Need installation advice with Vinyl flooring on aluminum


Dec 22, 2015
I will be laying some Nautolex vinyl flooring this weekend in my bass tracker boat I've been restoring and have a few questions.

1. Should I wrap the vinyl around the edges of the 1/8 aluminum flooring or just cut it flush with the edge and trim it out with some flat stock to keep the edge from peeling up? I know usually with wood I've seen that most of you have wrapped it around and stapled it to the backside but with aluminum I can't.
2. Can I drill through the vinyl before riveting my floor down or will it grab and tear it? Thinking of predrilling but finding the holes once the vinyl is down may be a challenge.
3. Any tips on doing inside the ledge of the hatch openings? Does this stuff flex enough?

Thanks in advance, any tips are appreciated. I will be using contact cement and applying to both the aluminum and the vinyl before putting it down.