The first winner I saw was my uncle purchased a 1968 winner cougar with a 165 mercruiser the look the lines the way the boat made people look a second time like me. The first time I saw it I new that was the boat I wanted. I was finally able to buy this wildcat from my brother because of terable auto accident and he needed cash. He really took care of it and liked it as well but crap happens. Over last year I pulled head ( due to sticky valve) head looked great so I hand lapped valves, installed new valve springs rebuilt carb ( with bigger jets ) polished carb inside for better air flow, ported heads with gasket glueing, new quick bleed lifters, new fuel pump, new alt, electronic ignition, naw alt, new carpet and new interior with lots of support and new seats from brother( great brother always has been) pulled dash repaired small crack reinstall gauges and re wired, remove some striping and replaced with some new, built new side panels with some new padding and some aluminum decor and decals not yet installed new water pump ( lower unit ). Still. Not done yet but very close . If you like what you have you will be proud to own and happy that you own it Married for 38 years and wife and I agree that this was the best investment because it kept our family close as we used this boat a lot and kept our daughters close and had more fun than I can than we all imigined, still very close family. Best thing I ever did for family, way to much fun to belive