a calculator??


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

That is why my wife and I will be homeschooling our youngest. She STARTS kindergarten in the fall and already is learning her multiplication tables and reading ...

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

But wouldn't that leave more time for sex education?......;)

I find that alot of people that have worked for me in the past did not have a good grasp of measurement & fractions......
Such as 5/8" is two past a half......:rolleyes:
I do believe that it is time to truly give the English standard of measurement the heave-ho........
Metric is a far easier system, & should be taught in school.....
The english system should be deleted from the curriculum forcing students to learn the correct way.......:)
I thought that was supposed to happen thirty years ago anyway.....:rolleyes:


Jun 19, 2005
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

The metric system is a communist plot. Free countries use the English system. It's not hard to learn if you make a little effort.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

The metric system is a communist plot. Free countries use the English system. It's not hard to learn if you make a little effort.
:D.....England doesn't even use English measurement....
Pretty sure only the US still does..........:)


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 18, 2006
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

The US is converting to metric - we're just inching towards it :D


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Ummm, some of you guys are going a bit overboard, arent you? This is just a different idea, not communism.

My son just finished 5th grade it seems they taught him a blend of both ideas. He knows his math facts, and how to work word problems. They had a lot of word problems because the state run testing requires it.

In college, calculators were mostly useless, cause there were rarely any numbers on the test, just concepts and "solve for x".



Seaman Apprentice
May 13, 2007
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

I was pretty upset when I learned that they're not teaching anything about the history of the space program in public schools anymore. These kids will have no idea of the trials and tribulations that determination and human spirit can conquer.
I'm active in amateur rocketry and have a passion for the space programs of yesteryear and what's coming... I think the shuttle program has really caused a stagnation. The new moon program is starting to breathe new life into space though.
We've got four kids, ALL of them are learning about the AMAZING feats we accomplished in the 60's with a HUGE amount of WILL and BALLS!
If we hadn't been to the moon yet, and we got into the space race NOW... it'd take 30 years to accomplish now what we did in less than 10 in the 60's. Too much namby pamby crap.

Just my opinion... ;)


Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Yabut, did we really land on the moon?.......;)


Apr 10, 2005
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Want to borrow my abacus? It has been around a few years, seems the Chinese wont go anywhere without one. Plus it doesn’t require batteries.


<<Wherever a Chinese goes, be it New York, London,Bombay, Sidney or Buenos Aires, the Abacus goeswith him. Chinese government officials, bankers,financiers, office clerks, junk dealers, and house wives depend largely upon it for their counting in the same manner, as a child depends on his mother. The Chinese is so dependent on the Abacus that he finds it awkward to make even simple calculations without one.>>

I also have a slide rule laying around here somewhere, haven’t seen it in a few years.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

the NCTM emphasizes math appreciation and social goals, not traditional K-12 math.

The way I look at it is this: The appreciation one has by looking at a picture of a baby is lot different than the appreciation one gets from doing the work to make their own. ;)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Dump the Federal Dept of Educations, like the Republicans said they would do, declaw the NEA and let these decisions go back to the state and local level and this problem will evaporate.

I totally agree that there is a purposeful attempt to dumb down the populace of the USA.

It is already recognized that Hillary is only doing well with those on the bottom of society's rung. Just exactly what they have been aiming for.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Seems like things have gone 180*.....
I remember when you had to show your work & were not allowed to use a calculator in class......:eek:


Jun 19, 2005
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

:D.....England doesn't even use English measurement....
Pretty sure only the US still does..........:)

We should not submit to what inferior socialist societies want us to do. The rest of the world should follow our example, not the other way around. The one world government being set up by the U.N., the Illuminati and their allies need us all to use the same systems. They want us to rewrite our Constitution to conform to their form of complete government control.
They are trying to kill Christianity. They are trying to take our guns to leave us defenseless.
The educational system's goal is to make Americans deaf, blind, and dumb so they can take over and dominate.
Maybe we should discontinue using the dollar and go to Euros.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

We should not submit to what inferior socialist societies want us to do. The rest of the world should follow our example, not the other way around. The one world government being set up by the U.N., the Illuminati and their allies need us all to use the same systems. They want us to rewrite our Constitution to conform to their form of complete government control.
They are trying to kill Christianity. They are trying to take our guns to leave us defenseless.
The educational system's goal is to make Americans deaf, blind, and dumb so they can take over and dominate.
Maybe we should discontinue using the dollar and go to Euros.
Well, they are worth more........:(
Glad I went to France when a buck was worth something......
Sorry, but metric is a much smarter way of measurement all the way around......
How many yards are in a furlong, btw.....
How close is Addison to Saratoga?.......:D


Apr 10, 2005
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Quote ricksrster

The one world government being set up by the U.N., the Illuminati and their allies need us all to use the same systems. They want us to rewrite our Constitution to conform to their form of complete government control.
They are trying to kill Christianity. They are trying to take our guns to leave us defenseless.

Hark, is that black helicopters I see on the horizon???:confused::D